ii BK3254601-00 C
User’s Guide—Fibre Channel Adapter
QLE274x-DEL and QLE274xL-DEL
This document is provided for informational purposes only and may contain errors. QLogic reserves the right, without
notice, to make changes to this document or in product design or specifications. QLogic disclaims any warranty of any
kind, expressed or implied, and does not guarantee that any results or performance described in the document will be
achieved by you. All statements regarding QLogic's future direction and intent are subject to change or withdrawal
without notice and represent goals and objectives only.
Document Revision History
Revision A, March 21, 2016
Revision B, April 19, 2016
Revision C, February 1, 2017
Changes Sections Affected
Updated the supported OSs:
Added a note stating that the OSs listed in this
guide may be more current than those listed in
the Dell Update Packages Version xx.xx.xxx
User’s Guide.
For Windows, added support for Windows
Server 2016.
For Linux, added support for Linux RHEL 7.3,
removed support for RHEL 7.1, changed RHEL
6.6 to RHEL 6.8, and changed SLES 12 SP0 to
SLES 12 SP2.
For VMware, added support for VMware ESXi
6.5 and removed support for ESXi 6.0, ESXi 5.5
U3, and ESXi 5.5 U2.
“Supported Operating Systems” on page xv
Added a reference to the Dell Update Packages
Version xx.xx.xxx User’s Guide as a prerequisite.
“Running the Dell Update Package in the GUI” on
page 5
Deleted the “Installation Options” section.
Added a reference to the Dell Update Packages
Version xx.xx.xxx User’s Guide, “Windows CLI
Options” section.
“Running the Dell Update Package from the Com-
mand Line” on page 11
Changed the section title from “Installing the ESXi
5.5 and 6.0 Fibre Channel Driver” to reflect
changed OS support.
“Installing the ESXi 6.5 and 6.0 U2 Fibre Channel
Driver” on page 17
Changed the section title from “Updating an Exist-
ing Driver or Installing a New Driver for an Existing
ESXi 5.5 or 6.0 Installation with esxcli” to reflect
changed OS support.
“Updating an Existing Driver or Installing a New
Driver for an Existing ESXi 6.5 or 6.0 U2 Installa-
tion with esxcli” on page 17
In the second bullet, changed the VMware refer-
ence from “ESXi 5.5 and 6.0” to “ESXi 6.5 and 6.0
“Installation Package Contents” on page 19