Cleaning the Burner Assembly
Followthese instructionsto clean and/orreplacepartsof burner
assemblyor ifyou havetrouble ignitinggrill
1 Turn gas off at control knobs and LP cylinder.
2. Removecookinggrates and heat tents.
3. Removescrewsand flame carryovertubesfrom rear of
4. Removescrewand washersto disengageburnerfrom
5. Removescrewsto detach electrodefrom burner.Electrode
should remaininfirebox.
6. Carefullylifteachburner up andaway from valve openings.
Wesuggest threewaysto clean theburner tubes.Use the one
easiestfor you.
(A) Bend a stiffwire (a lightweight coat hangerworkswell)
intoa small hook. Runthe hookthrougheach burner
(B) Use a narrowbottle brushwith a flexiblehandle (do not
usea brasswire brush),run the brushthrougheach
burner tubeseveral times.
(C) Wear eye protection: Use anair hosetoforce air into
the burnertube and out theburner ports. Checkeach
port tomakesure air comesout each hole.
7. Wire brushentire outersurfaceof burnerto removefood
8. Cleanany blockedports with a stiff wire such asan open
9. Checkburnerfor damage, due to normalwearand corrosion
some holesmaybecomeenlarged. If anylarge cracksor
holesarefound replaceburner.
VERYIMPORTANT: Burner tubes must re-engage valve
openings. See illustrationsat right, Correct
10. Attach electrodeto burner, burner-to-valve
11. Carefullyreplaceburners, engagement ,
12. Attach burnersto bracketson firebox.
13. Repositionflame carryovertubes andattach _
to burners.Replace heattentsand __
cooking grates. ,,_
Storing Your Grill
, Cleancooking grates.
, Store in dry location.
, When LPtank isconnectedto grill, storeoutdoors in well-
ventilatedspaceand outof reachof children.
, Cover grill if stored outdoors.
, Storegrill indoorsONLYif LPtank is turnedoffand
disconnected,removedfrom grill and stored outdoors.
, When removinggrill from storagefollow "CleaningBurner
Food Safety
Foodsafety isa very importantpartof enjoyingthe outdoor
cooking experience.Tokeepfood safe from harmful bacteria,
follow these four basicsteps:
Clean: Wash hands,utensils,and surfaces with hot soapywater
beforeandafter handlingraw meat and poultry.
Separate: Separaterawmeatsand poultryfrom ready-to-eat
foods to avoidcrosscontamination.Usea clean platter and
utensilswhen removingcooked foods.
Cook: Cook meatand poultry thoroughlyto killbacteria.Use a
thermometerto ensureproperinternalfood temperatures.
Chill: Refrigerateprepared foodsand leftovers promptly.
For more information call: USDA Meatand Poultry Hotline at
1-800-535-4555(in Washington, DC (202)720-3333, 10:00am-
4:00 pm EST).
How To Tell If Meat is Grilled Thoroughly
• Meat and poultrycooked on a grill often browns veryfast on the
outside. Usea meatthermometer to besure food hasreached
a safe internaltemperature,and cut intofood to checkfor
visual signs of doneness.
• Whole poultryshould reach180° F; breasts, 170° F.Juices
should runclear and flesh shouldnot be pink.
• Hamburgersmadeof any groundmeat or poultryshould reach
160° F,and be brown inthe middlewith no pinkjuices. Beef,
veal and lambsteaks, roastsand chops can becooked to 145°
F.All cuts of porkshouldreach 160° F.
• NEVER partially grillmeat or poultryand finish cooking later.
Cook foodcompletely to destroyharmful bacteria.
• When reheatingtakeoutfoods orfully cooked meatslike hot
dogs, grill to 165° F,or untilsteaming hot.