Copyright © 2014 Navico
All Rights Reserved
Lowrance® and Navico® are registered
trademarks of Navico.
Fishing Hot Spots® is a registered trademark
of Fishing Hot Spots Inc. Copyright© 2014
Fishing Hot Spots.
Navionics® is a registered trademark of
Navionics, Inc.
NMEA 2000® is a registered trademark of the
National Marine Electronics Association.
Additional mapping data: Copyright© 2014
NSI, Inc.: Copyright© 2014 by Richardson’s
Warning: It is your sole responsibility to
install and use this instrument in a manner
that will not cause accidents, personal injury
or property damage. Always observe safe
boating practices.
Global Positioning System: The Global
Positioning System (GPS) is operated by the US
Government which is solely responsible for its
operation, accuracy and maintenance. The GPS
is subject to changes which could affect the
accuracy and performance of all GPS equipment
anywhere in the world, including this instrument.
Electronic Chart: The electronic chart used by
this instrument is an aid to navigation designed
to supplement, not replace, official government
charts. Only official government charts
supplemented by notices to mariners contain
the information required for safe and prudent
navigation. Always supplement the electronic
information provided by this instrument with
other plotting sources such as observations,
depth soundings, radar and hand compass
bearings. Should the information not agree, the
discrepancy must be resolved before proceeding
any further.
Navico may nd it necessary to change or
end our policies, regulations and special
oers at any time. We reserve the right
to do so without notice. All features and
specications subject to change without
Units designed for sale in the Americas will have
limited Language and Units functionality outside
of a zone defined as 30 degrees West longitude
on the East and the International Date Line on
the West. Language options will be restricted to
English (US) only and Units will be restricted to
non-metric measures.
Units sold with Enhanced US Basemap, Nautic
Insight, Lake Insight or Insight USA units are
impacted and will not have this functionality
outside of the defined region. Units sold with
WorldWide Basemap will function without these