Gladiator GATGBL00LG01 Owner's manual

Owner's manual

This manual is also suitable for

Gladiator GATGBL00LG01 is a tall gearbox cabinet designed for use in a garage. It has a maximum weight limit of 50 lbs (22 kg) for each shelf, not to exceed 300 lbs (136 kg) for the entire cabinet. The cabinet comes with four half-width shelves, three full-width shelves, and two double hooks. The shelves are adjustable and can be installed at any height within the cabinet. The cabinet also has two rigid casters (with side brakes) and two swivel casters, making it easy to move around. The doors are adjustable and can be aligned if needed.

Gladiator GATGBL00LG01 is a tall gearbox cabinet designed for use in a garage. It has a maximum weight limit of 50 lbs (22 kg) for each shelf, not to exceed 300 lbs (136 kg) for the entire cabinet. The cabinet comes with four half-width shelves, three full-width shelves, and two double hooks. The shelves are adjustable and can be installed at any height within the cabinet. The cabinet also has two rigid casters (with side brakes) and two swivel casters, making it easy to move around. The doors are adjustable and can be aligned if needed.

Assembty lnstruc_ons
Instruccionesde ensamblaje
CABINET/LOCKER SAFETY ........................... 2
ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS .......................... 2
Tools and Parts ............................................. 2
CeqinetJLocker Use Requirements .............. 2
Unpack the Cabinet/Locker .......................... 2
Assemble Casters ......................................... 2
Install Shelves ............................................... 3
Install Hooks .................................................. 3
Door Adjustment ........................................... 3
WARRANTY ...................................................... 3
SEGURIDAD DEL ARMARIO .......................... 4
Piezas y herramientas .................................... 4
Requisitos de uso del armario....................... 4
Desempaque de] armado .............................. 4
Ensarnblaje de las ruedecillas ....................... 5
Instalaci6n de los estantes............................ 5
Instalaci6n de los ganchos ............................ 5
Ajuste de la puerta ......................................... 5
GARANT_L ........................................................ 6
SI_CURIT I_DE L'ARMOIRE ............................. 6
Outillage et pi_ces n6cessaires .................... 7
Sp_cifications d'utillsatlonde rarmoire ........ 7
Ddballage de rarrnoire .................................. 7
installationdes roulettes ............................... 7
installationdes _tag_es ............................... 7
Installationdes crochets ............................... 8
R_glage de la porte ....................................... 8
GARANTIE ........................................................ 8
Your safety and the safety of others are very important.
We have providedmany importantsafety messages in this manual and on your appliance, Always read and obey all
safety messages.
This isthe safety alert symbol.
This symbolalerts you to potentialhazards that can killor hurtyou and others.
Allsafety messages wi]lfollowthe safety alert symboland either theword "DANGER" or
"WARNING," These wordsmean:
You can be killed or seriously injured if you don't
immediately follow instructions,
You can be killed or seriously injured if you don't
follow instructions,
Allsafety messages willtell you what the potential hazard is, tell you how to reduce the chance of injury,and tell you
what can happen ifthe instructions are not followed.
Toolsand Parts
Check that you have everything necessary for correct assembly. Proper
assembly is your responsibility.
Tools Needed:
a %6in. Socket wrench Phillipsscrewdriver
a _/sin. Wrench Flat-blade screwdriver
Assemble Casters
Parts Supplied for Looker Model:
= Rigid casters (2) Half-width shelves (4)
Swivel casters (2) Double hooks (2)
V4in.- 20 Self-locking nuts (16) a #10 - 24 x _hin.
V4in, - 20 x 1/2in, Carriage-head Pan-head screws (4)
bolts {16) a #10- 24 Nuts (4)
a Keys (2)
Parts Supplied for Cabinet Model:
a Rigid casters (2) a
U Swive! casters (2) a
a V4in, - 20 Self-locking nuts (16)
a 1/4in. - 20 XV2in. Carriage-head
bolts (16)
Full-width she_ves(3)
Keys (2)
Intended for use in a garage.
a Maximum weight limit is50 Ibs (22 kg) for each shelf, not to exceed
300 Ibs (136 kg) for the cabinet/locker.
Maximum weight limit is300 Ibs(136 kg) for the cabinet/locker.
Unpack theCabinet/Locker
NOTE: Keep the 2 rear cardboard corners. They are needed to cushion
the cabinet/locker during caster installation.
1. Remove the keys and unlock the door.
2. Remove and verify the contents (see "Parts Supplied" for your
1. Close and lock the cabinet/locker doors.
NOTE: If you need to open the cabinet/locker doors during caster
assembly, open them slowly and do not put any weight on the open
doors. This avoids damage to the hinges.
2. Using 2 or more people, place the cabinet/locker on its back using
the cardboard corners to cushion cabinet/locker. Discard the
cardboard bottom.
3. Insert the carriage-head bolts into the keyhole slots and slide to
narrow end, seating the bolts in place as shown.
4, Attach the 2 rigid casters (with side brakes) to the front location and
start the 4 self-locking nuts for each caster.
5. Hold the caster in place making surethe bolts are seated in the
narrow ends of the keyhole slots. Tighten the self-locking nutswith a
%6in. socket wrench,
location as shown.
I. FrontofCabinet
Repeat steps 2 and 3 to attach the 2 swivel casters to the rear caster
2. Rigid Casters 3. Swivel Casters
NOTE: The cabinet/locker may rollwhen moving itto an upright position.
Block the back wheels to avoid this.
7. Return the cabinet to itsupright position.
8. Unlock door.
Install Shelves
NOTE: Plan the shelf heights and installthe shelvesstarting from the
bottom. The shelves are supported by the metal tabs on the side walls of
the cabinet}locker.
1. Determine the placement ofthe shelves.
2, Tilt the shelf so that one end is higher than the other as shown.
I. Pushdown
2. Liftup
3. Insertthe shelf into the cabinet/locker so the higher end is directly
above the desired metal tabs. Push down to snap the shelf edge into
place behind the side tabs.
NOTE: As the lower end is pushed upward, it presses onthe metal
tab, allowing it to pass.
4. Raise the lower end so it isdirectly above the desired tab and push
down to snap shelf edge in place behind the side tab.
5. Make sure the shelf edges are in place behind all the tabs and the
shelf isfirmly supported.
6. Repeat this processfor the other shelves.
ToRemove the Shelves
1. Liftup on the underside ofthe shelf until the shelf edges arefree of
the cabinet/locker tabs.
2. Tilt the shelf to reposition it within the cabinet/locker orto remove it
from the cabinet/locker.
Instati Hooks
(locker model only)
3. JL
1. Unlock and open the locker doors.
2. Insertthe 4 pan-head screws through the 4 holes inthe top of the
3. Tape the screws to the exterior locker top to hold them in place.
4. Slide the double hook over two screws and attach with the #10 - 24
5. Repeat Step 4 to attach the other double hook.
6. Tighten all 4 nuts with a % in. wrench while holding the heads of the
screws tightly against the locker top.
Door Adjustment
The cabinets are designed with adjustable doors.
1. Place the cabineVIocker in the desired location.
2. Check to see whether the doors need adjusting. It is more often the
left door thet will need to be aligned.
3. Using a Phillipsscrewdriver, loosen all screws attaching the hingeto
the cabinet.
4. Adjust door to the desired height
5. Tighten the screws.
For the life of the product, when the Tall GearBox Cabinet orTall GearBox Locker is used and maintained according to the instructionsattached to or
furnished with the product, GladiatorTM GarageWorks wil!pay for replacement or repair of the defective product or parts to correct defects in materials or
Gladiator TM OarageWork$ will not pay for:
1. Service calls to correct the installationof any Gladiator TM GarageWorks products orto instruct you on how to use or install them.
2. Damage resulting from improper handlingor shipping of products,or products damaged by accident, misuse, abuse, fire, flood, improper installation,
acts of God, neglect, corrosion, modification or mishandling.
3. Shipping orfreight fees to deliver replacement products or to return detective products.
4. Repairs or replacement when your product is used in other than normal, single-family household use, such as a commeralal environment or handled
in any way inconsistent with the installation instructionsincluded with the product.
5. Cosmetic damage including scratches, dings, dents or cracks that do not affect the structural or functional capability of the product.
6. Replacement parts or product for GladiatorTM GarageWorks products operated outside the Unffed States and Canada.
7. In Canada, travel or transportation expenses for customers who reside in remote areas.
8. Any labor costs duringthe limited warranty period.
9. Damage resulting from improper loading beyond the specified maximum weight capacity outlined in the assembly instructionsprovided with the
product, includingoverloading of hooks, baskets, shelves, cabinets, and other GladiatorTM GarageWorks accessories used with the product.
10. Surfaces damaged due to chemical interaction resulting in corrosionof paint or metal.
11. Replacement keys or locking mechanism.
12. Loss of product contents due to theft, fire, flood, accident or acts of God.
Some states or provincesdo not allow the exclusion or limitation ofincidentalor consequential damages, so this exclusion or limitationmay notapply to
you. This warranty givesyou specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary fromstate to state or provinceto province,
Outside the 50 United States and Canada, this warranty does not apply. Contact your authodzed Gladiator TM GarageWorks dealer to determine if
another warranty applies,
If you need service, callthe Gladiator TM GarageWorks Customer Care Center, 1-866-342-4089 (toll-free),from anywhere in the U.S.A. InCanada, contact
your Whirlpool Canada Inc. designated service company orcall 1-800-807-6777.
Keep this book and your sales slip together for future reference, You
must provide proof of purchase or installation date for in-warranty
Write down the following information about your Tall GearBox Cabinet or
Tall GearBox Locker to better help you obtain assistance or service if you
ever need it. You will need to know your complete model number and
serial number. You can find this information on the model and serial label
located on the back of the product.
Dealer name
Phone number
Model number
Serial number
Purchase date
Su seguridad y la seguridad de los demds es muy importante,
Hemos incluidornuchosmensajes importantesde seguridaden este manualy en suelectrodom_stico.
Lea y obedezca siempretodos los mensajes de seguridad.
Este es el sfmbolode advertencia de seguridad.
Este simbolo le llama la atenci6n sobre peligros potenciales que pueden ocasionar la muerte o una
lesi6n a usted y a los demas.
Todos los mensajes de seguridad irdn a continuacibn del sfmbolo de advertencia de seguridad
y de la palabra "PELIGRO" o "ADVERTENCIA". Estas palabras significan:
Si no eigue las instrucciones de inmediato, usted
puede morir o sufrir una lesi6n grave.
Si no sigue las instrucciones, usted puede morir
o sufrir una lesi6n grave.
Todos losmensajes de seguridad le dira.nel peligro potencial, ledirdn c6mo reducir las posibilidades de sufrir
una lesibn y Io que puede suceder si no se siguen las instrucciones.
Piezasy herramientas
Verifique si tiene todo Io necesario para un ensamblaje correcto. El
ensamblaje edeouedo es responsabilided suya.
Herramientas necesarias:
Llave de tuba de 7A8pulg.
Llave de tuercas de % pulg.
Destornilledor Phillips
Destornillador de cabeza
Piezas suministradas para el modelo con ganchos:
Ruedecillas rigidas (2) Eatantes de media ancho
Ruedecillas giratorias (2) (4)
Contratuercas de V4pulg. - 20 (16) Ganchos dobles (2)
Pernos de carruaje de 1/4pulg. - 20 x Tornillos de capeza de
V2pulg, (16) cono achatado #10 - 24 x
V_pulg. (4)
Tuercas #10 - 24 (4)
Llaves (2)
Piezas suministradas para el armario est_ndar:
Ruedecilias rigidas (2) Estantes de ancho
Ruedecillas giratodas (2) complato (3)
Contratuercas de V4pulg. - 28 (16) Llaves(2)
Pernos de carruaje de % pulg.- 20 x
V_pulg. (16)
Requisitos de usodel armario
Disefiedo para usarse en un garage.
El limite de peso m_Lximoes de 50 libras (22 kg) para ceda estante,
que no exceda de 300 Ibs (136 kg) para el armario.
El limits de peso m_imo es de 300 libras (136 kg) para el armario.
Desempaque del armario
NOTA: Guards ]as2 esquinas posteriores de cartbn. Se necesitan para
amortiguar el armado durante la inst alacidn de las ruedecillas,
1. Retire las Ilaves y abra la puerta.
2. Quite y verifique el contenido (vea "Partes sumlnistredas" para su
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Gladiator GATGBL00LG01 Owner's manual

Owner's manual
This manual is also suitable for

Gladiator GATGBL00LG01 is a tall gearbox cabinet designed for use in a garage. It has a maximum weight limit of 50 lbs (22 kg) for each shelf, not to exceed 300 lbs (136 kg) for the entire cabinet. The cabinet comes with four half-width shelves, three full-width shelves, and two double hooks. The shelves are adjustable and can be installed at any height within the cabinet. The cabinet also has two rigid casters (with side brakes) and two swivel casters, making it easy to move around. The doors are adjustable and can be aligned if needed.

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