We wanted to provide you with some updates
and clarifications with respect to the printed
MINI Owner's Manual. These updates and clari-
fications will supersede the materials contained
in that document.
1. Where the terms “service center,” “the ser-
vice center,” “your service center,” “service
specialist,” or “service” are used in the Ow-
ner's Manual, we wanted to clarify that the
terms refer to a MINI dealer's service center
or another service center or repair shop that
employs trained personnel that can perform
maintenance and repair work on your ve-
hicle in accordance with MINI specifications.
2. Where the text of the Owner's Manual con-
tains an affirmative instruction to contact a
“service center” or “your service center,” we
wanted to clarify that MINI recommends
that, if you are faced with one of the situa-
tions addressed by that text, you contact or
seek the assistance of a MINI dealer's service
center or another service center or repair
shop that employs trained personnel that
can perform maintenance and repair work
on your vehicle in accordance with MINI
While MINI, at no cost to you, will pay for re-
pairs required by the limited warranties pro-
vided with respect to your vehicle and for
maintenance under the Maintenance Pro-
gram during the applicable warranty and
maintenance coverage periods, you are free
to elect, both during those periods and the-
reafter, to have maintenance and repair
work provided by other service centers or
repair shops.
3. Where the Owner's Manual makes reference
to parts and accessories having been appro-
ved by MINI, those references are intended
to reflect that those parts and accessories
are recommended by MINI. You may elect
to use other parts and accessories, but, if
you do, we recommend that you make sure
that any such parts and/or accessories are
appropriate for use on your vehicle.
4. At page 7, under the warranty section's dis-
cussion of homologation, where it states
that you “cannot lodge warranty claims for
your vehicle there,” the text should read
that you “may not be able to lodge warranty
claims for your vehicle there.”
5. At page 7, in the “Parts and Accessories”
section, the sentence beginning “For your
own safety, use … ,” should be disregarded
and the following the text should be read in
lieu thereof: “The manufacturer of your ve-
hicle recommends using genuine MINI parts
and accessories.”
In the fifth sentence of that paragraph, the
word “cannot” should read “does not.”
6. At page 38, in the “Check and replace safety
belts” section, the text beginning, “This
should only be done by your service
center …” should be disregarded and the
following text should be read in lieu thereof:
“MINI recommends having this work perfor-
med by a service center as it is important
that this safety feature functions properly.”
7. At page 135 under the heading: “Objects in
the area around the pedals” and at page
219 under the heading: “Carpets and floor
mats,” the paragraph that begins: “Only use
floor mats …” should be disregarded and
the following language should be read in
lieu thereof: “The manufacturer of your ve-
hicle recommends that you use floor mats
that have been identified by it as appropri-
ate for use in your vehicle and that can be
properly fixed in place.”
8. At page 142, under the heading: “Have
maintenance carried out,” the sentence be-
ginning, “Have the maintenance carried
out …” should be disregarded and the fol-
lowing text should be read in lieu thereof:
“MINI recommends that you have the main-
tenance carried out by your service center.”
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