Wonder Motorhome
Danger - Indicates a hazardous situation
which, if not avoided, WILL result in death or
serious injury.
Warning - Indicates a hazardous situation
which, if not avoided, COULD result in death or
serious personal injury.
Caution - Indicates a hazardous situation
which, if not avoided, COULD result in minor or
moderate personal injury.
Notice - Identies hazards not related to
personal injury.
Safety, comfort, and ease of operation are
key considerations during the design and
manufacture of all Triple E motorhomes.
It is the responsibility of the owner or operator to
read, understand, and follow all instructions in
this manual, the chassis manual, all appliance/
equipment system manuals located in the
Motorhome Information Kit, and on safety signs
on the motorhome. Specic items, procedures,
or instructions are identied with the key
words Danger, Warning, and Caution which
emphasizes areas of special concern. These
key words are dened as follows:
The safety symbol, used in conjunction
with the Danger, Warning, and Caution
symbols, identies an area that involves the
personal safety of the operator, passengers, or
bystanders. Read, understand, and follow the
instructions and information in the safety sign
or manual instruction. Do not take chances with
safety. Most accidents are preventable.
Follow the safety precautions outlined in
this section of the manual, but keep in mind
that the manual may not cover all situations.
Every person who occupies the motorhome
or operates any of its components, devices,
or subassemblies must be familiar with this
manual and the manuals in the Motorhome
Information Kit. Every operator and occupant
is responsible for following all safety items
covered in this, and other, manuals.
General Safety
The most important safety feature on your
motorhome is a safe and knowledgeable
operator. It is the operator’s responsibility to
read, understand, and follow all the safety
and operating instructions in the operator’s,
chassis, appliance, and system manuals.
Most accidents that involve motorhomes
are preventable.
An operator who has not read and
understood all operating and safety
instructions is not qualied to operate the
Untrained or uninformed operators
and occupants expose themselves,
passengers, and other drivers to possible
injury or death, and they subject other
vehicles and property to potential damage.
Do not modify the motorhome in any way.
Unauthorized modications may impair the
function and/or safety of the vehicle.
All driver and passenger seats are equipped
with seatbelts. Occupied seats must be
locked in the forward facing direction when
the motorhome is moving, and passengers
may occupy only approved seats with the
seatbelt securely fastened. Do not allow
any passengers to travel in the motorhome
unless they are in an approved seat with
the seatbelt secured. Motorhome seats
with seatbelts installed by the manufacturer
are the only seats approved for travel.