Games Postman Pat Operating instructions

Operating instructions
PrêetCTRL&smàil ENTERlhen
Posimàn Pât now comer to your(ornputer rt.eên
!ri3 l_igl^ly e4rcnar.rn9 âîd.olou.tur.rcade 9âme
Ihê qame hàs àir easyveRion 5!nêble foryou^ger
children à.rd â hârd veôion forthe !erious gamer,
thr! option (hoæn frorn a meôuwhen thegamê hâs
ItseÊmed like ju( ènotherdaytô Pat ât heclimbed
outof bed. Litrle did h€ knôw thâtlhewould be
rushed off hrs tèet by âll the worx 1l'.t'àced hln lhrs
môrninôashedld his round of Greendale- Pâftêl!,
letlêl! â;d âllsorts of odd jobs would keep himvery
busy. You can hêlp Pàt and.lèrtto getthe job don€
byguiding his vaô ârouôd th€ vlllagê.
You stânrhê gàrre byr'.dr11g the Pon otTicewheæ
[4rs, Goqq ns w1ltellPatwhât he murt deliver lt wrll
be êithei. number ol letlêr' o. à pà(elloroôe of
Pôfs lrieôdr. Yôu cên drivt âround the vlllàge (and
ca^ reveEe if you ôeed ro tuln àroùnd)in orderto
linowd.lriend s hou3ê ànddeliver th€ oârcêl Lette:s
arc dihver€d ro th. houieswh(h tiàsh à! you pàtt
them. Todeliv€rà lenerjusr prct5 thefire bunon âs
yo! pà!3lne house. ll you n,styou hàv€ ro 9êr Pàt oLl
ofrhev.n u!ng the fire burror ànd gurde hrm lo pick
up rhe leterând then try ègain.
ll PererroggC aheep get looleyou càn h€lP him by
heldi.9 rhêshêep back throughthegare {you mun
wâi<h olrfor oilsli(k! on the rcad ar'dtry nôl to
knock over MEt Hubbard who kvêry unsafe on he.
8ecâlre Pât i: su(h à buly(hàp you hèveonly got â
sho.t t'heto complête àllyour ralkl.llyoL,Ln out
ol tiherhe i5 ovêi
N -Up
O *L€ft
E (àpe -.Aborl Gàme
You.èî têle<tJoynick or Kets trom th€ main menu for ànd tpe.trum vPi!iont.
O Alternative Soltwa r€ Lim ited I 989
{0.d6!.qo L p!.dêopr, po r.
É6'ôi l& ..0,0! ld. on. i'6 o uié madr ki or. uo.do6 ezrdor t
eog! li orridi dd nùLl rm az olgàdo. l!!90
pu.nâlitsôrÉiàquêGuônor.'nêrc )
add*o toi llnàfthrd. pd'ôlàr ù ,d
xubbd qu.r uy &gft 6a brhbd.rtbkdd
*rb.!riero*r.nù..r1!€90 ÉàllRÙorJp'n!lotRlr!'il!|4-l
s horodd! P..' roqq r kiDd, bsF4, r! doiærui (o!r d. mh h
r.doiiu's prht.nÈÈ 0bur ruÉ, r 16'{.!944' Fwnlm!)
rdjold ù aquir'bÉ inn bh !, eftilh ba.rE
cohet:rdrdhm dlôoda,106iæ[email protected] dr6s
^ - \t. I b-
Otln CjnatTako
/æ'* hlt*rrotin
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Games Postman Pat Operating instructions

Operating instructions

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