Changing the Camera's Hostname 27
Optional For DHCP Environments: Changing from a DHCP Address to a Static IP Address 27
Specifying Time Zone and NTP Server 28
Managing Access and Passwords 29
Disabling Telnet Access 29
Enabling or Requiring HTTPS 30
Adding Room Information to the Screen 31
Saving (Exporting) or Restoring (Importing)a Configuration 32
Installing a Firmware Update 33
Rebooting the Camera 34
Contacting Vaddio Technical Support 35
Viewing Diagnostic Logs 35
Configuring Camera Behavior 36
Setting the Custom Home Position and Other Preset Shots 36
Renaming Presets and Custom CCU Scenes 37
Initial Lighting and Color Settings 37
Lighting Adjustments 38
Adjusting the Color and Image Quality Settings 38
Lighting and Image Quality Quick Reference 39
Color Adjustment Quick Reference 40
Saving Color and Lighting Settings 40
Adjusting the Focus 41
Speed Adjustments 42
About Tri-Synchronous Motion 42
Setting the Speeds for Manual Movements 42
Setting the Speeds of Movements to Presets 43
Adjusting Tri-Synchronous Motion Speed 43
Setting the Direction for Camera Movements 44
Configuring Streaming 45
About Streaming 45
Enabling or Disabling Streaming 45
Configuring USB Streaming 46
Setting up IPStreaming in Easy Mode 47
Setting up IPStreaming in Custom Mode 48
RTSPStreaming Protocol and URL 48
Configuring RTMP Streaming 49
Advanced: Changing MTU 50
Reading the Camera's Switches 51
Basic Camera Settings – RoboSHOT 12E USB and RoboSHOT 30E USB 52
Software-Controlled Video Output Resolution Setting 53
Additional Camera Settings 54
Complete Manual for RoboSHOT USBEnterprise-Class PTZConferencing Cameras