Information Builders iWay 3270 User manual

  • Hello! I've analyzed the iWay Emulation Adapter (3270/5250) User's Guide and I'm ready to assist you. This document covers how to use the adapter to integrate mainframe logic with modern applications, focusing on capturing screen data, creating Remote Procedure Calls (RPC), and using emulation modes. Ask me anything about using the Telnet Designer, creating transaction modules, or setting up secure connections.
  • What are the main components of the Telnet Adapter?
    What does the RPC mode allow you to do?
    What is the purpose of Recorder mode?
iWay Emulation Adapter
(3270/5250) User's Guide
Version 7.0.x and Higher
August 16, 2018
Active Technologies, EDA, EDA/SQL, FIDEL, FOCUS, Information Builders, the Information Builders logo, iWay, iWay
Software, Parlay, PC/FOCUS, RStat, Table Talk, Web390, WebFOCUS, WebFOCUS Active Technologies, and WebFOCUS
Magnify are registered trademarks, and DataMigrator and Hyperstage are trademarks of Information Builders, Inc.
Adobe, the Adobe logo, Acrobat, Adobe Reader, Flash, Adobe Flash Builder, Flex, and PostScript are either registered
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Due to the nature of this material, this document refers to numerous hardware and software products by their
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cautioned to investigate all claimed trademark rights before using any of these names other than to refer to the product
Copyright © 2018, by Information Builders, Inc. and iWay Software. All rights reserved. Patent Pending. This manual, or
parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of Information Builders, Inc.
Preface ......................................................................... 5
Documentation Conventions ............................................................5
Related Publications .................................................................. 6
Customer Support .................................................................... 6
Help Us to Serve You Better ............................................................7
User Feedback .......................................................................9
Information Builders Consulting and Training ............................................. 9
1. Introducing the iWay Emulation Adapter (3270/5250) ..........................11
Integrating Mainframe Logic ...........................................................11
iWay Emulation Adapter (3270/5250) Components..................................12
Remote Procedure Call Development Mode ............................................. 12
Emulating and Recording Mainframe Sessions......................................12
Development Roadmap..........................................................13
Installing the iWay Emulation Adapter (3270/5250) ......................................14
Deployment Information for the iWay Emulation Adapter (3270/5250) ......................15
Deployment Information Roadmap.................................................15
iWay Service Manager...........................................................16
iWay Explorer...................................................................16
iWay Business Services Provider..................................................16
2. Understanding Telnet Designer ................................................19
Navigating Telnet Designer ............................................................20
Telnet Designer Menu Options ........................................................ 21
Working With Telnet Designer Projects ..................................................23
Project Tab.....................................................................24
Telnet Designer Tools ................................................................25
Emulator Tool.................................................................. 25
Player Server Tool...............................................................30
3. Using Remote Procedure Call Mode ........................................... 33
Remote Procedure Call Mode Overview .................................................33
Creating a Transaction Module ........................................................34
iWay Emulation Adapter (3270/5250) User's Guide 3
Accessing the Mainframe Application..............................................34
Capturing a Transaction..........................................................39
Testing the RPC Program.........................................................47
Generating the RPC Program..................................................... 49
4. Creating XML Schemas and iWay Business Services ............................53
Creating an Adapter Transaction .......................................................53
Understanding iWay Business Services .................................................56
Creating iWay Emulation Adapter (3270/5250) iWay Business Services .....................56
5. Using Emulation and Recorder Modes ......................................... 59
Using Emulation Mode ............................................................... 59
About Recorder Mode ................................................................61
Creating a Prerecorded File ........................................................... 62
Developing Against a Prerecorded File ..................................................66
A. Emulator Keyboard Mapping .................................................. 69
Emulator Keyboard Mapping .......................................................... 69
4 Information Builders
This documentation describes how to install, configure, and use the iWay Emulation Adapter
(3270/5250). It is intended for system administrators who are responsible for planning an
enterprise software environment.
Note: This Release 7.0.x content is currently being updated to support iWay Release 8.0.x
software. In the meantime, it can serve as a reference for your use of iWay Release 8. If you
have any questions, please contact [email protected].
How This Manual Is Organized
This manual includes the following chapters:
Chapter/Appendix Contents
1 Introducing the iWay
Emulation Adapter
Provides an overview of the iWay Emulation Adapter
(3270/5250) and describes how to install it.
2 Understanding Telnet
Describes the Telnet Designer user interface. This
includes a description of available menus and
3 Using Remote Procedure Call
Describes how to use the iWay Emulation Adapter
(3270/5250) to create a Remote Procedure Call
(RPC) of an emulation session and save it as a
stand-alone Java program.
4 Creating XML Schemas and
iWay Business Services
Describes how to create XML schemas and iWay
Business Services that will be used to execute the
iWay Emulation Adapter (3270/5250).
5 Using Emulation and
Recorder Modes
Describes how to use Emulation mode, which
allows you to access a mainframe session directly
from your workstation, and how to use Recorder
Mode, which allows you to record an emulation
session so that you can play back at a later time to
simulate a live mainframe session.
A Emulator Keyboard Mapping Describes how your keyboard maps to 3270/5250
keys when you use the emulator.
Documentation Conventions
The following table describes the documentation conventions that are used in this manual.
iWay Emulation Adapter (3270/5250) User's Guide 5
Convention Description
this typeface
Denotes syntax that you must enter exactly as shown.
this typeface Represents a placeholder (or variable), a cross-reference, or an
important term. It may also indicate a button, menu item, or dialog
box option that you can click or select.
underscore Indicates a default setting.
Key + Key Indicates keys that you must press simultaneously.
{ } Indicates two or three choices. Type one of them, not the braces.
| Separates mutually exclusive choices in syntax. Type one of them,
not the symbol.
... Indicates that you can enter a parameter multiple times. Type only
the parameter, not the ellipsis (...).
Indicates that there are (or could be) intervening or additional
Related Publications
Visit our Technical Content Library at You can
also contact the Publications Order Department at (800) 969-4636.
Customer Support
Do you have questions about this product?
Join the Focal Point community. Focal Point is our online developer center and more than a
message board. It is an interactive network of more than 3,000 developers from almost every
profession and industry, collaborating on solutions and sharing tips and techniques. Access
Focal Point at
Related Publications
6 Information Builders
You can also access support services electronically, 24 hours a day, with InfoResponse
Online. InfoResponse Online is accessible through our website, http:// It connects you to the tracking system and known-problem
database at the Information Builders support center. Registered users can open, update, and
view the status of cases in the tracking system and read descriptions of reported software
issues. New users can register immediately for this service. The technical support section of also provides usage techniques, diagnostic tips, and
answers to frequently asked questions.
Call Information Builders Customer Support Services (CSS) at (800) 736-6130 or (212)
736-6130. Customer Support Consultants are available Monday through Friday between 8:00
a.m. and 8:00 p.m. EST to address all your questions. Information Builders consultants can
also give you general guidance regarding product capabilities. Please be ready to provide your
six-digit site code number (xxxx.xx) when you call.
To learn about the full range of available support services, ask your Information Builders
representative about InfoResponse Online, or call (800) 969-INFO.
Help Us to Serve You Better
To help our consultants answer your questions effectively, be prepared to provide
specifications and sample files and to answer questions about errors and problems.
The following tables list the environment information our consultants require.
Operating System
OS Version
JVM Vendor
JVM Version
The following table lists the deployment information our consultants require.
Adapter Deployment For example, iWay Business Services Provider, iWay
Service Manager
Container For example, WebSphere
iWay Emulation Adapter (3270/5250) User's Guide 7
Enterprise Information System
(EIS) - if any
EIS Release Level
EIS Service Pack
EIS Platform
The following table lists iWay-related information needed by our consultants.
iWay Adapter
iWay Release Level
iWay Patch
The following table lists additional questions to help us serve you better.
Request/Question Error/Problem Details or Information
Did the problem arise through
a service or event?
Provide usage scenarios or
summarize the application that
produces the problem.
When did the problem start?
Can you reproduce this
problem consistently?
Describe the problem.
Describe the steps to
reproduce the problem.
Specify the error message(s).
Help Us to Serve You Better
8 Information Builders
Request/Question Error/Problem Details or Information
Any change in the application
environment: software
configuration, EIS/database
configuration, application, and
so forth?
Under what circumstance does
the problem not occur?
The following is a list of error and problem files that might be applicable.
Input documents (XML instance, XML schema, non-XML documents)
Transformation files
Error screen shots
Error output files
Trace files
Service Manager package to reproduce problem
Custom functions and agents in use
Diagnostic Zip
Transaction log
For information on tracing, see the iWay Service Manager User's Guide.
User Feedback
In an effort to produce effective documentation, the Technical Content Management staff
welcomes your opinions regarding this document. You can contact us through our website,
Thank you, in advance, for your comments.
Information Builders Consulting and Training
Interested in training? Information Builders Education Department offers a wide variety of
training courses for this and other Information Builders products.
iWay Emulation Adapter (3270/5250) User's Guide 9
For information on course descriptions, locations, and dates, or to register for classes, visit
our website ( or call (800) 969-INFO to speak to an
Education Representative.
Information Builders Consulting and Training
10 Information Builders
Chapter 1Introducing the iWay
Emulation Adapter (3270/5250)
The iWay Emulation Adapter (3270/5250) captures mainframe 3270 or 5250 screens
and their output to create a Java program, an XML file for a Remote Procedure Request
(RPC) solution, or components for a web-based solution. This web-based solution can be
used to replace green-screen displays with sophisticated user interfaces.
Using the adapter also enables you to invoke mainframe applications from non-
mainframe environments, such as UNIX and Windows, without modifying the mainframe.
You can have logic and data associated with legacy mainframe programs available to a
new generation of applications.
In this chapter:
Integrating Mainframe Logic
Remote Procedure Call Development Mode
Installing the iWay Emulation Adapter (3270/5250)
Deployment Information for the iWay Emulation Adapter (3270/5250)
Integrating Mainframe Logic
Telnet is a standard protocol for remote logon over the Internet. The name is an abbreviation
of Telecommunications Network. When a user establishes a Telnet connection to a remote
mainframe computer, the user's local system emulates a terminal connected directly to the
The iWay Emulation Adapter (3270/5250) allows you to view your online application as an
object that can be run from any front-end or application server. The choice of the deployment
method depends on your business need and the desired result.
Depending on how you want to run your online application, the adapter can transform your
3270 or 5250 screens into HTML pages, wrap the application screens inside a Java program,
or create an iWay RPC (remote procedure request) to transform the output of any number of
screens into an answer set.
iWay Emulation Adapter (3270/5250) User's Guide 11
The Telnet Adapter redefines the way a 3270 or 5250 online applications are perceived. You
can use the Telnet Adapter to create re-usable business objects. Captured within these
business objects are the actual screens and business logic behind them that have been
running within your enterprise. These business objects can be deployed from high-tech
applications and servers to be used as part of any integration effort.
iWay Emulation Adapter (3270/5250) Components
The Telnet Adapter includes the following components:
Telnet Designer. A GUI tool you can use to emulate the screens, the process flow, and key
strokes in a mainframe session. For more information, see Understanding Telnet Designer
on page 19.
Telnet API. A Java-based programming API used to programmatically control the execution
and manipulation of screen-based programs.
Remote Procedure Call Development Mode
In a production environment, your application can communicate with a mainframe session
using files. The application sends keystrokes to the mainframe in an XML request document,
and the mainframe returns screen data in an XML response document. You can use these
documents to integrate a mainframe session into your application. This is called RPC (Remote
Procedure Call) mode.
Using RPC mode enables you to create a standalone Java program that contains the methods
for each screen and a subset of Telnet API commands embedded within it that allow you to
compile the program and run the application from any Java enabled environment. The Telnet
Designer automatically generates the Java code for you. In this way, you do not have to
manually enter the code for your programs. Manual customization to the generated Java
program is required to enable greater functionality.
For more information on using RPC mode, see Using Remote Procedure Call Mode on page
Emulating and Recording Mainframe Sessions
Whether you are developing your application using RPC mode, the development process allows
you to emulate and record a mainframe session.
You can emulate a mainframe session directly from your workstation using the Telnet
Designer, which displays standard 3270/5250 screens.
Remote Procedure Call Development Mode
12 Information Builders
You can record your interaction with a mainframe session and later play it back to simulate a
live mainframe session. Simulating a session enables you to develop an application offline.
This is useful in situations when the mainframe is unavailable.
For more information on emulating and recording your mainframe session, see Using Emulation
and Recorder Modes on page 59.
Development Roadmap
The following image illustrates an overview of the development process when using the iWay
Emulation Adapter (3270/5250).
1. Introducing the iWay Emulation Adapter (3270/5250)
iWay Emulation Adapter (3270/5250) User's Guide 13
Installing the iWay Emulation Adapter (3270/5250)
The iWay Emulation Adapter (3270/5250) links new business applications to mainframe-based
business logic through IBM 3270/5250 terminal screens and data streams. It enables you to
transform your 3270/5250 mainframe screens into HTML pages or to create a Remote
Procedure Call (RPC) request to transform the output of screens into an answer set. The
adapter provides a simple, lightweight, and scalable way to reuse the business logic and data
of terminal applications.
The iWay Emulation Adapter (3270/5250) requires client components that you must configure
after installing iWay 7.0.2 SM. The two client components are:
The run-time component, which is supported on:
Microsoft Windows 2000 with SP2 and Windows 2003.
OS/390 and z/OS (under UNIX System Services (USS)).
The Telnet Designer, which is supported on:
Microsoft Windows 2000 with SP2.
Windows 2003.
Windows XP SP1.
Note: If you plan to run the Emulation Adapter on a UNIX system, you must install iWay 7.0.2
SM and the Emulation Adapter client components on the UNIX system and also install the
adapter client components on a Windows system. This enables you to use the Telnet Designer,
which is supported on Windows only.
The iWay Emulation Adapter requires client components, including the Telnet Designer, that
must be configured after installing iWay 7.0.2 SM.
How to Install the iWay Emulation Adapter Client Components
To install the iWay Emulation Adapter client components:
1. Unzip the archive file to a location on your file system.
The archive file is located in the following directory:
Note: If you are using the iWay Emulation Adapter with iWay Service Manager (iSM), it is
recommended that you install the iWay Emulation Adapter client components under the
iSM root directory. For example:
Installing the iWay Emulation Adapter (3270/5250)
14 Information Builders
When you unzip the archive file, the following directory structure is created:
Note: A logs subfolder is created in this directory structure when logs are initially
2. Ensure that the iwtelnet.jar file is available in the following iSM lib directory:
C:\Program Files\iWay7\lib
If the iwtelnet.jar file is not available in this location, you can copy it from the following
Deployment Information for the iWay Emulation Adapter (3270/5250)
The iWay Emulation Adapter (3270/5250) can be used in conjunction with one of the following
iWay Service Manager
iWay Explorer
iWay Business Services Provider (iBSP)
When hosted in an iWay environment, the adapter is configured through iWay Service Manager
and iWay Explorer. iWay Explorer is used to configure adapter connections, create web
services, and configure event capabilities.
When the adapter is hosted in a third party application server environment, iWay Explorer can
be configured to work in a web services environment in conjunction with the iBSP.
Deployment Information Roadmap
The following table lists the location of deployment and user information for components of the
iWay Emulation Adapter (3270/5250).
1. Introducing the iWay Emulation Adapter (3270/5250)
iWay Emulation Adapter (3270/5250) User's Guide 15
Deployed Component For more information, see
iWay Service Manager iWay Service Manager User's Guide
iWay Explorer iWay Installation and Configuration
iWay Business Services
Provider (iBSP)
iWay Installation and Configuration
iWay Service Manager
iWay Service Manager is the heart of the Universal Adapter Framework and is an open
transport service bus. Service Manager uses graphical tools to create sophisticated integration
services without writing custom integration code by:
Creating metadata from target applications.
Transforming and mapping interfaces.
Managing stateless processes.
Its capability to manage complex adapter interactions makes it ideally suited to be the
foundation of a service-oriented architecture.
iWay Explorer
iWay Explorer uses an explorer metaphor to create XML schemas and web services for the
associated object. In addition, you can create ports and channels to listen for events.
iWay Business Services Provider
The iWay Business Services Provider (iBSP) exposes (as web services) enterprise assets that
are accessible from adapters regardless of the programming language or the particular
operating system.
iBSP simplifies the creation and execution of web services when running:
Custom and legacy applications.
Database queries and stored procedures.
Packaged applications.
Terminal emulation and screen-based systems.
Deployment Information for the iWay Emulation Adapter (3270/5250)
16 Information Builders
Transactional systems.
Web services is a distributed programming architecture that solves Enterprise Application
Integration (EAI) hurdles that other programming models cannot. It enables programs to
communicate with one another using a text-based, platform- and language-independent
message format called XML.
Coupled with a platform and language independent messaging protocol called SOAP (Simple
Object Access Protocol), XML enables application development and integration by assembling
previously built components from multiple web services.
1. Introducing the iWay Emulation Adapter (3270/5250)
iWay Emulation Adapter (3270/5250) User's Guide 17
Deployment Information for the iWay Emulation Adapter (3270/5250)
18 Information Builders
Chapter 2
Understanding Telnet
This section describes the menus and options available in the Telnet Designer.
In this chapter:
Navigating Telnet Designer
Telnet Designer Menu Options
Working With Telnet Designer Projects
Telnet Designer Tools
iWay Emulation Adapter (3270/5250) User's Guide 19
Navigating Telnet Designer
The Telnet Designer window contains three panes:
The left pane is the navigation pane. It provides access to your Telnet adapter project
folders and Telnet session data. Two tabs at the bottom of the pane access project folders
(Project name) and your Telnet sessions (Sessions). A default project named system is
provided with Telnet Designer. The Project tab displays the current project name.
The right pane displays the current session design activity.
The Console Window appears at the bottom of the window and displays Telnet Designer
status and messages.
Navigating Telnet Designer
20 Information Builders