CONVERGE Pro 2 Serial Commands
DOC-0293-001 v.1.9 October 2020
Reference Manual
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with the parameter names italicized.
Important: The command, any parameters, and any values must all be separated by a space.
Note the following:
• Angle brackets <> indicate a required parameter; square brackets [] indicate an optional parameter.
• Commands are not case sensitive. You can send commands in any case. However, some parameters are
case sensitive. Box names, for example, are case sensitive.
After the syntax is shown, a table describes the parameters. Here is an example of a command parameter table:
Parameter Description
EPT End Point Type. Possible options include BFM, DANTE, FADER, GPIO, MIC, OUTPUT,
EPN End Point Number.
Note: Uses the format BNN, where B is the number of the box within a stack and NN is the
number of the channel on that box.
For example, if you have 3 boxes in the stack, and you want to refer to a microphone attached
to mic channel 2 on box 3, the end point number is 302.
For more information about end point numbering, see End Point Numbering.
BN Block Number. This refers to an end point block, which corresponds to some func-
tionality of the end point.
PN Parameter Name. The name of the parameter within a block. Possible values depend on the BN
value used.
VALUE A value. Whether or not a value is needed and what value to use depend on the parameter.
Note: For parameters that are read/write, including a value is using the write mode of the
command, and leaving off the value is using the read mode of the command.
REL This optional switch, when used, indicates that gain and fine gain values are specified in rela-
tive terms, rather than absolute terms. So including a fine gain value of 2 would add
2 = the current fine gain value, rather than setting the value to 2dB.
1.4.2 Parameter-level Syntax Conventions
Commands that have many possible parameters have been broken down into sections for different parameter
groups. For example, the EP command is broken down by end point types, which are contained in the <EPT>
parameter, and then further broken down, with one topic for each <PN> value.
The following is an example of parameter-level syntax:
In this example, known command/parameter values are indicated in a monospace font. The parameters discussed
are the EP (end point) MIC (microphone) level parameters, so the focus is on the possible <PN> parameters.
Therefore, the table that follows shows the possible <PN> parameter values:
PN Description Value