MAXDATA Class10 User manual

User manual

This manual is also suitable for

MAXDATA Class10 is a high-performance SDHC card designed for use in digital cameras, camcorders, and other devices that require fast and reliable storage. With its Class 10 speed rating, the card can capture full HD video and high-resolution photos without dropping frames or causing stuttering. The card is also waterproof, shockproof, and temperature-proof, making it ideal for use in even the most demanding conditions.

Here are some of the features and possible use cases for the MAXDATA Class10 SDHC card:


  • Class 10 speed rating for fast data transfer speeds
  • Waterproof, shockproof, and temperature-proof

MAXDATA Class10 is a high-performance SDHC card designed for use in digital cameras, camcorders, and other devices that require fast and reliable storage. With its Class 10 speed rating, the card can capture full HD video and high-resolution photos without dropping frames or causing stuttering. The card is also waterproof, shockproof, and temperature-proof, making it ideal for use in even the most demanding conditions.

Here are some of the features and possible use cases for the MAXDATA Class10 SDHC card:


  • Class 10 speed rating for fast data transfer speeds
  • Waterproof, shockproof, and temperature-proof
Product Summary
Howt oBuy
ht tp:// alog/maxdata/misc/501302sd8gcl10.html
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MAXDATA Class10 User manual

User manual
This manual is also suitable for

MAXDATA Class10 is a high-performance SDHC card designed for use in digital cameras, camcorders, and other devices that require fast and reliable storage. With its Class 10 speed rating, the card can capture full HD video and high-resolution photos without dropping frames or causing stuttering. The card is also waterproof, shockproof, and temperature-proof, making it ideal for use in even the most demanding conditions.

Here are some of the features and possible use cases for the MAXDATA Class10 SDHC card:


  • Class 10 speed rating for fast data transfer speeds
  • Waterproof, shockproof, and temperature-proof

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