The PICTURE CDdisc has sucha directory structure
structure as shown in the followingpicture.
The MP3iWMAiMPEG4 dischas such adirectory
structure as shown picture above.
Press Dh'eetlon key to choose theroot directory and
then press ENTERbutton to enter into thesub
directory. PressDireetlon key to choose thedesired
track and thenpress ENTER or PLAYto enjoy the
music or movie.If you want to return to the upper
menu, press Direction key to choose_ the icon
and press ENTER button.
Filter: Allows selecting the categoriesof files
displayed in thebrowser list.
Repeat: Toswitch different repeatplaying mode
Mode: Select differentplaying mode asfollows:
Normal: Shuffle modeis cancelled.
Shuffle: Shuffle modeenabled. When playback
reaches the end of the currentchapteritrack,playback
jumps to arandom chapter/track. As the end ofeacb
cbapteritrack is reached,another random
chapter/track will beplayed until alltracksichapters
have been playedor the Shufflemode is cancelledby
toggling to adifferent Mode Optiom
Edit Mode:
Program CD orMP3 Disc :
1.CDiMP3 Playback manualwill appear onscreen
once you insertthe dics inthe slot. Disc will start
playback automatically .
2.1N STOP MODE : pressright button ,then press
UP/Down button tobighlight the Edit Mode and
press ENTER toconfirm .
3.Press left buttonto move cursor back to TRACK
and select desiredtracks which youprefcr to
program , thenpress ENTER toconfirm.
4. Press rightbutton to movecursor to "ADD
PROGRAM" , tbenpress ENTER buttonto confirm .
5. }tighlight "PROGRAM VIEW" andpress
"ENTER" , theprogrammed tracks willappear and
press PLAYbutton on theremote control to start
Program Play.
6. If youwisb to clearthose you have
programmed , pressSTOP buttontwice , tbenmove
Left cursortohighlight theprogrammedtracks,use
UP/DOWN button toselect the tracksyou wish to
clear, thenpress ENTER button,pressRIGllT button
to highlight the" CLEAR PROGRAM" and press
ENTER button to clearall.(Ifyouwisb to return to
Disc Menu ,use Right arrowto higblight "
BROWSER VIEW" andpress " ENTER"button .
Press Direction keyto choose theroot
directory and thenpress ENTER buttonto
enter into the sub directory. Press Direction
key to choose thedesired picture andthen
press ENTER or PLAYto enjoy thepicture. If
you want toreturn to theupper menu, press
Direction key to choos_the icon andpress
ENTER button.
Image rotation
In picture playstate, press Direction key to
rotate the picture.
3In lCard Reader
If the playerhas a 3inl card jackand it's NOT
in "disc playing" status, you can insert three
kinds of card (MMC, SD ,MS) to playthe
mp3 music or MPEG4 movie andJPEG files.
All the functionis the sameto playing adisc.
IftheplayerhasaUSBslotand it'sNOTin"disc
playing" status, you can insert a USBdevice or aMp3
Player with USBInterface to playthe MP3 music or
and JPEG files. All thefunction is thesame to playa
When the discis playing, pleasestop playing firstand
insert a USBiCARD,enjoying USBiCARD bypress
DVD/USB key on theremote controller ,andthen
press VIA keyto select DISCiUSBiCARD,and
press ENTER to confirm.
Not all USBiCARDdevice can besupported by this
Note: When using USBi3in 1 Card Reader function,
please do notinsert in thewrong direction,
or else itwill damage theunit.