0.12 06/2009, version 1.0
The terminology that is used with the cobas s 201 system is generally the
same as that used in clinical laboratories. Certain specific terms, however,
are used for description of an operation or a component. A summary of
these terms and their definitions is provided below.
2D Pooling
Two-dimensional pooling. Secondary Pooling
on a reactive or invalid large Primary Pool
that creates
a matrix of donor pools where
each donor sample is pipetted into a unique
set of two separate pools such that if these two
pools are reactive, the results can be
attributed to a particular donor sample.
AmpErase AmpErase (Uracil-N-glycosylase) enzyme is
incorporated into Master Mix to selectively
destroy carryover products (containing
deoxyuridine) from previous amplification
Amplification The process of producing many DNA copies
from a template DNA or RNA target region.
Amplification occurs on the COBAS®
TaqMan® Analyzer, where extracted samples
are heated and cooled in thermal cyclers
according to the Polymerase Chain Reaction
profile for the selected test.
Anneal The biochemical process of hybridizing or
binding two segments of complementary
nucleic acid by lowering temperature.
Confirmation Pooling Secondary Pooling on a reactive or invalid
large Primary Pool, where single-specimen
pools are created to confirm suspected
reactive donor samples and the remaining
samples are pipetted into multi-specimen
pools to confirm non-reactive test results.
Denaturation The biochemical process of separating double
stranded DNA into single strands, by
breaking the hydrogen bonds by raising