Hook & Ring
The Rules
1. Best of Ten
• Compete against yourself or an opponent to see how many ringers you can score out of
10 tosses.
• The person with the most ringers, wins.
2. Horse
• Decide order of turns for all players playing.
• The first player then makes any kind of shot at the ring.
• If Player 1 makes the shot, Player 2 has to try to make the same shot from the same
place and using the same style shot Player 1 used.
• If Player 2 makes the shot then Player 3 needs to attempt the shot, and continue this
process until the shot rotation comes back to Player 1.
• If Player 1 missed, then Player 2 would become the leader.
• Each time a player misses a shot that another player has made, another letter is added to
their score beginning with h, then o, r, s, and e. When the player spells horse, he or she is
out of the game.
• The last person who did not receive all the letters is the winner.
House Rules
a. Rules not found in a game’s manual
b. Made-up rules followed within one’s
specific household
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1. Screw the Target Hook by hand into the center hole on the target
board. Make sure Target Hook end does not protrude from back
of the Target Board. (Must be flush as to not damage wall).
Also, ensure Target Hook is in upright position as per the above
2. Mount the Target Board on wall, approximately 4 to 5 feet high
using the adhesive tape and or screws enclosed.
3. Screw Eye Hook into ceiling in line with and approximately 4 to 5
feet away from the wall that the Target Board is attached to.
4. Tie string to the Ring and place Ring onto the Target Hook.
5. With help, hold the Ring in the horizontal position on the Target
Hook and tie the open end of the string onto the Eye Hook.
Note, there must be a slight amount of slack in the string which
will allow the Ring to hook onto the Target Hook when properly
tossed. Adjust slack in string to achieve the optimum playability
of the Hook & Ring game.
Note: This Hook & Ring Set can be attached and played on trees,
decks, etc., depending on the correct location of the tree limbs and
deck ceilings for installation of the Eye Hook. Simple fixtures can
also be made from 2x4 lumber to accommodate both the Target
Board and Eye Hook.