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PC_EnzymeRescueB272UserGuide_RevA 1 Legend Brands
Enzyme Rescue
Deodorizer for organic odors on carpet, padding, upholstery, and hard surfaces
Bio-enzymatic deodorizer concentrate
DESCRIPTION: Enzyme Rescue attacks organic and biological odors with a powerful blend of pairing agents and multiple strains of
biological concentrates. Creates enzymes that will break down and digest offensive odors such as urine, feces, vomit, sweat and pet
odors. This economical, professional-grade formulation is designed with premium ingredients for industrial use, with an extended shelf
life and formulated for long-lasting odor control. Powerful bio-enzymatic action gets to odors at their source, using today’s most
effective and time-tested biological strains. Handles tough odors in commercial bathrooms, even garbage cans and dumpsters, yet is
safe for household use to deodorize and freshen carpets and upholstery fabrics. Inject under the carpet for sub-surface odors.
• Professional strength deodorizer concentrate for all organic odors
• Bio-enzymatic action attacks and digests tough odors at the source
• Contains the latest biological technology, for urine and other problem odors
• Odor counteractants molecularly modify offensive odor sources
• Safe for use on carpet, hard surfaces and water-cleanable upholstery
WHERE TO USE: Effective on urine, food spills, garbage odors and other organic odor sources. Use on nylon and olefin carpet,
synthetic water-cleanable upholstery, and hard surfaces. Apply directly to odor sources in upholstery, carpet, pad, subfloor, tile,
concrete, and other surfaces.
Carpet Deodorizing and Spotting: Dilute 1 part Enzyme Rescue with 2 parts water
Portable: Add 4 oz per gallon of cleaning solution
Truckmount: Add 1 quart per 5 gallons of truckmount concentrate
Pre-test in an inconspicuous location.
Hard Surface Deodorizing: Dilute 8 ounces per gallon with cool water.
Carpet Deodorizing and Spotting: Dilute 1 part Enzyme Rescue with 2 parts water. Apply to spots and carpet stains. Allow 30
minutes dwell time. Extract carpet with All Fiber Rinse or Dry Slurry after deodorizing. Repeat application as necessary. Can be used
full strength on problem areas when needed.
Carpet Cleaning: Dilute 4 oz per gallon with diluted cleaning solution, to deodorize carpeting during overall carpet cleaning. For
truckmount use, add 1 quart Enzyme Rescue per 5 gallons of concentrated cleaning solution.
Water-Cleanable Fabric Deodorizing: Dilute 4 oz per gallon with cool water. Spray fabric lightly. Do not over-wet. Allow 30 min.
dwell time. Rinse/extract with a cleaning solution appropriate for the fabric.
USAGE TIPS: Remove odor-causing surface soils whenever possible, prior to deodorizing. Do not mist or fog into the air or use
product as an air freshener. Allow sufficient dwell time for deodorization process. Rinse after deodorizing. Do not use with chlorine
bleach or with household or commercial disinfectants. Not for use on wool.
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Enzyme Rescue Technical Data
101490 (8.695-074.0 – B272-4): Four 1 gal. /3.8 L bottles