Helpline 0844 800 6503
(See page 69 for costs and hours of operation)
phone as they are from an earlier generation of SIM card
Can I use a SIM card from any mobile phone company?
Yes. The Amplicomms mobile phone is what is termed as
an open SIM card phone and so it is not restricted to any
particular service provider or mobile phone company.
How do I pay for my calls?
There are two main types of registration with a service
provider or mobile phone company. One is a contract −
this is where you sign up for an agreed contract over seve-
ral months / year and pay an agreed monthly fee. This is
more suited to people who are using their mobile phone
as part of their job for example. The other is
Pay−as−you−go, sometimes abbreviated to PAYG. With
this type of service you add credit to the card and top up
as and when required. Topping up the card is easy, you
can do this over the phone, on−line, at many shops and
even some cash points allow you to do this. PAYG is more