It is vital that when you start exercising with the Torso Track 2, your back is in
the correct position. Follow these important steps to ensure the most effective
1. Try to tuck your stomach muscles in toward your back as shown in the photo
below. This will reduce the risk of “sway back,” where your back becomes
hyper-extended. Performing exercises on the Torso Track 2 without the proper
positioning may cause unnecessary back strain. REMEMBER: always tuck
your stomach muscles in toward your back before beginning to
exercise to avoid potential injury.
2. Get onto your Torso Track 2 by kneeling down on the kneel pad and grasping
each end of the handle bar. $02/$1' 16-2/! ")(0.-0(1(-,$#./-.$/*6
3. Keeping your toes pointed downward in contact with the ground, slowly glide
forward on the Torso Track 2. Move the handlebar carriage forward along the
track until it is approximately 1” away from the other end of the unit. At this
point your body will be fully extended, but your back should remain straight.
4. If you are not fully extended, the kneel pad is positioned too close to the unit.
Move the pad back by adjusting the buckle until you can comfortably extend
your body along the unit to just before the point of contact on the other end.
5. Hold your body fully extended for 2 counts and slowly return the carriage to its
starting position. Repeat each repetition in this way.
6. Perform your movements on the Torso Track 2 in a smooth, controlled man-
ner. Never extend the handlebar carriage using too much force and “banging”
it against the other end of the unit. Avoid rocking on your knees and lifting your
feet off the ground. This will help keep your body in a more stable
position as you exercise.
The most important thing to remember when using your Torso Track 2 is to keep
your back positioned as straight as possible. Tucking your abs in toward your
back before you begin exercising will help you stay in this position.
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back po-
Improper back position
6. When you begin to use the Torso Track 2,
you will be able to adjust the position of
the kneel pad to accommodate your
height. Simply adjust the kneel pad
position with the adjustment buckle.
7. Your Torso Track 2 is assembled with
tension cords already locked in place.
In the event that they would be disengaged,
slide handle bar carriage down towards
kneel pad. Pull up the end cap of the first
tension cord and push down in the slot
indicated until it slides into place. Repeat
this process for the other cord. You will use
both tension cords when you begin exercising
with Torso Track 2. As you gradually increase
your muscle strength, you can decrease the
number of cords you’ll use to get a harder workout.
Please read the following sections to learn about the correct body position
and most effective way to workout on your Torso Track 2.
Wear athletic shoes and comfortable lightweight clothing when exercising on the
Torso Track 2. Do not exercise barefoot. Check your Torso Track 2 before each
use to ensure that all the parts are in place and working properly (see page 11
for details on Inspection and Maintenance).
Begin using your Torso Track 2 with both tension cords affixed. The cords control
the forward motion out and resistance of force back. As you increase your
strength, you will be able to reduce the number of cords you use during your
workout. As a result, you’ll feel soreness in these muscles until they begin to
strengthen. In most people this is going to be the abs, but it could also be the
chest, shoulders, arms or back.
REMEMBER: the +-/$ cords you use, the $ 0($/ it is to
perform the exercise. The %$4$/ cords you use, the more
#(%%("2*1 it is to perform the exercise.