TMCM-6110 TMCL™Firmware Manual •Firmware Version V1.46 | Document Revision V1.22 •2021-SEP-28 3 / 144
3.7.22 WAIT (Wait for an Event to occur) .............................. 54
3.7.23 STOP (Stop TMCL Program Execution – End of TMCL Program) ............. 56
3.7.24 SCO (Set Coordinate) ...................................... 57
3.7.25 GCO (Get Coordinate) ..................................... 58
3.7.26 CCO (Capture Coordinate) ................................... 60
3.7.27 ACO (Accu to Coordinate) ................................... 61
3.7.28 CALCX (Calculate using the X Register) ........................... 62
3.7.29 AAP (Accu to Axis Parameter) ................................. 64
3.7.30 AGP (Accu to Global Parameter) ............................... 65
3.7.31 CLE (Clear Error Flags) ..................................... 66
3.7.32 EI (Enable Interrupt) ...................................... 68
3.7.33 DI (Disable Interrupt) ...................................... 69
3.7.34 VECT (Define Interrupt Vector) ................................ 70
3.7.35 RETI (Return from Interrupt) ................................. 72
3.7.36 CALCVV (Calculate using two User Variables) ........................ 73
3.7.37 CALCVA (Calculate using a User Variable and the Accumulator Register) ....... 75
3.7.38 CALCAV (Calculate using the Accumulator Register and a User Variable) ....... 77
3.7.39 CALCVX (Calculate using a User Variable and the X Register) .............. 79
3.7.40 CALCXV (Calculate using the X Register and a User Variable) .............. 81
3.7.41 CALCV (Calculate using a User Variable and a Direct Value) ............... 83
3.7.42 RST (Restart) ........................................... 85
3.7.43 DJNZ (Decrement and Jump if not Zero) ........................... 86
3.7.44 CALL (Conditional Subroutine Call) .............................. 87
3.7.45 MVPA (Move to Position specified by Accumulator Register) ............... 89
3.7.46 ROLA (Rotate Left using the Accumulator Register) .................... 91
3.7.47 RORA (Rotate Right using the Accumulator Register) ................... 92
3.7.48 MVPXA (Move to Position specified by Accumulator Register and X Register) ..... 93
3.7.49 ROLXA (Rotate Left using the Accumulator Register and X Register) .......... 95
3.7.50 RORXA (Rotate Right using the Accumulator Register and X Register) ......... 96
3.7.51 MSTX (Motor Stop using X Register) ............................. 97
3.7.52 SAPX (Set Axis Parameter, Axis specified by X Register) .................. 98
3.7.53 GAPX (Get Axis Parameter, Axis specified by X Register) ................. 99
3.7.54 AAPX (Accu to Axis Parameter, Axis specified by X Register) ...............100
3.7.55 SIV (Set Indexed Variable) ...................................102
3.7.56 GIV (Get Indexed Variable) ..................................103
3.7.57 AIV (Accumulator to Indexed Variable) ...........................104
3.7.58 Customer specific Command Extensions (UF0. . . UF7 – User Functions) ........105
3.7.59 Request Target Position reached Event ...........................106
3.7.60 TMCL Control Commands ...................................108
4 Axis Parameters 110
5 Global Parameters 118
5.1 Bank 0 ...................................................118
5.2 Bank 1 ...................................................121
5.3 Bank 2 ...................................................121
5.4 Bank 3 ...................................................122
6 Module Specific Hints 124
6.1 Velocity and Acceleration Calculation .................................124
6.1.1 Velocity Conversion ......................................124
6.1.2 Acceleration Conversion ....................................124
6.1.3 How to choose Pulse Divisor and Ramp Divisor ......................125
6.1.4 Conversion between PPS, RPM and RPS ..........................125
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