Installing the latest RetroPie
image with the Atari Games
NickBiederman admin
July 28 edited September 8
A new Atari game image for ourAtari Games SD
cardandAtari Raspberry Pi Kitwent live this week, so those
of you who have already built a system with our card can
now install the new image. This particular image adds
about 30 new games, including several from the Atari 5200
library. As future updates become available they can be
installed using the same method. This process can also be
used to reinstall the image if you need to reset all your
settings or the image becomes corrupt.
Power down your arcade and plug in a keyboard and
mouse. Turn the arcade back on and hold shift when this
screen appears:
After the system initializes into recovery mode, you’ll see a
list of available images like the one below: