Games Postman Pat Operating instructions

  • Hello! I have reviewed the user manual for the Postman Pat game. This manual provides detailed instructions on how to play the game, including how to make deliveries, use the controls, and includes both an easy and a hard version. I am ready to answer any questions you might have about gameplay or features of this video game.
  • How do I start the game?
    How do I deliver a letter?
    What do I do if Pat drops a letter?
    What is the main goal of the game?
PrêetCTRL&smàil ENTERlhen
Posimàn Pât now comer to your(ornputer rt.eên
!ri3 l_igl^ly e4rcnar.rn9 âîd.olou.tur.rcade 9âme
Ihê qame hàs àir easyveRion 5!nêble foryou^ger
children à.rd â hârd veôion forthe !erious gamer,
thr! option (hoæn frorn a meôuwhen thegamê hâs
ItseÊmed like ju( ènotherdaytô Pat ât heclimbed
outof bed. Litrle did h€ knôw thâtlhewould be
rushed off hrs tèet by âll the worx 1l'.t'àced hln lhrs
môrninôashedld his round of Greendale- Pâftêl!,
letlêl! â;d âllsorts of odd jobs would keep himvery
busy. You can hêlp Pàt and.lèrtto getthe job don€
byguiding his vaô ârouôd th€ vlllagê.
You stânrhê gàrre byr'.dr11g the Pon otTicewheæ
[4rs, Goqq ns w1ltellPatwhât he murt deliver lt wrll
be êithei. number ol letlêr' o. à pà(elloroôe of
Pôfs lrieôdr. Yôu cên drivt âround the vlllàge (and
ca^ reveEe if you ôeed ro tuln àroùnd)in orderto
linowd.lriend s hou3ê ànddeliver th€ oârcêl Lette:s
arc dihver€d ro th. houieswh(h tiàsh à! you pàtt
them. Todeliv€rà lenerjusr prct5 thefire bunon âs
yo! pà!3lne house. ll you n,styou hàv€ ro 9êr Pàt oLl
ofrhev.n u!ng the fire burror ànd gurde hrm lo pick
up rhe leterând then try ègain.
ll PererroggC aheep get looleyou càn h€lP him by
heldi.9 rhêshêep back throughthegare {you mun
wâi<h olrfor oilsli(k! on the rcad ar'dtry nôl to
knock over MEt Hubbard who kvêry unsafe on he.
8ecâlre Pât i: su(h à buly(hàp you hèveonly got â
sho.t t'heto complête àllyour ralkl.llyoL,Ln out
ol tiherhe i5 ovêi
N -Up
O *L€ft
E (àpe -.Aborl Gàme
You.èî têle<tJoynick or Kets trom th€ main menu for ànd tpe.trum vPi!iont.
O Alternative Soltwa r€ Lim ited I 989
{0.d6!.qo L p!.dêopr, po r.
É6'ôi l& ..0,0! ld. on. i'6 o uié madr ki or. uo.do6 ezrdor t
eog! li orridi dd nùLl rm az olgàdo. l!!90
pu.nâlitsôrÉiàquêGuônor.'nêrc )
add*o toi llnàfthrd. pd'ôlàr ù ,d
xubbd qu.r uy &gft 6a brhbd.rtbkdd
*rb.!riero*r.nù..r1!€90 ÉàllRÙorJp'n!lotRlr!'il!|4-l
s horodd! P..' roqq r kiDd, bsF4, r! doiærui (o!r d. mh h
r.doiiu's prht.nÈÈ 0bur ruÉ, r 16'{.!944' Fwnlm!)
rdjold ù aquir'bÉ inn bh !, eftilh ba.rE
cohet:rdrdhm dlôoda,106iæ[email protected] dr6s
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Otln CjnatTako
/æ'* hlt*rrotin