Carson 510000216 Operating instructions

  • Hello! I've reviewed the instructions for the Opel Blitz 3 (t) Type S truck. This document details the truck's history, features, and variations. It was used by the German military in a variety of roles. It also provides technical specifications and painting information. I'm ready to answer any questions you may have about this truck.
  • What is the designation of this truck?
    What was the original color of this vehicle?
    When were all vehicles painted sand yellow?
    What are some of the variants of this truck?
A mnnaml" l:35 scale
rffffi' 0Ptt BtlII 3 ttl lypu $
OPEL Bilfz.6. - lsfiitto all'anaßratu della Wehrmacht con la srsla L(W 3,G36 S 3t Blltz, questo veicold lu il
tlpto esempio dl quella un,ffcazione adottetä nel 1$a p6r la costruzione di rezzi di trasporto civill co.vertibili In
militu i. Lo stesso autoedo. hlattl - OPE! senza BLITZ - fu pmdotto por uso comm€rcläle con caGtteristiche
Erü o reno analo€he. E' stato siusramente deffnito ' il cavallo da tirc . delleseEito ted*o, rl veic.lo tutro-
iarc che Iu testinore instancabile delle Jorlune en darezze che eccompaqnarom la wehm&ht nall€ batbslr6
combattute dal Mar6 del Nord aile Sabbie Africee. Podotto ln mollala dl e*rmlarl, fu dietribuito a tltte le
specialirä dell Esercito, dell'Aercmuiica, della Msrina e delle . SS.. I d@umentl fotoqrafiol sulla 2' Gu€ru Mon-
diale mostrano l'Opel Blirz su tüttl lreat'l d oDeraziMe. immatricolato cd tütti i pGsibiji conrr€ssesni di unirä
combätlentl e swizi ausiliari.
La colord,on€ drque.t veho'r era in Drn[esrau (1Af,ic a tinla inpiesats eall siolo sahb:aj, Ta dal siusno
rq43 tuni ivecori, sia r:vi,i cte r.lltarl, v6nneb consesla drpinrl l1 sal'o säbbla.
L',Opel Blitz v€nne prodotro in numerde varianli ambulanza. ca*o cistena. caro cm.Mo, @tro officin. - e i
rEdelhsl. halno varieta di selta po, soddistare i' lGo eslrc.
DATI TECNICI: trazione p6teriore, frlzlone monodlsco a sem, camblo a 5 mas6 piü reirmecla, vel@llä massl
ma 35 km./h,, consumo 3u srmda 25 l./rm km., su tereno vario 35 litri, autonmia s stdda 3m km., su te eno
v6rio 2m Kn., lunlheuu, m. 6, la.s\eza fr. ?27. altezza m. 2,13, p"cso m. 3.60.
OPEI BLITZ " S" ' Reqist6r6d by ihe Wehrmacht under ihe desisnation L(W 3,6J6 s 3t Blitz, this truck was the
M.,l examole df rhai oractff;f unih@tioo ad@ted in 1933 tor the cBsrruciion of civil trhsport means .on_
";drN" -h -ilir,^ vehr.les A.tuällv- thrs truc[ - OPEL without BLI]Z - was manufaclured {or commerciel use
reenrino mor6 o. l;ss the sam€ chor;cterishct lt was riqhtlv called the . workhorse . ot rne German Armv the
i"a"t,i.i,,lt. *r,*s oi the leE and delears enrdnl6,6d bv Ine wetmecht :1 banles lousS_ lom ll-e Norlh
sea ro ine Africän desert. lL wa. D'oduced oy +ousänds and delivered to the Any, Naq, Air Fole ' ss '
;;its rh; Dholo@ohlc raords oi world w;r tl slow üe opol 8lrtr \efrinq in evov wär rleärre and bdarin!
--rin.s oi vntraliv.nv Lhd of riqaina ano n@ fishlinq loEes.
i;; ;'"1'.-;,i,td i; D;;[.lo;ä, (in_ar,r; usea sä;d vel]M paintl but, startins hom June 1s43, all vehi_
crea. ocnh L.vil am mi ilarv, were delivered weoils 'd ve low oa nr
;d;i B|r *;at;;;lii;ral6 rnto a nunber o, idnrs, s,.h sc ffibuarre. rdn\rruc\. coltrard reh'cre
repair'walor. rhls r«i€lG* can s've lree plav lo lhei, 'äncv
TECHNICAL DATAj rea; drive, dry sinslsplate clut h, iive totuord speede and .eerse, max..spe€d 35 km./h,
lual .onsumorion on rcad 25'./1oakm, ('oss{ounlrv J5 lr€ raloe 3r0 lm on rcd 23o km crNs4@rt-v,
brqn o y, w,d-' 2,27 a_ |esfi 2 3 n.. wre.l basc 3an m.
OPEI BLIIZ r S ! - Bei der Wehrmacat unter dör B€zeichnuns LKW 3,&36 S 3t Blftz oingotragen, stellte dl$es
aihrTe d d,c sDis,he Beielel r€ner 1933 Deider (onslnkrrö1 von Z'viltähEe@s a"qeward@ Vareinisrns dar
dre in iiilitärladTeroe umqpbai,l wu_den. Der 016r he L"slrraltwaqen OPrL ohne Bllrz - wurce latqächl ch mit
;;.i .d.; ;";r"* äh.h";" r,oen{\a'rpn lüi den Fa'de qa.b,auch sebar. Er ßrde tr t R€(ht . das zuopl.d '
d* deurs.hen H;e6 oennant. aas l_anReuq 16r al.e zwere, urenüdlche_ 7FU0o ies GlüclPs uld der B l-er.:s.
die d:e wehrmdhl be: oin von da' No'osoe 5 § / rr a"lLänis.h€n satm€- aßselochten.n s.h "chrcn beq e rorÖn
M;' h;,,i;;;le i;;"d; E^emolare davon. de allen spezialabteirunqen des Hear@, der Luftwafie; der Märine uid
der , ss, zütrreilr wurden. Dra L chtblder des 2. w6ltkri6ses zolsen den opel Blitz aut alls KnelsschaupLätzon,
Dn ' lcn mö; i.ncn kannTai'.hen v.n G-"lecnts€rnherlen und H llsdeßten vers€hen
Di; iäihi, Ji"""; F"h.e,q" war dunkelorün (rn afrika sandgelöl- ab Junl 1943 wurden slle Fahzeuoe, sowohl
7rv'1. a s a:ch V'lirälal,.rqe, ln s.ndselber Fa'he ausoaIe'e(,
Der Ooel Blr/ wurd€ h zah.r;rien Aurihrunoen - Ambu'a1r, ,anlw"sen Fuhdnoswasen, wc-kswaeen - sebaut
und di6 Modellb€uer habel eine verschredenaniqe Au"wah umder e'qer.1 wüßcl-el sF ec't 7u{erder.
TEcHNlscl{E DATEN: Frontetneb, Ehsch€ibon Trockankupptrung, 5 VoMärtsoänoe + I Rückwärtsgang, Höchstle-
schwindiskeit 35 km/Std., KEftstoltverbrauch auf der Sfiasse 25 l-l100 km-, di unebend GeErie 3s Lller, Uinse
6 m., Brello 227 m., Höhe 2,13 m., Achsenabstand 3,60 m.
ATTEI.ZIO E- con.En utlll
;oia E!Äqee@u!pdod rdo.'4rdrc@uMetrcL
lTlEllttox - U.llulrdvi@!
^cr{ruxo- Ennürrrchd Rarl
^rfEtlTloll - Cor$ll3 ulilel
ahnh: 0r'6 ü6 ooot6 f por,o.{ d/ur-f66bh r,gmbd bicftio
md§nchdisrurcnhshm.ba6h6 oAoed6l.cabln6.6Iee.votdp6aEc
^ffi tuurun b! monr4e nbr vßr rrlm.i. N'dd & Bdna i 6rkr s8
6n sch€'p mB rGs6n6d6n :rln.
,t6 r-z@slr:ll*Efi,t-(lirt ?( r:ä1. E Ea(ar:<a,
'aEos+!r,'r :srr. t*!\iriicEt, *1"
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t@&El:t, I L. S;Äoä
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iour l8k€ quirur de a M€r du
rs6laronr p6hß 0n ounk€rs'aü (En afr qu6 ra 13 nb sEiLlaun€ sabs), msis ä padrdu moß deju n r0ßb
mrrilarr€§,Iurcnr rivr& .n lau€ sabr6. , aGrsr do.6peßiion - de mt€
Ia@n r$ mod€rrislss oni la pass b
lon,lonqusur 6 n.lar06ur 2,27 m.
or.l slll: .S' ' Gercsisteo.d bij m €6ß so€d voorbeo d wnd€
op€rzond.r B irr q6m.akrvo0rc 3v6dd€arrd..96nschapp6n. D."31r2"
kdi6€ w@srlln meg€maakt.
d @6r6d o n alsdryord aan h6t €0E., d6 m6 no, d6 luohLraohl €6n do S S-son hod on. Op ,or.'3 uir d€
ssdsan n.t ar16 mo9Erlk. k6nisk€
D€ camouiaqs van dir vostuis wa donk6rsro6n,0n atika andkrour)i v6nar Junr 1e13 w€rd voor D
Dsop€ "Br[z k rnGkrjk. u ivo6
enEr omboüwhosoriikhsdon äan d6 nod6rbdu{.r qoböd€i wordr.
andrlvins,€nk.rrcud s€ drose pr&r 7m,,hoogls2,13m,,yi6Lba.|6
op.l Bllu rS,. anvdndss av ly§ka .cknrns.n LKw 3 &36 S 3l Bniu, oirypiski€xempolpa hur crvl
Dotrkarrad$mgd rütatör*ka ha rvifln6rnbad6h.d-ochmorqangrorw6hmachtlBnNor&jönttr
.000 6x. eh rlän§rsjord€ i a ra vapo wafi€ n "ss' . Fobq ral s r ran 2:
d€ oihds mh hldrpüsanrsdonsi.
Lhtk c.r.. Bakhllkd rrv. n . nk€lo rram m srkoppr ng, süLad r b B,örbtunknrngpavä92.5ft.p€r
r6dd:2,27 h. Höid:2,r3 m. axoroverand:3,60 m
,t4)rrt)rr<s) F, nid10 [1./E11. +( r.BE60&1*lttE Llt$. aEo+säeH. Laf{H L i Lr:, /rr.?t 1tE.
Ea*;Zfiar-,rtt lr.a6Lirroa4rlli)h. s+!r.nt+!xs*aoEir6. riijfr.ä&F6Bo*oTdrB!a L (1t4ir
+tuErirrt@?t. *Er n/^iloaäe, n-r:6,rr\,:r^,11i1-t&oEH+tiE4eLl$'r,933+LKw3646s.
e'2rii*asas4 (sraodar d) r. ?*E roa4(a .orid) o:r4 E6§ErielFa 3. mErr6Lrr*!\rrir,{.:rLt. :oä+*o
^EF. 1tL6*Hoßr.E. *ltr3a11>L*.!t.1--rr)tt\>P7>C1->)t1:J. llrllliäE r.( a. 4Aä;1+. tie+*
+. iltti{Erirr(0/rrr .-1>r:{Eä7.!rLt:. .1L<t^)rJ tr.rß. frrElFtßL,,rL<. ?E. t6E. rn6*/,
rt( osE{r1*E+11, a*z Lr:*t§@i$€Ez L<. öblta+t4<. +!?;11ä*itÄEäs1(11 Lr:.
.r=rJt7-tt:,r1>:frjE5Ei. in,tßi +E+E:3s6,/h it§+:Hta I ä?/ ooh Gtr). 35, (i§rl) 6&F*:3rDrn(i§r).
o.HA tE rm ün i, r l imn