
Gigabyte W251U Quick start guide

  • I'm a chat assistant and I have read the user guide for the GIGABYTE W251U Notebook computer. I'm ready to answer your questions about initial setup, device driver installation, status LED indicators and system recovery. I also have information for components and ports.
  • What should I do if my W251U Notebook computer already has an operating system installed?
    Where can I find the driver CD?
    What does the blue light on the power indicator mean?
    What do I do if the mouse does not work during system recovery?
Congratulations on your purchase of the W251U Notebook computer. This Quick Start
Guide offers information to guide you through a successful Notebook Setup.
W251U ⊬䏬⺵ 䀨䘜䉤㡸 ㉔䈑䚌㐠 ᵄ㇠☐⫱⏼␘.␭㐔㢌W251U⊬䏬⺵䀨䘜䉤㢌䓬⫠䚐 ㇠㟝㡸 㠸䚌
,㟤⫠⏈Ḕ㋁㉘㾌 ᴴ㢨☐⦐ ␭㐔㢌 W251U⊬䏬⺵ ㉘㥉㜄 ⓸㟴㢨 ╌⥘Ḕ 䚝⏼␘.
Setup ঀဥٳইġ㉘㥉O㉿㚉PG
1. Slides in battery / 㔚ᳰࡄ࠶ࠢࠍPCߦⵝ⌕ߒ߹ߔ/ⵛ⒤⫠ 䁄䘜䉤㙼㜄
2. Connect to the AC power source / AC㔚Ḯߣធ⛯ߒ߹ߔ /AC㤸㠄㜤ᷤ
3. Open the LCD panel to a comfortable viewing angle / ࠬࠢ࡝࡯ࡦࠍ㐿ߌޔ৻⇟⦟޿ⷺᐲߦ⺞
▵ߒ߹ߔޕ /㏘䆠⫤䔠㣙㡸 㜨Ḕ.㏘䆠⫤㡸 ⸨ὤ㜄 ᴴ㣙 㤵㤼䚐 㡔㾌⦐ 㦤㥉
4. Press the power button to turn on the power / 㔚Ḯࡏ࠲ࡦࠍ᛼ߒߡޔPCࠍࠝࡦߒ߹ߔޕ/㤸㠄
ⶼ䏬⪰ ⍀⤠ ␭㐔㢌 ⊬䏬⺵㡸 㣅┍䚝⏼␘.
If W251U Notebook Computer already have an operating system installed into your notebook
computer, it is best to install the needed device drivers for using the built-in devices of your
notebook computer. Before installing the drivers, check with your dealer first if they have al-
ready installed all the drivers along with the operating system.
1. You can find one bundled Driver CD shown as the picture on the right side.
1.␭㐔㡴 ⊬䏬⺵ 䀨䘜 䉤㢌 䔠㣙㙼㜄㉐ 㝘⪬㯱Ἤ⫰㜄 䖐㐐═ ☐⢰㢨ⶸ 䘸⦐Ἤ⣜ CD⪰ⵐᷠ䚌
㍌ 㢼㏩⏼␘.
2. Put the CD into the CD-RW or DVD-RW (optional) Drive. It will get you through the Auto Run
☐⢰㢨ⶸ䘸⦐Ἤ⣜CD CD-RW ❄⏈ DVD-RW (㝩㊌)㢌 䘸⤼㢨㛨㜄 ㇠㢹䚌㜠 㣄┍㫸䚽 (㝘䋔⤤-
Auto Run) 㐐䇘⮨,㣙㾌ᴴ 㝸㉥ ╝⏼␘.z
Status LED IndicatorGōņŅͼϋΐΊȜΗȜ͈ેఠ.
ÌPower / 㔚Ḯ/㤸㠄䖐㐐☥
mode. The light is off when the computer is in the Hibernation mode or shut down.
㤸㠄䖐㐐☥㢌 䑀⢴⾏㢨 䁐㫴⮨ 䀨䘜䉤ᴴ 㢨⴬ 㣅┍╌㛼㢀㡸㢌⴬ 䚝⏼␘.䢄⫤ 䑀⢴⺼㡴 䀨䘜䉤ᴴ
␴ὤㇵ䈐㜄 㢼㢀㡸 䖐㐐 䚝⏼␘.䀨䘜䉤ᴴ ῰㫴ᶤ⇌ 䡨㐑ㇵ䈐㜄 ☘㛨ᴸ ᷱ㟤㜄⏈ 䑀⢴⺼㢨 ῰㬅
ÌWireless LAN / ή✢LAN/ⱨ㉔㫴㜡 㢬䊀≫ ㇵ䈐䖐㐐ὤ
It glows blue when the Wireless LAN function is in use. It is off when the Wireless LAN
function is turned off.
ⱨ㉔㫴㜡 㢬䊀≫ ㇵ䈐䖐㐐ὤ㜄 䑀⢴⺼㢨 䁐㫴⮨ ⱨ㉔㫴㜡 㢬䊀≫ 㢨⴬ 㜤ᷤㇵ䈐 ╌㛼㢀㡸 䖐㐐
.䑀⢴⺼㢨 ῰㫴⮨ ⱨ㉔㫴㜡 㢬䊀≫ㇵ䈐㜄㉐ ㇠㟝䚌㫴 㙾㢀㡸 䖐㐐䚜.
Ì CD ROM Drive / CD- ROM࠼࡜ࠗࡉ/CD ROM ☐⢰㢨⽀
Lights up when the computer is reading information from the DVD-ROM or the Combo
⺼㢨 䁐㥬 㢼㡰⮨ 㫴Ἴ CD ⇨㟝㡸 㵸⓹䚌Ḕ 㢼㢀㡸 䖐㐐䚜.
ÌNum LK / ᢙሼࡠ࠶ࠢ/㍟㣄 ᶬ㌔䇘
Lights up when the numeric mode is turned on by pressing [Num LK]. Press [Num LK] again
to turn off the embedded numeric keyboard.
࡜ࠗ࠻ὐἮᤨޔᢙሼࡠ࠶ࠢ[Num LK]߇⿠േߒ߹ߔޕ߽߁৻ᐲ[Num LK]ࠍ᛼ߔߣࡠ࠶ࠢ߇⸃㒰ߐ
䖐㐐☥㜄 ⺼㢨 䁐㫴⮨㍟㣄ᶬ㌔䇘[Num LK]㣅┍㡸 䖐㐐䚜,␘㐐䚐ⶼ ⌸⪨⮨ [Num LK] ㍟㣄ᶬ㌔䇘
㢌 䚨㣠 䚔 ㍌ 㢼㏩⏼␘.
ÌCaps Lock / ࠠࡖࡇ࠲࡞ࡠ࠶ࠢ/␴ⱬ㣄ᶬ㌔
Lights up when the alphabet keys are locked in uppercase. Press [Caps Lock] to turn on or
turn off this mode.
࡜ࠗ࠻ὐἮᤨޔ[Caps Lock]ࠠࡖࡇ࠲࡞ࡠ࠶ࠢࠍ␜ߒ߹ߔޕ߽߁৻ᐲ[Caps Lock]ࠍ᛼ߔߣޔࡕ࡯
䖐㐐☥㜄 ⺼㢨 䁐㫴⮨␴ⱬᶬ㌔䇘[Caps Lock]㢌 㣅┍㡸 䖐㐐䚜,␘㐐 䚐ⶼ [Caps Lock]⪰ ⌸⪨⮨
䚨㣠 䚔 ㍌ 㢼㏩⏼␘.
ÌBattery Status Indicator / 㔚ᳰࠗࡦࠫࠥ࡯࠲࡯/ⵛ⒤⫠ ㇵ䈐 䖐㐐☥
Battery status indicator tells you whether the battery is charging or is already charged. If
you are charging your battery, light remains on even if your notebook is shut off. If there’s
no battery activity, the power adapters are not connected, or the power switch is off, the
battery indicator will also be off.
ⵛ⒤⫠ ㇵ䈐 䖐㐐☥㡴 ⵛ⒤⫠㢌 㻝㤸㩅 ❄⏈㻝㤸㝸⨀⪰ 䖐㐐 䚨㩁⏼␘.㻝㤸㩅 䁄䘜䉤⪰ ῰㛨⓸
⺼㡴㜠㤸䢼 ⾏⇝⏼␘.⽸㻝㤸㐐,㛨⑅䉤⪰ 㜤ᷤ䚌㫴 㙾㚌㡸⚀,㤸㠄㡸 ῰㡸⚀ 䖐㐐☥㡴 ῰㬅⏼␘U
Installing W251U Notebook Computer Device Drivers
W251U 㐐⫠㪼 ⊬䏬⺵㢌 ♈ⵈ
Recover Your SystemGΏΑΞθͬ໘ࡓ̳ͥ䟀⸩G䘸⦐Ἤ
1. Power on your computer. If it is already running, reboot
(restart/reset) it.
2. As soon as anything (logo, graphic, text) appears on
the screen after boot-up, press and hold down the F9 key.
(Typically, F9 is the “hot key” that starts Recover Pro. Con-
tact your PC manufacturer if this hot key does not work.)
1. ⭰㤴 䀨䘜䉤⪰ 䁐㩁⏼␘.䁐 ⋇㡰㐔 ㇵ䈐⢰⮨ ⫠㉿䏬䇘⪰
⍀⤠ 㩁⏼␘.(restart/reset)
2. 䀨䘜䉤⪰ 䁐㐔䟸 ㏘䆠⫤ 㣅┍䞈⮨㜄 (ㇵ䖐,⓸㙼,ⱬ㣄)
⇌䇴⇝⏼␘,F9 䇘⪰⍀⤠ 㩁⏼␘. (㢰ⵌ㤵㡰⦐ F9䇘⏈ 䘸⦐
㉿䐹 䚌䏬䇘 “hot key” 㢹⏼␘.㙸 ⵌ㢅⓸ 㛺㡰⮨ 䀨䘜䉤 㥐
㦤㛹㷨 ⱬ㢌䚌㐡㐐㟈)
The cME Console screen displays. This is the access screen for applications in the cME.
Your Phoenix cME Console opening screen may not match the one pictured here. The number of avail-
able applications varies.
ࠬࠢ࡝࡯ࡦߦcMEࠦࡦ࠰࡯࡞߇⃻ࠇߚ႐วߪޔcMEᔕ↪⁁ᘒߦ౉ࠅ߹ߔޕ⾆ᣇߩPhoenix cMEࠦࡦ࠰
cME Console 䞈⮨㢨 ⇌䇴⇌⮨ cME 㢅㟝ㇵ䈐㜄 ☘㛨ᴸ ᶷ㢹⏼␘.Ḕᵑ␌㢌 Phoenix cME Console
ㇵ㍔䚐 ⵈ㝴 ␘⪨␘⮨㢅㟝䚌㐘 ㍌ 㢼⏈ ㍌⣽⓸ ␘⪰ ㍌ 㢼㏩⏼␘.
• Normally, your mouse will be functional when running FirstWare Recover Pro, and you can click to
select options. If the mouse is not functioning, press the Tab key until the desired option is highlighted,
and then press Enter to select it.
㢰ⵌ㤵㡰⦐,FirstWave䟀⸩㉿䐹 䘸⦐Ἤ⣜㢨 ⇌䇴⇌⮨ ⫼㟤㏘⏈ 㣅┍㢨 ᴴ⏙䚌⮤,⫼㟤㏘⦐ 㠄䚌⏈ ὤ⏙
⮈⎨⪰ 䆨⫡䚝⏼␘.⬀㚱 ⫼㟤㏘ᴴ 㣅㟝䚌㫴 㙾㡰⮨, Tab 䇘⪰⍀⤠ 㠄䚌⏈ 䇘ᴴ ㉔䈑 ╌⓸⦑ 䚐 ␘㢀
Enter䇘⪰ ⍀⤠ ㉔䈑䚝⏼␘.
⬀㚱W251U⊬䏬⺵䀨䘜䉤㜄 㣅㛹䘸⦐Ἤ⣜㢌㣙㾌ᴴ 㝸⨀䚌㜴㡰⮨,⊬䏬⺵䀨䘜
䉤㙼㜄 ㉘㾌═ ☐⢰㢨ⶸ⪰ ㇠㟝 䚌㐘 ⚀ 㜄⏈ 䙸㟈䚐 ☐⢰㢨ⶸ㢌 ☐⢰㢨ⶸ 䘸⦐
Ἤ⣜ 㣙㾌⪰ ㉘㾌䚌㐐⏈ ᶷ㢨 㥐㢰 㦿㏩⏼␘.㢨⤠䚐 ☐⢰㢨ⶸ 䘸⦐Ἤ⣜㢌 ㉘㾌
㤸㜄,␴⫠㥄Ḱ 㜤ᷤ䚌㜠 㢨⤠䚐 ☐⢰㢨ⶸ 䘸⦐Ἤ⣜☘㢨 㢨⴬ 㣙㾌═ 㣅㛹䘸⦐Ἤ
⣜Ḱ 㢰㾌㜠⺴⪰ ㇠㤸㜄 䞉㢬 䚌㜠 㨰㐡㐐㟈.
1 Speaker / ࠬࡇ࡯ࠞ࡯/㏘䙰䀘
2 Status LED Inicator /LEDࠗࡦࠫࠥ࡯࠲࡯
ߩ⁁ᘒ. / LED ㇵ䈐㫴㐐☥Ă
3 Card Reader / ࠞ࡯࠼࡝࡯࠳࡯ /㾨☐⫠⒈
(㾨☐ 䑄⓹ὤ)
1 Speaker or Headphone Jack / ࠬࡇ࡯ࠞ
࡯࡮ࡋ࠶࠼ࡈࠜࡦࠫࡖ࠶ࠢ / ㏘䙰䀘❄⏈䜘
2 Microphone Jack / ࡑࠗࠢࡠࡈࠜࡦࠫࡖ࠶
/ ⫼㢨䆠 ㇱ㢹Ạ⮁
3 USB Port / USBࡐ࡯࠻ /USB 䔠䏬
4 Modem Port / ࡕ࠺ࡓࡐ࡯࠻ /⯜䊐 䔠䏬
5 External Display Port / ᄖㇱߩ࠺ࠖࠬࡊ࡟࡯
ࡐ࡯࠻ / 㞬⺴⯜⏼䉤䔠䏬
6 IEEE 1394 Port /IEEE 1394ࡐ࡯࠻ / IEEE
1394 䔠䏬
7 Vent / ㅢ㘑ญ /䋩䗁Ạ⮁
1 Battery Bay / 㔚ᳰቶ / ⵛ⒤⫠ ⷔ㢨
2 Battery Release Latch / 㔚ᳰขࠅ಴ߒ࡜
࠶࠴ /ⵛ⒤⫠䖴ὤⶼ䏰Ă
3 Fan Vent /ࡈࠔࡦߩㅢ㘑ญ /㉔䗁ὤẠ⮁
Know Your W251U Notebook Computer
༷͈ܲW251UΦȜΠPCͬ෇ে̱̳͘㚀㙸⸹㐐␘␭㐔㢌 W251U⊬䏬⺵䀨䘜䉤
This Quick Start Guide is intended for use only as a quick reference. For more detailed infor-
mation and procedures, please consult the user manual included in your package or visit us
at http://tw.giga-byte.com
[Ḕ㋁ ㉘㾌 ᴴ㢨☐]⏈ᴸ䓬 㐔㋁䚐 㵬Ḕ㣄⨀㢹⏼␘.⬀㚱䀨䘜䉤㜄␴䚐⒈⬂㡴ὤ⏙Ḱ 㣄⨀ᴴ䙸㟈䚌㐐⮨
1 2 3 1
1 72 3 4 5 6
1 2 4 5 63
1 Kingsington Lock / Kingsingtonࡠ࠶ࠢ /
KingsingtonKingsington 㣔Ἴ
2 LAN Port / LANࡐ࡯࠻ /Lan 䔠䏬
3 USB Port / USBࡐ࡯࠻ /USB 䔠䏬
4 Optical Disc Drive / శቇ࠺ࠖࠬࠢ࠼࡜ࠗࡉ
/ODDṅ䚍 ☐⢰㢨ⶸ
5 Optical Disc Eject Button / శቇ࠼࡜ࠗ
6 PCI Express Card or New Card Slot
/ PCI㜞ㅦࠞ࡯࠼ᚗ޿ߪᣂࠞ࡯࠼ࠬࡠ࠶࠻ /
1 Web Cam / WEBࠞࡔ࡜ / 㢬䊀≫ 㾨⮈⢰
2 LCD Display screen / LCDߩ࠺ࠖࠬࡊ࡟࡯
ࠬࠢ࡝࡯ࡦ / LCD㏘䆠⫤ ⯜⏼䉤
3 Power Button /㔚Ḯࡏ࠲ࡦ / 㤸㠄ⶼ䏰Ă
4 Keyboard / ࠠ࡯ࡏ࡯࠼ /䇘⸨
5 Touchpad / ࠲࠶࠴ࡄ࠶࠼ / 䉤㾌䑜☐
6 Speaker / ࠬࡇ࡯ࠞ࡯ / ㏘䙰䀘
7 Card Reader / ࠞ࡯࠼࡝࡯࠳࡯ / 㾨☐ ⫠⒈
8 Status LED Indicator / LEDࠗࡦࠫࠥ࡯࠲࡯
ߩ⁁ᘒ. / LED ㇵ䈐 䖐㐐☥
9 Touchpad Buttos / ࡑ࠙ࠬࠠ࡯/䉤㾌䑜☐ ⶼ
1 Power Port / ࡄࡢ࡯ࡐ࡯࠻/㤸㠄 䔠䏬
2 S-Video Port / S-Videoࡐ࡯࠻/S-Video䔠䏬
3 USB Port /USBࡐ࡯࠻ / USB 䔠䏬
4 Battery Bay /㔚ᳰቶ /ⵛ⒤⫠ ⷔ㢨
1 2 3 4
V 1.0
This product incorporates copyright protection technology that is protected by U.S.
technology must be authorized by Macrovision, and is intended for home and other
limited viewing uses only unless otherwise authorized by Macrovision. Reverse
engineering or disassembly is prohibited.
patents and other intellectual property rights. Use of this copyright protection
Macrovision License of Notice
[㇠㟝⮈⎨㛰] 㵬Ḕ 䚌㐐ᶤ⇌ 㙸⣌㢌㢬䊀≫㡸㢨㟝䚌㜠䙸㟈䚌㐔 㥉⸨⪰ 㵲㙸 ⸨㐘㍌㢼㏩⏼␘.
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