IBA ibaPDA-Multistation Owner's manual

  • Hello! I have reviewed the ibaPDA-Multistation user manual. This document details how to use ibaPDA software for synchronized data acquisition across multiple systems. I am knowledgeable about its features, including the synchronized data recording, trigger management, and connection configurations. Feel free to ask any questions about the ibaPDA-Multistation system or its operation I will do my best to assist you.
  • What is ibaPDA-Multistation used for?
    How are the ibaPDA systems synchronized in a multistation network?
    Can unsynchronized stations participate in the multistation network?
    What type of network connection is used?
Measure and record synchronously with multiple
ibaPDA systems
Issue 2.0
Measurement Systems for Industry and Energy
iba AG
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© iba AG 2022, All rights reserved.
The content of this publicaon has been checked for compliance with the described hardware
and soware. Nevertheless, discrepancies cannot be ruled out, and we do not provide guaran-
tee for complete conformity. However, the informaon furnished in this publicaon is updated
regularly. Required correcons are contained in the following regulaons or can be downloaded
on the Internet.
The current version is available for download on our web site www.iba-ag.com.
Version Date Revision Author Version SW
2.0 10-2022 Slave without master, Unsynchronized staons,
new version ibaPDA v8
RM 8.0.0
Windows® is a brand and registered trademark of Microso Corporaon. Other product and
company names menoned in this manual can be labels or registered trademarks of the corre-
sponding owners.
2.0 3
ibaPDA-Mulstaon Content
1 Aboutthisdocumentaon ................................................................................................4
1.1 Target group and previous knowledge ..................................................................... 4
1.2 Notaons .................................................................................................................. 4
1.3 Used symbols ............................................................................................. ...............5
2 System requirements ........................................................................................................6
2.1 Hardware ..................................................................................................................6
2.2 Soware ................................................................................................................... 6
3 Introducon ...................................................................................................................... 7
4 Funconalprinciple ...........................................................................................................8
4.1 Connecons in detail ..............................................................................................10
4.2 Timing and synchronizaon .................................................................................... 12
5 ConguraonandengineeringibaPDA ............................................................................ 15
5.1 Conguraon as mulstaon master ..................................................................... 16
5.2 Conguraon as mulstaon slave ........................................................................ 18
5.3 Trigger conguraon ..............................................................................................19
6 Operaon ........................................................................................................................ 23
6.1 Start of the acquision ........................................................................................... 23
6.2 Dealing with connecon problems ......................................................................... 24
7 Unsynchronizedstaons .................................................................................................25
7.1 Congure mulstaon master for unsynchronized staons ................................... 26
7.2 Conguraon as Slave without Master ................................................................... 27
7.3 Sengs for unsynchronized staons ...................................................................... 27
7.4 Diagnoscs tab ....................................................................................................... 28
7.5 Trigger pool ............................................................................................. ................ 29
8 Diagnoscs ......................................................................................................................30
8.1 Diagnoscs tab ....................................................................................................... 30
8.2 Data storage status .................................................................................................31
8.3 MulStaonStatus() funcon ................................................................................. 31
9 Supportandcontact ........................................................................................................ 32
4 2.0
About this documentaon ibaPDA-Mulstaon
1 Aboutthisdocumentaon
This documentaon describes the funcon and applicaon of the soware
1.1 Targetgroupandpreviousknowledge
This manual is aimed at qualied professionals who are familiar with handling electrical and
electronic modules as well as communicaon and measurement technology. A person is regard-
ed as professional if he/she is capable of assessing safety and recognizing possible consequenc-
es and risks on the basis of his/her specialist training, knowledge and experience and knowl-
edge of the standard regulaons.
1.2 Notaons
In this manual, the following notaons are used:
Acon Notaon
Menu command Menu Logic diagram
Calling the menu command Step 1 – Step 2 – Step 3 – Step x
Select the menu Logic diagram – Add – New funcon
Keys <Key name>
Example: <Alt>; <F1>
Press the keys simultaneously <Key name> + <Key name>
Example: <Alt> + <Ctrl>
Buons <Key name>
Example: <OK>; <Cancel>
Filenames, paths Filename, Path
Example: Test.docx
2.0 5
ibaPDA-Mulstaon About this documentaon
1.3 Usedsymbols
If safety instrucons or other notes are used in this manual, they mean:
■ Observe the specied measures.
■ Observe the specied measures.
■ Observe the specied measures
A note species special requirements or acons to be observed.
Tip or example as a helpful note or insider p to make the work a lile bit easier.
Reference to addional documentaon or further reading.
6 2.0
System requirements ibaPDA-Mulstaon
2 System requirements
2.1 Hardware
■ ibaPDA computer as per the currently valid minimum requirements (see ibaPDA manual)
■ ibaFOB-D input card for the measuring signals in every parcipang computer, rmware
version D3
■ For the so-called mulstaon master computer:
1 ibaFOB-4i-D (or - Dexp) + ibaFOB-4o-D
The module ibaFOB-4o-D must be connected to the socket for the mirror mode (white socket
on the card board).
The ibaFOB-io-D/Dexp and ibaFOB-2io-D/Dexp cards are also suitable. The ibaFOB-4o-D mod-
ule can also be aached to these cards.
■ For the so-called mulstaon slave computer:
At least 1 free ibaFOB-D input channel for synchronizaon (not required for "unsynchronized
■ 2 separate network interfaces on all parcipang computers
2.2 Soware
■ ibaPDA V7.1.0 or higher
■ Mulstaon license required
Order no. Product name Descripon
30.001930 ibaPDA-Mulstaon Extension license for ibaPDA to enable
mulstaon operaon
This license is required for each comput-
er in a mulstaon network.
2.0 7
ibaPDA-Mulstaon Introducon
3 Introducon
Mulstaon operaon is an extension of the ibaPDA funcon, which oers highly accurate, syn-
chronized data acquision on mulple ibaPDA computers.
Mulstaon operaon is used in cases where the number of the necessary measuring signals
exceeds the total capacity of the input cards in a computer or if a spaally separated yet syn-
chronized acquision will be carried out.
This situaon frequently occurs when the acquision of many signals with a high sampling rate
via ibaFOB cards is required; for example, in the eld of energy measurement technology.
If there is an insucient number of slots for input cards in a computer to accommodate all mea-
suring channels from a plant, then the only opon is to install addional ibaPDA computers and
distribute the inputs to the respecve systems.
In principle, the systems can be me-synchronized via NTP, PTP, DCF77 or similar methods. How-
ever, sample-accurate synchronous measurement on all systems is not possible in this way. Fur-
thermore, these are independent ibaPDA systems that can start and stop their measurements
at dierent mes.
The start mes of the data les from the dierent systems may also dier. When viewing the
data les in ibaAnalyzer it is dicult to align the les accurately.
Mulstaon operaon ensures that all parcipang ibaPDA systems can acquire and store the
signals absolutely synchronously with a synchronizaon accuracy of less than one sample.
A comprehensive trigger management system ensures that the systems in a mulstaon net-
work can exchange trigger events with each other and thus synchronously control each other's
data storage.
The trigger signals are transmied with high accuracy. Therefore, the actuaon of a trigger on
one ibaPDA system can simultaneously start or stop the recording on any other ibaPDA system.
This also makes it possible to congure individual pre- or post-trigger mes for the data storage.
This funcon is especially useful if the parcipang ibaPDA systems are widely separated and
the connected plants are technically related, e.g., as is oen the case with energy transmission
systems. Interacons or subsequent events in connected plants can thus be proven.
If, during the subsequent analysis, the measurement les from the dierent ibaPDA systems are
opened with ibaAnalyzer, it is as if the signals had been recorded with one single system.
A pleasant side eect is the minimal wiring eort, as signals that may be useful for mulple
ibaPDA systems must only be wired once.
8 2.0
Funconal principle ibaPDA-Mulstaon
4 Funconalprinciple
Mulstaon operaon enables synchronized data acquision by mulple ibaPDA systems and
mutual control of the data recording.
Typical and previously realized conguraons comprise 3 to 5 ibaPDA systems. A
mulstaon network cannot comprise more than 5 systems (1 master + 4 slaves)
due to device limitaons.
One system is designated mulstaon master, the other systems are mulstaon slaves.
There are 2 connecons between master and slave:
■ Network connecon for the transmission of control signals between master and slave (start,
stop acquision, watchdog, trigger, etc.)
■ ibaNet ber opc cable connecon between ibaFOB-D cards for transmission of the synchro-
nizaon clock (in case of mulple slaves, they are connected in a star conguraon from the
master to the slaves)
2.0 9
ibaPDA-Mulstaon Funconal principle
In the overall system, 2 separate networks must be installed, to which the parcipang ibaPDA
computers are connected:
■ Mulstaon network which only connects the ibaPDA computers and serves to transfer the
mulstaon communicaon
■ Network for general access to the ibaPDA computers, also externally, e.g., to open or copy
data les ("plant network" in the gure above)
The connecons established via the mulstaon network are dierenated according to three
1. Connecon between the master and synchronized slaves for synchronized start and stop of
acquision and exchange of trigger denions
2. Connecon between synchronized computers (master-slaves and slave-slave) for triggering
with trigger name and parameters; these connecons only exist when the acquision is run-
3. Connecon to unsynchronized computers for exchange of trigger denions and trigger ac-
tuaon. Unsynchronized computers are either "slaves without master" or masters of dier-
ent mulstaon staons, which are connected to each other.
10 2.0
Funconal principle ibaPDA-Mulstaon
4.1 Conneconsindetail
The master staon is connected with every slave staon via a ber opc cable, which leads from
an output of an ibaFOB-4o-D card in the master to an input of an ibaFOB-4i-D card in the slave.
The ibaFOB-4o-D module must be connected to the mirror socket of an ibaFOB-4i-D card (white
connector on the card).
The ibaFOB card in the slave must be congured as interrupt master (internal), as it clocks possi-
ble other cards in the slave computer.
The master sends a clock signal via the ber opc cable, which allows the other staons to sam-
ple the measuring data at the exactly same me. Furthermore, this clock signal is transmied to
the connected signal sources of the slaves (e.g. ibaPADU-M, ibaPADU-S-CM, ibaPADU-S-IT, iba-
Link-VME, etc.), so that these devices can measure in the exact same clock.
ibaPDA knows and compensates the protocol-related me delays during the transmission and
such enables a perfect synchronizaon of the signals, which are sent with dierent ber opc
protocols from dierent devices.
For unsynchronized staons or Slaves without Master that are parcipants in a mulstaon net-
work, no FO synchronizaon connecon is required.
2.0 11
ibaPDA-Mulstaon Funconal principle
Besides the ber opc synchronizaon connecon, an Ethernet network is used between all
staons. This way, two dierent kinds of network connecons are created:
■ Control connecons, with the funcons...
Transmission of start and stop commands
Monitoring (Watchdog)
Negoaon of the ming between the staons in the starng phase
Check for validaon errors
Control of the exactly synchronous start of the acquision
Ensuring synchronized data processing on all staons
Trigger conguraon
■ Data connecons, with the funcons...
Transmission of trigger events
The control and data connecons are established during the starng phase between master and
slave(s). If more than 1 slave is in the network, data connecons are established between the
slaves, so that every staon has a data connecon to all other staons. Via the control connec-
on, specic telegrams are exchanged between the staons, which contain the system me of
the master and furthermore informaon regarding the dened trigger events, which have been
calculated based on the data volume to be processed.
The acquision does not start before every staon has received a data telegram by all of the
other staons.
An exact synchronizaon of the system mes of the parcular staons is not necessary, because
all staons use the system me of the master for the data les.
12 2.0
Funconal principle ibaPDA-Mulstaon
4.2 Timingandsynchronizaon
In mulstaon operaon, a basic disncon is made between synchronized and non-synchro-
nized operaon.
In a mulstaon network, starng from the mulstaon master, all connected staons are syn-
chronized via the ibaNet ber opc link with regard to the acquision. The following gure rep-
resents the processes in synchronized operaon as a diagram.
The mulstaon master species the date, me, and the highly accurate clock for all parci-
pants. Ideally, the system mes of all parcipants are based on an accurate me source, e.g., a
GPS clock via PTP protocol. However, the respecve system mes are irrelevant with regard to
synchronizaon of the acquision on the individual staons.
With the ibaFOB card in the mulstaon master, a highly accurate clock in the nanosecond
range is generated, which is used as a counter value. This clock or running counter value is
transmied via the ber opc link to the ibaFOB cards of the staons in order to synchronize
At the same me, the counter value, together with the date and me from the master, is sent to
the staons via the network connecon (mulstaon LAN). All staons thus have the same me
with regard to the acquision, even if the system mes are dierent.
When a trigger event occurs at one of the staons, it sends a telegram that contains the trigger
name as well as the date, me, and counter reading from the clock source. Since all staons
have the same me informaon and counter readings, the trigger event can also be correctly
and accurately classied on the other computers. This even works if there is latency between
sending and receiving the telegram, e.g., due to long distances.
2.0 13
ibaPDA-Mulstaon Funconal principle
The receiving staons take the me stamp from the telegram to start the corresponding data
le and select the samples according to the counter reading. The start me of the data le is the
me of the trigger event minus a trigger lead me, if congured. Nevertheless, the me stamp
of the trigger event is applied to the le name.
In non-synchronized operaon, there is no synchronizaon via the ibaNet ber opc link. This
may be the case, for example, if a mulstaon master fails or is not available. Any computers
operang in the mulstaon network as a "slave without master" also use this operang mode.
The following diagram illustrates the processes for non-synchronized operaon.
In non-synchronized operaon, the ibaNet ber opc link between the staons is either absent
or cannot be used because the master has failed. In this case, the staons work autonomously,
i.e., they start and stop the acquision independently, use their own clock counter, and date
their data les with their own system me.
Only the mulstaon network (mulstaon LAN) is available for communicaon. When a trigger
event occurs at one of the staons, it sends a telegram that contains the trigger name, its own
clock count, and its own date and me.
The receiving staons take the me stamp from the telegram and le it on the basis of their
own me in order to date the data le and select the appropriate samples. The start me of the
data le is the me of the trigger event minus a trigger lead me, if congured. Nevertheless,
the me stamp of the trigger event is applied to the le name.
Due to this approach, it is very important that the system mes of all staons are as close to
idencal as possible. Since the system me on a computer is relavely inaccurate unless it is set
14 2.0
Funconal principle ibaPDA-Mulstaon
regularly, e.g., at least by the Windows service, the mes on the dierent staons would begin
to diverge relavely quickly.
All computers in the mulstaon network should therefore be fed the date and me via a me
server. For this purpose, ibaPDA oers various opons such as NTP, PTP, DCF77 or ibaClock
The best fallback strategy in the event that the connecon to the master is lost is to ensure that
the me on all computers is as accurate as possible.
2.0 15
ibaPDA-Mulstaon Conguraon and engineering ibaPDA
5 ConguraonandengineeringibaPDA
The conguraon of the mulstaon operaon is made in the I/O manager of ibaPDA. You can
nd the setup dialog in the I/O manager on the node General, sub-node: Mulstaon.
Mulstaon mode Note
Standalone (default) Mulstaon operaon is disabled, the ibaPDA system oper-
ates autonomously. In the interface tree this is indicated by
the symbol.
Master Select this mode on the ibaPDA system that will operate as
the mulstaon master. The ber opc hardware for the dis-
tribuon of the synchronizaon clock (ibaFOB card with an
ibaFOB-4o-D module at the mirror port) must be available in
this computer. In addion, the computer must be connected
to the mulstaon network.
Slave Select this mode on all ibaPDA systems that will be synchro-
nized by the master in the mulstaon network. Each slave
computer requires an ibaNet FO connecon to the master. In
addion, the computer must be connected to the mulstaon
Slave without Master Select this mode on an ibaPDA system that will be connected
to the mulstaon network to exchange global triggers, but
otherwise collects its data independently. This system is not
synchronized by the master and therefore does not require
an ibaNet FO connecon. A connecon to the mulstaon
network is sll required. See ì Unsynchronized staons,
page 25.
16 2.0
Conguraon and engineering ibaPDA ibaPDA-Mulstaon
5.1 Conguraonasmulstaonmaster
1. To congure a system as the mulstaon master, select "Master" in the mulstaon mode
Further elements will appear in the dialog.
2. At rst, all of the involved slave systems must be entered into the table. For this purpose,
click on the buon with the plus-symbol.
A staon browser is opened in which all ibaPDA servers that are acve in the network are
The mode of the ibaPDA systems is displayed along with the computer name, IP address,
port number and ibaPDA version.
The color of the lines has the following meaning:
Green: This staon supports mulstaon operaon and the computer is already in the
slave mode.
Orange: This staon supports mulstaon operaon and the computer is not in the right
mode (Standalone or Slave without Master).
Red: This staon does not support mulstaon operaon. (Soware upgrade necessary).
3. Select a computer that should be run as mulstaon slave.
If the computer in queson is in Standalone or Slave without Master mode, a note will ap-
pear with the queson if the mode should be switched.
2.0 17
ibaPDA-Mulstaon Conguraon and engineering ibaPDA
4. Conrm with <Yes>. The acquision on the slave system is then stopped, the system is set
into the mulstaon slave mode and is then ready to be started together with the master
5. If requested, you can name the slave computer (“Name” column). When using the staon
browser, the name of the computer is applied by default.
6. In the "Address" column, enter the IP address or the computer name if it has not been en-
tered by the staon browser yet.
7. The same applies to the port number. Please note, that all involved computers in the mul-
staon network use the same port number.
8. Select nally the link of an ibaFOB-4o-D output card (mirror module) of the master, which is
connected to the according slave computer with an input of the ibaFOB-D input card (inter-
rupt master). The slave is synchronized via this link.
9. Repeat steps 2 to 8 unl all slave staons are connected.
The "Start meout” parameter denes the waing me of the system, unl it has established
a connecon with the other staons for the start of the acquision. If the acquision must be
started on a slave system, e.g., aer a change of the I/O conguraon, the system will wait
for a response from the master for this amount of me. If the connecon to the master is not
achieved in this me, the systems starts in the standalone mode. The default port is 9175. The
master and all slaves in a mulstaon network must use the same port number.
Under the table containing the slaves you can congure the support for "Unsynchronized sta-
ons", see also ì Unsynchronized staons, page 25.
18 2.0
Conguraon and engineering ibaPDA ibaPDA-Mulstaon
5.2 Conguraonasmulstaonslave
Usually, every system can be congured as mulstaon slave when conguring the mulstaon
master (see above, step 3 and 4).
If you want to congure a system as a mulstaon slave via its own I/O manager, click on Slave
in the Mulstaon mode drop-down menu.
Further elements appear in the dialog.
The port number and the value for the start meout can be set for a slave. The port number
must be idencal to the port number of the master (default 9175).
You can also congure support for "Unsynchronized Staons", see ì Unsynchronized staons,
page 25.
The connecon setup is always carried out from master to slave, so the slave does not need to
know the name or the address of the master.
As soon as a staon has been switched to slave mode, a "Mulstaon sync module" is added on
the rst free link of the ibaFOB-D card (interrupt master) in the I/O manager of the staon con-
This module has – like other modules – the tabs General, Analog and Digital. However, these
sengs and values are intended for internal management and debugging. They have no prac-
cal use for the user.
Do not change the mebase seng, as this is already preset properly.
The module supplies two signals:
Analog value "Sync counter", a 24 bit sync-message counter
Digital signal "Clock", a digital pulse signal running in 1 ms clock (interrupt)
These signals are also available in the signal tree for display and in the signal selecon of the
data stores.
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ibaPDA-Mulstaon Conguraon and engineering ibaPDA
5.3 Triggerconguraon
In a mulstaon network, a trigger can be used by one staon to start or stop the data storage
on another staon. For this purpose there are so-called "global triggers". Global trigger is a
property of the trigger modules, which can be enabled or disabled in the general module set-
ngs. If this property is set to True, all trigger signals on this module are treated as global trig-
gers and can be used to control data storage on other staons.
The global trigger module is then available in the data storage conguraon of all of the other
staons in the mulstaon network and can only be enabled in the start or stop trigger pool.
The global trigger module is listed in the trigger pool with one line and a reference to the orig-
inal staon. It can only be enabled enrely, the access to parcular global trigger signals is not
possible. In terms of a logical OR operaon a trigger is red, if one of the global trigger signals
(on the source staon) trips.
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Conguraon and engineering ibaPDA ibaPDA-Mulstaon
If a global trigger occurs, a telegram is sent from the concerned staon to all other staons over
the data connecons (network). This telegram contains, amongst others, the following informa-
Sample number
Name of the trigger event
The transmission of the sample number ensures, that the trigger event is inserted in any data
le at the same sample number. As all systems count completely synchronously, a clear assign-
ment is on hand. Only by dierent pre- and post-trigger mes at the storage conguraon, dif-
ferent intervals, e.g., from the starng point of the data le to the trigger event, can be present
in the data les.
The transmission of the trigger name provides for the informaon which event tripped the trig-
ger. As the trigger name can be used for the generaon of a data le name, data les are creat-
ed that can be clearly assigned to a trigger event.
To include the trigger name into the le name you must enable the opon “Add start trigger
name” in the conguraon dialog of the data storage, le node.
This opon is only available, if the trigger sengs of the storage “Use the start trigger pool” or
“Use the stop trigger pool” was selected as trigger type.
The gure shows a conguraon consisng of 4 ibaPDA systems.