Step 9
Tie a weight to a piece of string. A
wheel collar works great in this
application. Lower the string into the
wing from the aileron servo opening.
Hold the wing with the tip upwards
and let the weight drop out through
the wing root for the servo.
Tie the string to the servo extension
and insert the servo into the wing.
Use the string to pull the servo
lead through the wing. Position the
servo so the output shaft is towards
the trailing edge of the wing.
Use a 1/16" drill bit to drill the
locations for the servo screws.
Mount the servos using the hardware
provided with the servos.
Step 11
Use 1.25” aluminum servo arms
such as Airwild 1 ¼” aluminum arm.
Step 12
Measuring from hinge line vertically
to pivot point on the Dubro Control
Horn connector should be at 1 ¼
inches for the proper amount of
aileron throw. Hook the servo arm to
the control horn using the provided
4/40 titanium rods.
Use provided ball links to complete
the installation.
Figure 25
Step 13
Make a quick check to see if the
servo direction is correct. Make sure
the aileron sub trim and trim at your
radio program are at zero. Once it is
at zero install the servo horn to be
perpendicular to the main servo axis.
If you find the servo horn is not
perfectly perpendicular, slightly
adjust it with the subtrim (Center).
Once all of this is done, adjust the
pushrod to the proper length to set
the aileron surface at a perfectly
neutral position. With your radio set
at high rate and traveling set at
maximum, check full deflection right
and left. Do the same thing with both
wing panels. It is very important
both ailerons travel the same
distance up and down, if not it is
called aileron differential. This 85”
Yak-54 will not need any differential
so make sure that both ailerons are
traveling the same distance up and
down. If the ailerons are not traveling
the same distances up and down,
then the aileron rolls will not be clean
and axial and will look more like
barrel rolls. Remember it is important
to have the servo arm perpendicular
to the main axis of the servo and the
sub trim and trim of your radio at
zero. This will make the job much