Step Instructions
A. Serial Ports
Serial ports on Print Master are DCE. Therefore, straight cabling is required
between the computer's serial port and Print Master's serial port. A straight
cable is also required between Print Master's serial port and the serial port
of a printer or plotter.
B. Parallel Ports
A straight through 25 pin parallel DB-25 male to DB-25 male cable is
required to connect the parallel port of a computer to a parallel port of Print
Master. A standard DB-25 male to centronics printer cable is required to
connect the printer or plotter's parallel port to the parallel port of Print
Please see
Appendix A
of this manual for more cabling information.
If you need to access configuration mode to change the port assignment or serial port
configuration (see Steps 2 and 3 respectively), please see
Section 7
of this manual for
instructions. If not, there is no need to access configuration mode.
The easiest way to access configuration mode is to use the supplied utility
created by running the INSTALL program as described in
Section 4.2
. This utility is
TERM.EXE for all models other than the 706A and 708A. The utility for the 706A and
708A models is PARSEND.EXE.
If you will have only one printer or plotter connected, you may skip this step.
You must select a printer port in multiple printer applications. The recommended
methods to send the Port Select Code are:
A. TSR - Select a port from a menu in the memory resident program using hot keys.
the README file generated by running the INSTALL program on the
BayTech software utility diskette. When you run INSTALL, a menu titled
"Printer Selection Programs" will appear on your screen. You are given
three selections: RAMEXEC, RAMTSR, and WNDEXEC. Choose
RAMEXEC if your PC runs non-Windows programs that do not operate in
graphics mode. Choose RAMTSR if your PC runs non-Windows programs
that operate in graphics mode. Choose WNDEXEC if your PC runs under
B. Physically insert the Port Select Code as the first characters of the text or data in
document. See
Section 6.2.8
(Port Selection Methods) for more information
concerning the Port Select Code.
C. Create a separate file containing only the Port Select Code. See
Section 6.2.8
(Port Selection Methods) for more information.
If you are not connecting any serial PCs, you may skip this step.