If you have a claim, please contact the authorised distributor.
BABYWOW is able to follow up to 11 different voi
ce commands, which depend on the learning level.
He moves his head, crawls, laughs, cries, kneels,
etc. It includes a ball and dummy that interact with
BABYWOW. He has 3 learning levels (basic, inter
mediate and advanced) that enable us to access
the more complex commands out of the 11 availa
ble. He also has a touch sensor in his tummy that
directly activates some of his actions.
IMC TOYS products undergo strict production
controls to guarantee the enjoyment and safety of
your children. They are easy to use and operate.
We are certain that they will provide your children
with great entertainment. Thank you for purcha
sing one of our products.
To consult our extensive product catalogue, plea
se visit our web page at
Before giving the product to children, first remove
all plastic, wires and any other object designed to
fasten it during transport.
This product comes factory-prepared for the
“TRY ME” function. The baeries that it includes
are designed for this use. Therefore, it is possible
that they may be spent. If this is the case, we re
commend they should be replaced.
The product is distributed in its original packa
ging and for demonstration purposes in stores
with the selector switch in the TRY-ME position
(see fig. 1). The product has limited functionality
in this position and will not respond to any voice
commands. Turn the switch to the ON position for
normal operation.
Replacement and installation
This product requires four LR6 (AA) 1.5V alkaline
baeries (included). Firstly, open the velcro clo
sure and set the switch to the OFF position (see
fig. 1). Remove the safety screw from the lid of the
baery compartment located at the boom of
the base (see fig. 2). Remove the dead baeries.
Notice the correct placement of the baeries in
the image (see fig. 2) and place them according to
the position and polarity indicated. Replace the lid
and the safety screw (for your children’s safety)
and finally close the velcro closure.
Warning! Replacing or handling the baery should
always be done under the supervision of an adult.
First, put the switch in the ON position.
Direct activation buon or sensor: Babywow
has a buon or sensor located in his tummy (A)
that makes him laugh when pressed or when you
slide your finger across it (see fig. 3). If we rub
Babywow’s tummy (A), he laughs (level-I) or crawls
and laughs (level-II and III) according to his lear
ning level. Likewise, if we pick Babywow up and
hold him face up, he will detect this and repro
duce a sound.
Interactions with accessories: If we put the
dummy in his mouth, he will make sucking noises.
If we remove the dummy from his mouth, he will
cry. If Babywow detects the ball on his chest, he
will crawl and reproduce sounds when moving
(see fig. 4).
Learning levels (basic-I, intermediate-II and ad
vanced-III): While Babywow plays he experiences
a progression in the number of instructions he can
recognise and do. In basic mode-I, he can recogni
se and follow commands from 1 to 6 (see table of
commands); in intermediate mode-II, from 1 to 8;
and in advanced mode-III, he can recognise all of
the 11 commands described in the following sec
tion. When Babywow hears a same instruction, he
may do a different action, which depends on the
learning level in which he is at that given moment*.
Note: The experience and progression of Bab
ywow is based on the instructions received and
executed. In basic mode, if he receives over 10
instructions (whether repeated or not), he will
advance to intermediate mode, and if he advan
ces another 10 commands, he will reach advanced
Babywow will remember his level of knowledge
and experience even when replacing the bae
ries. If we want to return to the beginning of the
game experience, that is, to basic mode, we must
follow these steps: With the switch in the ON po
sition, maintain the reset buon (B) pressed for
approximately 10 seconds (see fig. 1 and 3) until
you hear a moan indicating that Babywow has re
turned to his initial learning level.
Voice orders or commands:
Babywow will follow your instructions when the
switch in the ON position. Say the action that you
want Babywow to perform from those available
according to his level of knowledge and experien
ce. Babywow will do it immediately.
To help Babywow understand the voice com
mands, wait for him to finish the action that you
have instructed before starting another one. If he
does not recognise the voice command, repeat it
but saying it as clearly as possible. If he does not
answer, change the command; if he continues to
ignore you, verify whether Babywow is resting or
not (see the energy saving mode section in this
manual). If he is resting, press the buon (A) to
activate him again. Babywow will understand you
beer if there is not too much noise around him
when giving out the instructions; the noise could
confuse him.
Energy saving mode
If Babywow does not receive a stimulation for 30
seconds, he will make sounds to draw our aen
tion. If another 30 seconds elapse without any
interaction, he will cry and finally, he will deactiva
te.. To activate him again, press the buon (A) or
remove and/or put the dummy in his mouth. Aer
playing with him, we recommend that you turn the
switch to the OFF position so that he is comple
tely turned off.
Tips for proper use
Babywow not responding, a decrease in the volu-
me of the sound, and erratic movement are symp-
toms of dead baeries; they must be replaced.
Cleaning: Only wash the surface of the product
by hand. Remember that there are mechanisms
and electronic circuits inside it which could be
damaged when in contact with water. Use a cloth
slightly dampened with water or dry foam, if ne
cessary, and then dry immediately with a dry cloth
or leave it to dry indoors, without exposing to sun
light or direct heat sources. Do not use detergents
or solvents.
Do not use it until it is completely dry. If the equip
ment becomes wet, turn it off and remove the bat-
teries immediately. Dry the baery compartment
with a dry cloth. Leave the baery compartment
open until it is completely dry. If you wish, use a
hairdryer to speed this process up. Do not try to
use the unit until it is completely dry.
Put all the transport packaging, cardboard, plastic,
etc, in the recycling containers in your neighbou
Use rechargeable baeries whenever possible.
Remember to turn off the toy if you have finished
playing with it and take out the baeries if you are
not going to be using it again for a long time.
If you no longer want the toy and it still works, do
not throw it away. Remember that other people
can still enjoy it, and find bodies or associations
that can give it to them.
At the end of the life span of this product, it must
not be disposed of as normal household rubbish.
It should be delivered to a collection point for re
cycling electrical and electronic devices. Consult
the symbol on the product, in the user manual or
on the packaging for more information.
The materials are recyclable in accordance with
their markings. If you recycle materials or find
ways to reuse old devices, you make a conside
rable contribution to protecting the environment.
Please consult the nearest recycling centre or
local authorities.
- Warning. Not suitable for children under 3 years
of age. It contains small parts which might be in
gested by them. Choking hazard.
- Please keep the packaging for future reference
as it contains very important information.
- Please note that due to technical improvements
this product may differ from the one that ap
pears in the illustration.
- This product requires 4 type 1.5 V LR6/AA bae
ries (included).
- This product is distributed with 4, LR6/AA bat
teries for the “TRY ME” function. For normal
operation of the product, it may be necessary to
replace the baeries.
- This product achieves beer performance using
alkaline baeries.
- Remove the baeries from the compartment if
the unit is not going to be used for a long period
of time.
- Changing or handling the baeries must always
be carried out under the supervision of an adult.
- The baery terminals must not be bridged or
- Non-rechargeable baeries must not be recharged.
- Rechargeable baeries are only to be charged
under adult supervision.
- Rechargeable baeries are to be removed from
the toy before being charged.
- Use only those baeries recommended by the
manufacturer or equivalents.
- Do not mix different types of baeries.
- Do not mix old baeries with new ones.
- Used baeries or accumulators must be removed
from the toy; failure to do so could cause damage.
- The baeries or accumulators must be inserted ac
cording to the polarity indicated in the illustration.
- Please respect the environment and deposit
used baeries in the containers provided.
- Read the instructions before use, follow them and
keep them for reference.
- Under the environment with electrostatic dis
charge, the sample may malfunction and require
user to reset the sample.
- Under the environment with Fast Transient, the
sample may malfunction and require user to reset
the sample.
- Remove all elements designed to fasten and pro
tect the product during transport before giving it
to children (plastic pieces, labels, wires, etc.).
Level -I/II/III
Level -I/II/III
Level -II/III
Level -II/III
Level -III
Level -III
Level -I/II/III
Level III
Level -I/II
Level -I/II/III
Level -III
Level -I
Level -II/III