
• E×ercisee×tremecaution whenon or • Be awarethat the equipment may unex-• Donot touch engine parts which may
crossinggravel drives;walks or roadsi pectedlybou nceupward or jump forward behot from operationi Allow parts to
Stay alertfor hidden hazardsor traffic, ifthetines Shouldstrikeextremely hard CoolbeforeinSpecting;Cleaningor
Donor car_ passengers, packedSoil;frozen ground; or buriedoh+ repairingi
• Afiei siriking afoieig nobject, siop ihe s!acles such as larg.es!onesi roots .or . Remembeii you canstop the tines by
engine, et a mov ng parts come to a s.!umpsi T.youare,inaOUD_aboutme releasingthe Thrott e_ nesLeVeF.Move
completestop; disconnectthe spark plug _!limg c° ndm£nSialways.use_neTol-th eengineOn/OffSwitchto OFFto shut
wirp.and nr_.v_.ntiffrnm mUr.hinnthe. !ow!ng operating precautions[oass!s_ fh_ nnninn nff
" " "" _ "_"" _ _-' _"-";"_ ""_ youin maintaining control ot the _"_ _' _ '"
spark plug then carefully inspectthe ma- ...... ...... ....
,, ......;..................................,...........,.............................enuinment........................................................................• Nevertransport thls machine whenthe
cnme_ordamage. Hepairtheoamage "_ _ ' p.nnnn _rnnn nn
.......................r i.....................r............................................................i......................i..............................................°..................=...................................................
beforetestat ngand ope atlng the a. Stand behnd the equ pmentiuslng o _. ;
machine, both handson the handlebarsi Relax lermmais an, non-insulated e!ecmcai
. _C_;__;_ i X_iX _i _iA_i,_i_ _i your armsi but usea secure hand partsshall be protectedagainst shorting
;;,:._!.,_ ,._,_!u,, _u,,_!_, o!,_,p!,,g_ _rip during normalservicing, refueling or
• :, . lubrication,
. if th_ m_h;_, _,_,,H _,_ ,,m_ b, Start t!lling at shallow depths;working
.......................................................................................................,_raduall,, deener with each nass........................_,o__._ _,,,_ _,,.u_,_,,,_ _ _ o ,,u _,....
aonorma!ly, sI:op I:ne engine; u!sconnec[ _ ......... ........._ ......: nnllinn fhn m_r.hinn fnw_rd gnu
thespark plug wire and preventit from 6:Clearthe tiIling areaof all largestonesi _i:: ° :_ "'ff_""': "_"_'"
touchingthe plugi Checkimmediately for roots; and other debriSi * Start theengine carefully accordingto
the cause Vibiation isgenerally a ; i ; instructions and with feet wellaway from
di Inan emergency;stop the tines by re_
warning oftrouble. Fixthe problem _._._nn the.Thrnff _._ n_._i_v_.r nn the. the tineS+
beforeusingthe equipment again, h_n-_lI"_ i Jl'o'_n _'h__n_in_"_m_,,-_
. Siop ihe engine; disconnectthe spaik t'h-e"engine On-lOaf;_w'itch'i_''(3FF."'__ MAINTENANCE/STORAGE
plug wirean d preventit from touching the. Do not overloadthe machine'scanacitv * Keepthe tiller; attachmentsand acres-
spark plagwheneveryou leavetheequip- byattemDtin_i, iili too deeplyai to_ ias_ Soriesin safew, Fking conditioni
ment,before unclogging thetines; or '-
; ; a rate;. Checkall nutsi bolts, andscrews at fre-
wnen maK!ngany repa!rsiaojusl:men_sor. :
inspections." Never,petard the equipment onsl!p-quent !ntervals,for proper tlghtnesSto be
;_ .; :; : ; pe_ surfaces. Lookbehind and use Care sureiequ!pmereis Insateworking
lake ai! poss!o!eprecau[!ons wnen _h_.nh_nkinnHn Condition.
leavingthe machine unattendedi Always ""_""--""="_"... _ ._.
stop the engine. Disconnectthe spark" Donotioperate !he equipment on:a _'__\_ever_s[_eequpmen_w2m,_eJJn_ue!
plug wife and preventit from touching the s!ope mat !sre, steepTor:saTetyi when _,_,_,,_ _i,_,_u_ _ _,,',_Z.
/I_.,II,._H _I,H UIJIZ;II /1_.,1.11 IIC: U/ ,,,._lJ_.,l/l_ _HUI. VV_LI_/
plug onslopes, SlOW(]own an, makesureyou..
havehood footinn andspace nea[ers,TurnacesiClOmes
• Beforecleaning, repairing;or in-ii d_ers, stoves, electric motors; etc.).
s_ectin_sto _the en;_neand makecer: * t_everallOWDys_:anaersnear me u
. • Allow the engineto cool beforestoring
tamall moving parts havestopped. Dis-. Onlyuseattachments and acCessorieS m__.inm_n_
connectthes-ark * u_ w reand *revent t "" " f " r ..... ""'_ .......
p p u p ma[areac_oy-approved. : : ; ;
from touching thespark plag to avoid ac_ N_v_r X_ i_i_ ih_,, i_m_ni wiihx,,t " _eep the eng!ne!tee o_grassi leaves,
.........................................................................................._ v_,_, _4u_, _.......vu.................r..............................r........
cldentalstartlnn. ::_,:: _,.: org easeto reducethe chanceof a fl e
_" ........................good VlSIDIIII:yor gooo Ilgn_.........................................-...,_......................
• Neveroperateequipment without . ..................................,.....................................................................................................
pr_peiguar_siplatesor other proiective ! Never°peratethe un!t !f:you are.t!redi. Store gasolinein a cool:well:ventilated
: ......... or under me intluence ot alCOhOl;orugs,
safe_ devices In place _ ; areai safely away from an_ spark- or
...................... '..............................................or me, lea[ion ............................................................................................................................................
; flame,producingequlprnent. Storegaso-
[i u° %runhm,eoe Do not tamper with theengine govi linein an approvedcontainer,safelyaway
,._,,_i_ _;i,_m,,i i _,,_i _ _,-_ ernor sett ngs on the machine;the gov- from the reachofch!ldreni
_"n_'Y' i_"_'" _ i%"_u_'i'_i_r'l_ ' ernor controlsthe maximum safe ,per-, Neverherr, rm maintenancewhen
......................................................................................ating speedand protects the engmeand............. • . .... • ............ • • ........
odorlessi tastelessand deadlypo!sonous; .ii X_,_,__X,,_,_ _,_,_ eng!ne!Srunnmg°r spark plug wire !s
.....;............. .,_..............,.......;............................................. ...... . i connected unless lnstructed to do so:
seivice shall be sought if a problem" _,!uel_anKmus_Deorameo, co so
exists ou_ooorsi
Follow manufacturers recommenda,
tionsfor safe loading;unloading, trans-
port and storage of machine.