Thelimited warranty setforth below is given by MTDLLCwith
respectto newmerchandise purchasedandused in the United States
and/or its territories and possessions,and by MTD Products Limited
with respectto newmerchandise purchasedandused in Canadaand/
or itsterritories and possessions (either entity respectively,"MTD").
MTDwarrantsthis product (excluding its normal wear partsas
describedbelow) against defectsin materialandworkmanship for a
period of two (2) yearscommencing on the dateof original purchase
andwill, at its option, repairor replace,free of charge,any partfound
to bedefective in materialsor workmanship. This limitedwarranty
shallonly apply if this product hasbeenoperatedandmaintained in
accordancewith the Operator's Manualfurnished with the product,
andhas not beensubjectto misuse,abuse, commercial use, neglect,
accident, improper maintenance,alteration, vandalism, theft, fire,
water, or damagebecauseofother peril or naturaldisaster. Damage
resulting from the installation or use of anypart, accessoryor
attachment notapproved by MTDfor usewith the product(s) covered
bythis manual will void your warrantyas to any resulting damage.
Normal wearpartsarewarrantedto befreefrom defects in material
andworkmanship for a period ofthirty (30) daysfrom the dateof
purchase. Normalwear partsinclude, but arenot limited to items
suchas: batteries, belts, blades,bladeadapters, grass bags,rider
deckwheels, seats,snowthrower skidshoes,friction wheels, shave
plates,auger spiral rubberandtires.
HOWTOOBTAINSERVICE:Warranty service isavailable,WITH
PROOFOFPURCHASE,through your local authorized service dealer.
Tolocatethe dealerin your area;
Inthe U.S.A.:
Checkyour Yellow Pages,or contact MTD LLCat P.O.Box361131,
Cleveland,Ohio44136-0019, or call 1-800-800-7310 or 1-330-220-
4683 or logon to our Websiteatwww.mtdproducts.com.
In Canada:
ContactMTD Products Limited, Kitchener,ONN2G4J1, or call 1-
800-668-1238 or log onto ourWeb siteatwww.mtdcanada.com.
This limited warranty does not providecoveragein thefollowing
a. Theengine or component partsthereof. Theseitems
maycarry aseparatemanufacturer's warranty. Referto
applicable manufacturer's warrantyfor terms and
b. Logsplitter pumps, valves,and cylinders havea
c. Routinemaintenanceitems such aslubricants, filters,
bladesharpening,tune-ups, brakeadjustments,clutch
adjustments, deckadjustments, andnormal
deterioration of the exteriorfinish dueto useor
d. Servicecompleted bysomeoneother thananauthorized
e. MTDdoes not extend anywarranty for products sold or
exported outside ofthe UnitedStatesand/or Canada,
andtheir respectivepossessionsand territories, except
thosesoldthrough MTD'sauthorized channelsof export
f. Replacementpartsthat arenot genuineMTD parts.
g. Transportation chargesand servicecalls.
h. IfProducts areused commercially. (MTD may
separatelyoffer Limited CommercialWarrantieson
certain selectproducts. Askyour dealeror retailerfor
details or contact MTD Servicefor more information.)
No implied warranty, including anyimplied warrantyof
merchantabilityof fitnessfora particularpurpose,appliesafter
the applicableperiod of expresswritten warrantyaboveastothe
partsas identified.No other expresswarranty,whetherwritten or
oral, exceptasmentionedabove, givenbyanypersonor entity,
includinga dealeror retailer, with respectto anyproduct,shall
bindMTD.Duringthe periodof thewarranty,the exclusiveremedy
isrepair or replacementof theproductassetforth above.
The provisionsassetforthinthis warrantyprovidethe soleand
exclusiveremedyarisingfrom thesale. MTD shallnot he liable for
incidentalor consequentiallossor damage including,without
limitation, expensesincurredforsubstituteor replacementlawn
careservicesor forrentalexpensesto temporarily replacea
warranted product.
Somejurisdictions do notallowthe exclusionor limitation of
incidentalor consequentialdamages,or limitations on how long an
impliedwarranty lasts,so the aboveexclusions or limitations maynot
apply to you.
In no eventshall recoveryof any kindbegreater thanthe amount of
the purchasepriceof the product sold. Alteration of safety features
ofthe product shall void this warranty. Youassume the risk and
liability for loss,damage,or injury to you andyour property and/or to
others andtheir property arising out ofthe misuseor inabilityto use
the product.
This limited warranty shall not extendto anyone other thanthe
original purchaseror to the personfor whom it was purchased as a
warranty givesyou specific legalrights, and you mayalso haveother
rightsthat vary in different jurisdictions.
IMPORTANT:Ownermust presentOriginal Proof of Purchaseto
obtainwarranty coverage.
MTDLLC, P.O. BOX361131 CLEVELAND,OHIO44136-0019; Phone: 1-800-800-7310
MTDProductsLtd., P. O. BOX1386, KITCHENER,ONN2G4J1; Phone:1-800-668-1238