The pedals are attached to the bike by screwing them into the pedal arms. Each
pedal is marked clearly R for right and L for Left. Use the multitool and tighten to
40 nm. Check for the letters “L” or “R” either as stickers or on the ends of the
pedals to show which side the pedal needs to be fitted to.
(5) Attach Pedals
To fit the right hand pedal
1. Fit to chain side of cycle.
2. The pedal tightens in an clockwise direction
3. Locate thread by hand, fit and tighten.
4. Use the multitool to finish tightening.
1. Fit to NON chain side of cycle.
2. The pedal tightens in an anti-clockwise direction
3. Locate thread by hand, fit and tighten.
4. Use the multitool to finish tightening.
To fit the left hand pedal
Quick Assembly Guide