RC2000A Dual Axis Antenna Controller Chapter 2 Basic Functions 19
Feed Present? CONFIG mode item is set to Yes. Before attempting to set the polarization limits for the
rotating feed, please consult section 3.3.
More detailed information is available concerning each of the modes described above in chapter 4 of
this manual.
2.3 Changing Modes with the MODE Key
The user can switch the current controller mode by use of the MODE key. The MODE key is always
active - when the MODE key is depressed, the controller's current mode will change. The various
modes are divided into two groups. The Operational mode group consists of the MANUAL, AUTO, and
REMOTE modes. The Programming mode group consists of the SETUP, RESET, DELETE, RE-SYNC,
AZIM SLOW, ELEV SLOW, CONFIG, LIMITS, and POL LIMITS modes. The Programming modes are
typically only used during system installation and configuration. The Operational modes are the ones
used in everyday operation of the controller.
The modes are divided into two groups, referred to as mode groups, as part of a scheme to keep the
user out of the Programming modes in the course of the normal everyday operation of the controller
after the unit has been installed. This scheme is based on the use of the MODE key.
If the MODE key is depressed for 5 seconds and released, the current controller mode will switch to the
first mode of the mode group which was NOT active when the MODE key was depressed.
If the MODE key is rapidly depressed and released, the controller mode will switch to the next mode in
the mode group that was active when the MODE key was depressed.
For example, if MANUAL mode is active (the active mode is always displayed in the upper right hand
corner of the LCD) and the user depresses the MODE key for at least 5 seconds and releases it,
SETUP mode will become the active mode. As another example, if MANUAL mode is active and the
user rapidly depresses and releases the MODE key, AUTO mode will become the active mode.
2.4 Mode Access
Access to some controller modes is restricted. There are three conditions which can restrict user
access to certain modes. The user will not be able to access REMOTE mode (either via the MODE key
or the comm port) if the CONFIG mode Remote Mode Enable item is set to 0 (DISABLED). Also the
user will not be able access the POL LIMITS mode if the CONFIG mode Rotating Feed Present? item is
set to 0 (NO). The third condition that can limit user access to certain modes is the state of the 'Expert
Access Flag'.
2.5 Expert Access
An Expert Access Flag is maintained by the controller. The user can inspect and change the state of
this flag via the CONFIG mode 'EXPERT ACCESS' item. When the Expert Access Flag is set (1) the
user has access to all controller modes (subject to the state of the Remote Mode Enable and Rotating
Feed Present? flags described in the preceding paragraph). When the Expert Access Flag is reset (0),
the user only has access to the MANUAL, AUTO, REMOTE, RESET, and CONFIG modes.
The Expert Access Flag also controls access to CONFIG mode items. When the Expert Access Flag is
reset (0), the user only has access to the AutoPol Enable, Simultaneous Az/El Enable, and Expert
Access CONFIG mode items. The user can toggle the state of the Expert Access Flag by entering a 5
digit code at the CONFIG mode Expert Access item. This 5 digit code is contained in a removeable
appendix (Appendix A) at the end of this manual to safeguard from any accidental corruption of
operating parameters by inexperienced personnel. Note that the Expert Access Flag is set whenever
the controller's memory is cleared via the Reset System Data CONFIG mode item.
2.6 AutoPol
The AutoPol feature slaves the RC2000A polarization control to an output derived from a satellite
receiver. The RC2000A has an AutoPol input accessible via a connector on the back of the unit. When
the controller is operating in MANUAL or REMOTE modes, this input is monitored and the polarotor is
controlled according to a digital level present at this input. The AutoPol feature should not be used with
feeds that receive both horizontal and vertical polarizations simultaneously.
Research Concepts, Inc. • 5420 Martindale Road • Shawnee, Kansas • 66218-9680 • USA www.researchconcepts.com