Motorola LANPlanner Quick Start Guide - Page 12 of 15.
that supports your desired standards. Click in the
drawing to indicate the location of your Access
Point. You can continue clicking in the drawing if
you wish to add more than one Access point.
Once you have placed the desired number of
Access points, simply right click or press the Esc
button. Click Done
Done to exit the ‘Place Access
‘Place Access ‘Place Access
‘Place Access
dialog box. To edit properties of your
Access Points, you can go to Network Design >
Network Design > Network Design >
Network Design >
Edit/Remove Access Point
Edit/Remove Access PointEdit/Remove Access Point
Edit/Remove Access Point, highlight an Access
point and click E
dit. The ‘Edit Access Point’
‘Edit Access Point’‘Edit Access Point’
‘Edit Access Point’
dialog provides fields for specifying the transmit
power, air interface standard, channel, frequency
and other characteristics. You can click the
Distribution System Editor
Distribution System EditorDistribution System Editor
Distribution System Editor button in the Edit
Edit Edit
Virtual Source
Virtual Source Virtual Source
Virtual Source dialog to add cabling, antennas,
and other components to your network. In the
resulting Distributed Antenna System
Distributed Antenna System Distributed Antenna System
Distributed Antenna System dialog, click
the Add
Add Add
Add button to add parts to your network. If
you add a cable, you will need to route the cable
by clicking in the drawing to indicate its path
through the building (right click or hit the Escape
key to stop routing cable). If you choose to add
an antenna, you’ll be able to view the radiation
pattern for each antenna in the list of
specifications provided with LANPlanner. You can
also install connectors, splitters, amplifiers, and
other components.
When you click OK
OK to exit the Distributed
Distributed Distributed
Antenna System
Antenna SystemAntenna System
Antenna System editor dialog, and OK
OK again to
exit the Edit
Edit Edit
Edit Access Poi
Access PoiAccess Poi
Access Point
nt dialog, you’ll complete
the process of installing a virtual Access Point and
its associated distribution system in your building
Visualizing network performance
Visualizing network performanceVisualizing network performance
Visualizing network performance
Now that you have equipment placed in your RF
Intelligent Model, you can simulate and visualize
its expected performance. Select the Network
Network Network
Design >
> >
> Quick Predict
Quick PredictQuick Predict
Quick Predict menu command to access
the Quick Predict
Quick PredictQuick Predict
Quick Predict Dialog Box
Dialog Box Dialog Box
Dialog Box. Select Grid
Grid Grid
and click Configure
Configure to adjust the grid
parameters. Select the Air Interface Standards
Air Interface Standards Air Interface Standards
Air Interface Standards
you wish to model and choose between Forward
Forward Forward
and Reverse Links.
Reverse Links.Reverse Links.
Reverse Links. Press Next.
Next. Highlight the
Access Point(s) you wish to predict for and then
click OK. Wait for the software to calculate the
simulation results – it shouldn’t be a long wait.
The result will be a sheet or grid of colored
squares draped over your building walls. The
color and height of the squares indicates the
received signal power at that point in the
building. You can hover your mouse pointer over
the grid edges to get a tooltip reading of the
signal strength.
To improve the appearance of the
simulation results, choose the View > Shade >
View > Shade > View > Shade >
View > Shade >
Flat Shaded, Edges On
Flat Shaded, Edges OnFlat Shaded, Edges On
Flat Shaded, Edges On menu command, or the
View > 3D Views > SW Isometric
View > 3D Views > SW IsometricView > 3D Views > SW Isometric
View > 3D Views > SW Isometric menu command.
Now you can visualize how RF will travel in your
deployment environment.
For a detailed list of the equipment, cabling
and antennas used in your network design plan,
use the Utilities > Display Bill of Materials
Utilities > Display Bill of MaterialsUtilities > Display Bill of Materials
Utilities > Display Bill of Materials menu
command to list the equipment you used.
To use the Reporting feature, go to Utilities
> Reports
> Reports> Reports
> Reports. In the Report Configuration
Report ConfigurationReport Configuration
Report Configuration dialog
window, you see several tabs. Under the Project
Project Project
Overview tab, you can add information about the
design project. Next, the Design Summary
Design SummaryDesign Summary
Design Summary tab
allows you to choose what types of information
you wish to include regarding the Access
Points. Select the options you wish to have
displayed in your report. Finally, under the
Predictions tab, you can choose the Air Interface
Air Interface Air Interface
Air Interface
Standard and the type of simulations you wish to
have included. Choose at least one of the
standards under the Air interface
standards. Under Contour Simulations, select
‘Include contour simulations’
‘Include contour simulations’‘Include contour simulations’
‘Include contour simulations’ and ‘Power
Power Power
(RSSI).’ Under Grid Simulations, select ‘Include
Include Include
Grid Simulations
Grid SimulationsGrid Simulations
Grid Simulations’ and Power (non
Power (nonPower (non
Power (non-
composite composite
RSSI). Click the Generate Report
Generate ReportGenerate Report
Generate Report button. A Save
As window will pop up. Choose an appropriate
location for saving the report and make sure to
enter a file name. Click Save
Save and wait as the