Sampl es should only be tested from indivi d ua l s who are 15 da ys
or more post sympto m onset. Negative results do not pre cl u d e
acute SARS-CoV-2 infection. If acute infection is suspected,
dir ect testing for SARS-CoV-2 is necessary.
Results from antibo d y testing should not be used as to dia g n o s e
or exclude SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Positive results may be due to past or present infection with
non-SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus strains such as coronavirus
HKU1, NL63, OC43, or 229E.
Not fo r the screen i ng of donated blood.
A positive result may not indicate previous SARS-CoV-2
infect io n . Consider other inform a ti o n , includ i ng clinical his t o r y
and lo ca l disease prevalence, in assessi ng the need fo r a seco n d
but d i ffe r e n t serolog y test to co n fi r m an immun e respons e .
It is unknown at this time if the presence of antibodies to
SARS-CoV-2 confer s immunity to infection.
The performance of this test has not been established in
indivi d ua ls that have recei ve d a COVID -1 9 vacci n e . The clin i c a l
significa n ce of a positive or negative antibody result follo wi n g
COVID -1 9 vaccina tio n has not been establis h e d , and the res u lt
from this test should not be interpreted as an indication or
degree of protect i on from i n fe ct i o n aft e r vaccination.
The performance of this test was established based on the
evalua ti o n of a limited number of clini ca l speci m e ns colle c t e d
between June 2020 and October 2020 and between May 2020
and June 2020 for lab-based studies conducted in the United
States and in India, respecti v ely . For POC studies samples were
collected between June 2020 and August 2020 in the United
States. The cl i ni cal performance has not been established in
all cir cu l a t i n g varian ts but is anticip a te d to be r e fle ct i v e of the
pr eva l e nt variants in cir cu l a t i o n at the time and lo ca t io n of the
clinica l eva lu a ti o n . Perfor m a n ce at the time of testing may va ry
depend in g on the variant s cir cul a t i n g , includi n g newly emer g i n g
strains of SARS-CoV-2 and their prevale n ce , which change o ve r
Proper sample colle ct i o n is critica l fo r optimal test perfor m a n c e .
The CovAbTM SARS-CoV-2 Ab Test must be used in accor dan ce
with the instructions in this product insert to obtain accurate
This test uses a biotin-streptavidin interacti o n fo r generat ing the
Control Line. Testing sampl es collect e d from su bje ct s with hi g h
doses of biotin intake may ca u se inva li d or erroneo u s test results .