Following this section, there is a section describing the console’s installation and setup. The rest of the manual presumes
hat installation has been completed. Two tutorials follow next – one for the AWS
lta 916/924 and one for the AWS
δelta 948. There are then detailed descriptions of the analogue operations (Section 3), DAW operations (Section 4),
projects and the Remote (Section5), Total Recall (Section 6) and the automation system (Section 7).
Where channel quantities differ between the AWS δelta 924 and the AWS δelta 916, the value relating to the AWS δelta
916 will be appended in parentheses. eg. ‘24(16) inputs’
Where AWS δelta 916-924 and 948 descriptions differ, the 916-924 information will be detailed on the left and the 948
on the right.
Labelling from the control surface, TFT screen or Remote Browser appear in Bold.
Notes, tips and other useful information is indicated like this.
Launched in 2004, the AWS (Analogue Workstation System) reinvented the professional production console by combining
classic SSL Superanalogue™ console technology with comprehensive DAW control hardware in a single work surface.
Approaching 1000 consoles later, the AWS is now used by leading international recording artists, producers and engineers
and has shaped expectations for session workflow within today’s and indeed tomorrow’s production environments.
Designed for mid scale commercial recording and production facilities, the AWS
δelta is available in 16 input (AWS δelta
916), 24 input (AWS δelta 924) or 48 input (AWS δelta 948) variants within a compact 24 fader frame. Both models deliver
pristine SuperAnalogue™ mixing, 24(16) ultra-clean SSL SuperAnalogue mic pre’s, classic SSL dual curve EQ on every
channel, two assignable SSL Dynamics, legendary Stereo Buss Compressor, TotalRecall™ and full 5.1 monitoring. In
addition to on board classic SSL Automation, both models also feature the revolutionary new A-FADA mode where
motorised analogue faders follow DAW Automation data.
AWS δelta 924 & 948 also feature Ethernet connectivity for streamlined hardware control of your Digital Audio
Workstation, delivering elegant, ergonomic physical control over your entire studio environment with dedicated heavy
duty DAW transport, V-Pot multifunction encoders with position indicating LED’s, Digital Scribble Strips, DAW fader
mode, global and channel routing control and built-in TFT display for advanced plug-in editing. Project Session Management
is kept simple through SSL’s proprietary Logictivity interface.
δelta is an SSL SuperAnalogue™ console, featuring the audio performance specifications that have established
the benchmarks by which other manufacturers are measured. Exceptionally low THD, noise floor & crosstalk levels keep
your audio absolutely pristine, while our legendary headroom carries every nuance of your audio and allows engineers to
mix ‘hotter’ without distortion.
While the AWS
δelta offers a powerful large format analogue console feature set within a compact console design, it also
goes further than any other analogue console by integrating seamlessly into a DAW-based facility by incorporating hands-
on control of important recording, routing, mixing, and editing functions in all major DAW applications including Pro
Tools™, Nuendo™, Ableton Live, Sonar™ and many others.
Page 0-1 AWS δelta Owner’s Manual
AWS 9--
Model-specific descriptions are boxed by a thin blue line.