Specifications of FR-1500 Mark-3 Series shipborne radar
1. Type: Slotted waveguide array
2. Beamwidth:
Radiator type: XN12AF XN20AF XN24AF
Length: 4 ft 6.5 ft 8 ft
Beamwidth(H): 1.8° 1.23° 0.95°
Beamwidth(V): 20° 20° 20°
Sidelobe ±10°: -28 dB (all radiators)
Polarization: Horizontal (all radiators)
3. Rotation: 24 rpm or 42 rpm
Note: 42 rpm is not available in 12 VDC system
1. Frequency: 9410 MHz ±30 MHz (X-band)
2. Output power:
FR-1505M3: 6 kW
FR-1510M3: 12 kW
FR-1525M3: 25 kW
3. Range, Pulselength (PL) & PRF
Range scales P/L (µs) PRF (Hz)
0.125, 0.25 0.07 3000
0.5 0.07/0.15 3000
0.75, 1.5 2 from 0.07/0.15/0.3 3000/1500
2 from 0.07.15/0.3/0.5/0.7
6, 12 2 from 0.3/0.5/0.7/1.2 1500/1000
24 2 from 0.5/0.7/1.2 1000/600
48, 96 1.2 600
4. IF: 60 MHz, Logarithmic.
BW 28/3 MHz
5. Noise figure: 6 dB
6. Duplexer: Ferrite circulator with diode limiter
1. Picture tube: 15” color CRT, effective diameter:
185 mm. Yellow or green echoes in
16 levels. Rasterscan non-interlace
at 48.3 kHz hor, 60 Hz vert. R-type
has yellow or green monochrome
plus 3 color display with echo
2. Minimum range and range discrimination:
35 m
3. Range scales: 0.125, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.5, 3, 6, 12,
24, 48, 96 nm
4. Range accuracy: 1 % of the maximum range of the
scale in use, or 30 m, whichever is the greater.
5. Bearing discrimination: Better than 2.5°
6. Bearing accuracy: ±1°
7. Presentation: Head-up, Head-up TB, North-up,
Course-up, TM sea or ground
8. Plotting facilities:
EPA: 10 targets manual plot, automatic
follow-up. Warning if not plotted
within 10 min. Disabled when ATA
board ARP-17 is accommodated.
ATA: Automatic tracking for up to 20
targets (10 manually acquired plus
10 auto acquired, or 20 manually
acquired). Complies with IMO
MSC.64(67) Annex 4 and IEC
60872-2. Needs ARP-17 optionally.
Common feature: Sea and ground stabilized Vectors
and target trails
9. Radar map: Nav lines, coastlines, buoys, etc.
produced by operator. 3000 pts in
Radar mode, 6000 pts on IC card in
Chart mode. Needs RP-17 Board to
meet MSC.64(67) Annex 4.
10. Target Alarm Zone: TAZ: Two Target Alarm Zones
One GZ (ATA): Default 3.5-4.0 nm,
±45° of heading line (bow)
11. Parallel Index Line: Choice of 2 or 6 lines
1. IEC 61162-1: RSD, TTM, etc.
2. Gyrocompass: Built-in interface (option) for sync
signal (20-135 V, 50-400 Hz), or
stepper signal (20-135 VDC), any
3. Speed log: IEC 61162-1, contact closure or
200/400/500 pulses/nm
DC power
FR-1505 MARK-3: 24 rpm: 12/24-32 VDC, 15.4/7.1-5.3
A (19.6/9.2-6.9 A)
42 rpm: 24-32 VDC, 7.5-5.6 A
(10.4-7.8 A)
FR-1510 MARK-3: 24 rpm: 12/24-32 VDC, 17.5/8.3-6.3
A (22.0/10.2-7.7 A)
42 rpm: 24-32 VDC, 8.8-6.6 A
FR-1525 MARK-3: 24 rpm: 24-32 VDC,
9.2-6.9/11.0-8.3 A)
42 rpm: 24-32 VDC, 9.6-7.2 A
(12.3-9.2 A)
AC power
(100/110/115 or 220/230 VAC, 1φ, 50-60 Hz)
FR-1505 MARK-3: : (24/42 rpm): 2.7/2.9 (3.5/3.9) A at
100 V
FR-1515 MARK-3: : (24/42 rpm):3.1/3.3 (3.9/4.4) A at
100 V
FR-1525 MARK-3: : (24/42 rpm):3.4/3.6 (4.2/4.7) A at
100 V
( ): at wind speed 100 kt