Nintendo The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes Owner's manual

  • Hello! I've reviewed the user manual for Nintendo's Tri Force Heroes game on the Nintendo 3DS family of systems. This document covers game controls, multiplayer options, single-player mode with Doppel dolls, and more. I'm ready to answer your questions concerning navigating dungeons, managing save data, using online features, and other aspects of this game. Feel free to ask!
  • What should I do before using the software?
    What is the purpose of user-generated content (UGC)?
    Can I play with people from different regions?
    How can I save my game progress?
    What should I do if I want to blacklist a player online?
1Important Information
Basic Information
2Information-Sharing Precautions
3Online Features
4Note to Parents and Guardians
Getting Started
5About the Game
7Managing Save Data
How to Play
8Game Screen
9Setting Out for a Dungeon
10 Progressing through Dungeons
11 Playing with Nearby Friends
12 Online Multiplayer
13 Competitive Multiplayer
14 Single Player
15 SpotPass
16 Photos and Miiverse
17 Support Information
1Important Information
Please read this manual carefully
before using the software. If the
software will be used by children,
the manual should be read and
explained to them by an adult.
Also, before using this software,
please sele in the HOME Menu
and carefully review content in
"Health and Safety Information." It
contains important information that
will help you enj oy this software.
You should also thoroughly read
your Operations Manual, including
the "Health and Safety Information"
section, before using this software.
Please note that except where
otherwise stated, "Nintendo 3DS™"
refers to all devices in the
Nintendo 3DS family, including the
New Nintendo 3DS,
New Nintendo 3DS XL,
Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo 3DS XL,
and Nintendo 2DS™.
noitamrofnI tnatropmI
.sthgir ruoy dnatsrednu dna ycilop lluf
eht weiv ot yciloppi/moc.odnetnin.www
tisiv esaelp ,degnirfni g
era sthgir ytreporp lautcelletni ruoy
eveileb uoy fI .ytreporp lautcelletni
s'esle enoyna egnirfni
ot sraeppa taht
erawtfos SD3 odnetniN yna ,noitercsid
elos ruo ta dna secnatsmucric
etairporppa ni ,gniv
omer fo ycilop a
detpoda evah ew ,wal elbacilppa rehto
dna ,UE eht ni evitceriD ecremmoC
cinortcelE eht
,SU eht ni tcA thgirypoC
muinnelliM latigiD eht htiw ecnadrocca
nI .emas eht od ot sredivorP
tnetnoC era
wtfos SD3 odnetniN
ksa ew dna ,srehto fo ytreporp
lautcelletni eht stcepser odnetniN
ton era
seipoc "lavihcra" ro "pu-kcaB"
.swal ytreporp lautcelletni lanoitanretni
dna citsemod yb detibihorp
irts si dna lagelli si erawtfos
odnetniN yna fo gniypoc ,dezirohtua
sa tpecxE .yrossecca desnecilnu ro
cived hcus fo esu eht yb desuac ssol
ro egamad yna rof elbisnopser ton si
)rotubirtsid ro eesnecil odne
tniN yna sa
llew sa( odnetniN .secivres detaler dna
metsys SD3 odnetniN ruoy ot egamad
ro/dna seussi ecn
amrofrep esuac yam
dna srehto ro flesruoy ot yrujni ot dael
yam esu hcus ,rehtruF .tnemeergA
resU eht re
dnu snoitagilbo ruoy
fo hcaerb a si dna ,ytnarraw yna sdiov
,lagelli eb yam esu hcuS .yrossecca
nu ro ecived dezirohtuanu yna
htiw esu rof dengised ton era erawtfos
siht dna metsys SD3 odnetniN ruoY
© 2015 Nintendo
Trademarks are property of their
respective owners. Nintendo 3DS is
a trademark of Nintendo.
This product uses the LC Font
by Sharp Corporation, except
some characters. LCFONT, LC Font
and the LC logo mark are trademarks
of Sharp Corporation.
2Information-Sharing Precautions
User-generated content, or UGC, is
content created by users, such as
messages, Mii™ characters, images,
photos, video, audio, etc.
Nintendo bears no responsibility
whatsoever for any problems that
result from the use of the Internet
(for example, the sending of
content over the Internet, or the
sending or receiving of content
with others).
Information-Sharing Precautions
The extent of UGC exchange
depends on the software.
3Online Features
To protect your privacy, do not
give out personal information, such
as last name, phone number, birth
date, age, school, e-mail, or home
address when communicating with
Friend codes are a part of a system
that allows you to play with people
you know. If you exchange friend
Protecting Your Privacy
You must go through the initial
setup for Miiverse on your system
before you can use Miiverse with
this game.
Refer to your Operations Manual
for information about connecting
your system to the Internet.
This software allows you to connect
to the Internet to enjoy cooperative
play and post your thoughts to
Miiverse. For more details, see the
page about cooperative play.
odnetniN stroppus erawtfos sihT
eht aiv tnetnoc rehto dna
semag yojne ot
sresu selbane
taht ecivres krowten sodnetniN
fo eman eht si krowteN odnetniN
codes with strangers, there is a risk
you could share information with
people you do not know or
exchange messages that contain
offensive language. We therefore
recommend that you do not give
your friend codes to people you
don't know.
4Note to Parents and Guardians
You can restrict use of the following
features by adjusting the options in
Parental Controls.
Access to this game (as well as
other games) can also be
restricted through the Software
Rating item in Parental Controls.
Refer to your Operations Manual
for information on how to set up
Parental Controls.
Online Interaction
Restricts all online matches with
other players over the Internet
(page 12).
Restricts users from viewing or
posting content on Miiverse. When
set to Restrict Posting, text and
handwritten messages cannot be
posted. When set to Restrict
Viewing and Posting, text and
handwritten messages cannot be
posted or viewed (page 16).
5About the Game
The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force
Heroes is a cooperative action-
adventure game for up to three
players in which you can explore
diverse locales while solving puzzles
and defeating enemies.
In this game, you can use buttons
as well as the Touch Screen to
perform various actions.
Go to Settings from the title
screen to adjust the game
settings. Select the question-
mark icon to view the electronic
(C Stick) can only be used with
the New Nintendo 3DS XL.
hsaD /
meti esU
egap( tsilkcalb
ot retsiger
)tenretnI eht ot
detcennoc elihw(
tsilkcalb ot
uoy oreh eht fo
lenap eht gnihcuot
elihw ro
kcattA nipS
esaeler dna dloH
retsaf miwS
eht evoM /
dlroW eht gnitagivaN
na esoohC /
suneM gnitagivaN
unem esuap
eht nepO
eht ni elbaliava
ylno( neercs
pot eht fo
erutcip a ekaT
7Managing Save Data
Check the statue in the town
center to save your progress.
The game will also save
automatically when you leave
a dungeon.
Go to Settings from the title screen,
and then select Delete to erase the
save data. To clear your blacklist
(page 12), select Reset from the
Data cannot be restored once
deleted, so please be careful.
.derotser eb tonnac
atad sesac eseht ni taht erawa
eb esaelP .strop s'metsys eht ni
tsud ro trid ot eud
roop yb desuac eb osla
yam ssol ataD .gnivas elihw drac
DS ro draC emaG a gnivomer ro
eht no dna ffo gnirewop
yldetaeper sa hcus ,noitca
resu ot eud tsol eb nac ataD
ataD gnisarE
emaG eht gnivaS
8Game Screen
Hearts are shared by all three
heroes. They will be depleted when
any hero is hit by an enemy or hurt
in some other way.
This will be depleted when you use
certain items or abilities. It will
gradually replenish over time.
Energy is not shared by all three
rotacidni oreh neercs-ffO
eguaG ygrenE
)01 egap( straeH
Rupees are the currency used in this
world. You can use them to obtain
items in shops, among other things.
Different-colored Rupees are worth
different amounts.
When you're in a dungeon, the
number of Rupees you've
collected in that dungeon will be
displayed. In the castle and the
town, the total number of Rupees
you have will be displayed
These will pop up automatically
whenever a player does something
of note, such as taking damage or
collecting a heart.
Each hero's color, energy gauge,
and carried item will be displayed at
the top. Below that, you can see
each player's name and outfit.
Touch and hold another player's
panel to temporarily focus the
camera on that player.
Each dungeon is divided into four
One fairy will be expended every
time you lose all of your hearts
(page 10).
seiriaf gniniameR
egats dna eman noegnuD
slenaP oreH
stroper sutatS
When you touch one of these icons,
the communication icon you chose
will be displayed on every player's
top screen. Communication is key!
lenaP noitacinummoC
uneM esuaP
eht ro eltsac eht ni era uoy
fi unem eltit eht ot ro esruoc a ni
er'uoy fi ybbol eht ot nruter nac
uoy ,ereht morF .unem esuap
eht yalpsid ot sserP
.unem esuap eht
nepo nac )neerg ni oreh eht(
tsoh eht
ylno ,yalp daolnwod
dna yalp lacol gniruD
9Setting Out for a Dungeon
Once all three players assemble on
the Triforce gateway, you will be
transported to a dungeon.
You can also visit dungeons
alone (page 14).
Talk to the Match Master to get
connected (pages 11, 12).
You can depart for a dungeon from
the castle lobby. You can also talk
to the people around there, examine
the walls for information about the
game, and check the completion
progress of the Drablands
eht ni pU gnimaeT
retsaM hctaM ehT
yawetaG ecrofirT
Vote for the area and dungeon
you'd like to play. A roulette will
decide your destination if the
decision is not unanimous.
Areas that you do not have
access to yet can still be selected
by other players.
When time runs out, "I can't
decide!" will be selected. When
this phrase is not displayed, the
area you have your cursor on will
be selected.
Once you complete a dungeon,
will appear in the leftmost column of
that dungeon's row. The other three
columns are for the Drablands
challenges of those dungeons.
The dungeons the other players
voted for will have their Link icons
beside them.
dna aerA eht gnisoohC
If you talk to the king after
progressing through the game a bit,
you will be able to undertake the
Drablands challenges for areas
where you have already defeated
the boss. If you enter a dungeon as
part of a Drablands challenge, you
may find rare materials you wouldn't
normally come across.
You can craft new outfits by
taking the materials and Rupees
you've found in dungeons to
Madame Couture's shop in the
Once you have selected your outfit,
you will proceed to the dungeon.
The outfits have various effects.
tsiL noitelpmoC
noegnuD sdnalbarD
.stsil noitelpmoc egnellahc
leppoD dna reyalpitlum eht
kcehc ot ybbol
eht ni lobmys
ecrofirT eht fo
eht ot pam
eht enimaxE
stiftuO gnitceleS
segnellahC sdnalbarD gnisoohC
10 Progressing through Dungeons
Items such as bows
and bombs can be
found in dungeons.
Press  to use
your equipped item.
Using items depletes the energy in
your energy gauge.
Work together as a trio to make
your way through the dungeon.
Each dungeon has four sections,
and you must clear them all to
complete a course.
Approach another
hero and press
to pick them up.
(This is called
making a totem.)
You can even carry two heroes at
once. Only the hero on the bottom
of the totem can move. When
carrying a hero, you can press to
throw all heroes above yourself off
the totem. While in a totem, only
the Link on top can use items.
metoT a gnikaM
smetI gnisU