Deployment Manual
2 (Optional) Configuring Server
If you do not have a laptop, log in to the server through Xshell for configuration.
Step 1 Log in to the admin or root account.
● The password for admin is dh-qQ3j!soft.
● The password for root is dahuacloud.
Step 2 Check whether the driver has been successfully installed.
[root@rabbitmq1 ~]# npu-smi info
| npu-smi Version: |
| NPU Name | Health | Power(W) Temp(C) |
| Chip Device | Bus-Id | AICore(%) Memory-Usage(MB) |
| 2880 310 | OK | 12.8 50 |
| 0 0 | 0000:B6:00.0 | 0 3440 / 8192 |
| 2880 310 | OK | 12.8 53 |
| 1 1 | 0000:B7:00.0 | 0 3440 / 8192 |
| 2880 310 | OK | 12.8 54 |
| 2 2 | 0000:B8:00.0 | 0 3440 / 8192 |
| 2880 310 | OK | 12.8 52 |
| 3 3 | 0000:B9:00.0 | 0 3440 / 8192 |
Step 3 Check whether the patch has been successfully installed.
[root@rabbitmq1 ~]# cat /patch.txt
2022040117 patch install successful
Step 4 Check the date and time. Run the date command to edit the date.
[root@rabbitmq1 ~]# date
Fri Apr 1 20:38:58 CST 2022
(Optional) [root@rabbitmq1 ~]# date -s "20:39:00"
Fri Apr 1 20:39:00 CST 2022
(Optional) [root@rabbitmq1 ~]# hwclock -w
Step 5 Edit the network configuration in the server SaaS configuration file, and then restart the
[root@rabbitmq1 ~]# cd /cloud/dahua/BehaviorSaaS/Service/Conf/
[root@rabbitmq1 Conf]# vi Config.ini