TMCM-3351 CANopen®Firmware Manual •Firmware Version V3.21 | Document Revision V1.00 •2017-DEC-14 3 / 138
4.2.6 Object 2005h: Limit Switches .................................. 41
4.2.7 Object 200Ah: Enable Drive Delay Time ............................ 42
4.2.8 Object 200Bh: Encoder Parameters .............................. 42
4.2.9 Object 200Ch: Brake Current Feed ............................... 43
4.2.10 Object 2010h: Profile Start Velocity ............................... 43
4.2.11 Object 2011h: Profile Start Acceleration ............................ 44
4.2.12 Object 2012h: Profile Break Velocity .............................. 44
4.2.13 Object 2013h: Profile Final Deceleration ............................ 45
4.2.14 Object 2014h: Profile Stop Deceleration ............................ 45
4.2.15 Object 2020h: Closed Loop Mode ............................... 45
4.2.16 Object 2021h: Correction Position P .............................. 46
4.2.17 Object 2022h: Maximum Correction Tolerance ........................ 46
4.2.18 Object 2027h: Closed Loop Beta ................................ 47
4.2.19 Object 2028h: Closed Loop Offset ............................... 47
4.2.20 Object 2029h: Current Scaler Minimum ............................ 48
4.2.21 Object 202Ah: Current Scaler Maximum ........................... 48
4.2.22 Object 202Bh: Correction Velocity P .............................. 48
4.2.23 Object 202Ch: Correction Velocity I............................... 49
4.2.24 Object 202Dh: Correction Velocity IClipping ......................... 49
4.2.25 Object 202Eh: Correction Velocity DV Clock .......................... 50
4.2.26 Object 202Fh: Correction Velocity DV Clipping ........................ 50
4.2.27 Object 2030h: Upscale Delay .................................. 50
4.2.28 Object 2031h: Downscale Delay ................................ 51
4.2.29 Object 2033h: Actual Scaling Factor .............................. 51
4.2.30 Object 2034h: Field Weakening Minimum Velocity ...................... 51
4.2.31 Object 2035h: Field Weakening Maximum Velocity ..................... 52
4.2.32 Object 2036h: Field Weakening ................................. 52
4.2.33 Object 204Eh: Boost Current .................................. 53
4.2.34 Object 2089h: Setting Delay ................................... 53
4.2.35 Object 208Ch: Velocity Dimension Index ........................... 54
4.2.36 Object 208Eh: Acceleration Dimension Index ......................... 54
4.2.37 Object 2092h: Chopper Blank Time .............................. 54
4.2.38 Object 2093h: Chopper Mode .................................. 55
4.2.39 Object 2094h: Chopper Hysteresis Decrement ........................ 55
4.2.40 Object 2095h: Chopper Hysteresis End ............................ 56
4.2.41 Object 2096h: Chopper Hysteresis Start ............................ 56
4.2.42 Object 2097h: Chopper OffTime ................................ 57
4.2.43 Object 2098h: Smart Energy Current Minimum ....................... 57
4.2.44 Object 2099h: Smart Energy Current Down Step ....................... 58
4.2.45 Object 209Ah: Smart Energy Hysteresis ............................ 58
4.2.46 Object 209Bh: Smart Energy Current Up Step ........................ 59
4.2.47 Object 209Ch: Smart Energy Hysteresis Start ......................... 59
4.2.48 Object 209Dh: Smart Energy Filter Enable ........................... 60
4.2.49 Object 209Eh: stallGuard2 Threshold ............................. 60
4.2.50 Object 20A1h: Short Protection Disable ............................ 61
4.2.51 Object 20A3h: Vsense ...................................... 61
4.2.52 Object 20A4h: Stop on Stall ................................... 62
4.2.53 Object 20A5h: Smart Energy Threshold Speed ........................ 62
4.2.54 Object 2100h: Home Offset Display .............................. 63
4.2.55 Object 2101h: Actual Load Value ................................ 63
4.2.56 Object 2102h: Driver Error Flags ................................ 63
4.2.57 Object 2107h: Microstep Resolution Display ......................... 64
4.2.58 Object 210Bh: Step Counter ................................... 65
4.2.59 Object 2120h: Closed Loop Initialization Flag ......................... 65
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