Table of Contents
Check list ____________________________________________________________________ 6
Important to remember!
_____________________________________________ 7
Safety Instructions
_____________________________________________________ 7
1. Your home's heating installation
_________________________ 8
2. Technical data
____________________________________________________ 11
2.1 Table 400V 3N~ ____________________________________________ 11
2.2 Table 230 V 1N~ ___________________________________________ 12
3. Measurements ___________________________________________________13
4. CTC EcoZenith i250 design
_______________________________ 14
5. Parameter list
_____________________________________________________ 15
6. Control system
___________________________________________________ 16
7. Menu overview
___________________________________________________ 17
8. Detail Description Menus
__________________________________ 23
8.1 Start menu ___________________________________________________ 23
8.2 Description of icons _______________________________________ 23
8.3 Room temp. _________________________________________________ 24
8.3.1 Setting temperature without a room sensor ___ 24
8.3.2 Outdoor Sensor/Room Sensor Faults ________ 25
8.3.3 Night reduction temperature ________________ 25
8.4 DHW ___________________________________________________________ 26
8.3.4 Holiday __________________________________ 26
8.4.1 Weekly program DHW ____________________ 27
8.5 Operation _____________________________________________________ 28
8.5.1 Operation EcoZenith_______________________ 29
8.5.2 Stored operation data _____________________ 30
8.5.4 Operation data heat pump _________________ 31
8.5.3 Operation data heating ____________________ 31
8.6 Installer ________________________________________________________ 32
8.6.1 Time/Language ___________________________ 32
8.7 Settings _______________________________________________________ 33
8.7.1 Radiator system 1 or 2 _____________________ 33
8.7.2 Heat pump_______________________________ 34
8.7.3 Immersion heater _________________________ 35
8.7.4 Upper tank _______________________________ 36
8.7.5 Remote control ___________________________ 37
8.7.6 Communication ___________________________ 37
8.7.7 Save settings _____________________________ 37
8.7.8 Load settings _____________________________ 37
8.7.9 Load factory settings ______________________ 37
8.8 Define system _______________________________________________ 38
8.8.1 Def radiator system 1 or 2 __________________ 38
8.8.2 Def Heat pump ___________________________ 38
8.8.3 Def. SMS ________________________________ 39
8.8.4 Def cooling_______________________________ 39
8.8.5 Service __________________________________ 40
9. Operation and Maintenance______________________________ 43
10. Troubleshooting/measures
________________________________ 44
10.1 Information messages ____________________________________ 47
10.2 Alarm messages ____________________________________________ 48
11. Installation __________________________________________________________ 50
11.1 Transportation _______________________________________________ 50
11.2 Unpacking ____________________________________________________ 50
12. Pipe installation _________________________________________________ 51
12.1 Filling ___________________________________________________________ 51
12.2.1 Pressure drop in mixing valve _______________ 52
12.2.2 Pump curve charge pump __________________ 52
12.2 Schematic diagram ________________________________________ 53
12.3 Connection to heat pump _______________________________ 56
12.4 DHW system _________________________________________________ 58
12.5 External systems (solar heating, pool heating) _____ 59
13. Electrical installation _________________________________________ 60
13.1 Electrical installation 400 V 3N~ ______________________ 60
13.2 Electrical installation 230V 1N~ _______________________ 60
13.3 Positioning of electrical components _________________ 61
13.4 Electrical connection to heat pump ___________________ 62
13.4.1 Communication ___________________________ 62
13.4.2 Heat pump power supply 400 V 3N~ ________ 63
13.4.3 Heat pump power supply 230 V 1N~ ________ 63
13.4.4 Connectors provided for heat pump _________ 63
13.5 Extra low voltage protection ____________________________ 64
13.5.1 Remote-controlled temperature reduction _____ 65
13.5.2 Current sensor connection _________________ 65
13.5.3 Terminal boards ___________________________ 66
13.6 Settings made by the installation electrician. _______ 67
13.7 Installing a backup power supply ______________________ 67
14. Connecting –Increased immersion
heater output 15 kW to 18 kW.
__________________________ 68
14.1 Wiring diagram 3x400 V __________________________________ 70
14.2 Wiring diagram 1x230 V __________________________________ 72
14.3 Component list, wiring diagram ________________________ 74
14.4 Resistances for sensors __________________________________ 75
15. First start ____________________________________________________________ 76
Declaration of Conformity
________________________________________ 78