Using the ash .........................................35
Adjusting the brightness .....................35
Choosing a shot mode ..........................36
Using Continuous shot mode ............36
Using frame shot mode ........................36
Taking a panoramic shot ......................37
Using the advanced settings ..............37
Changing the image size .....................39
Choosing a colour tone ........................39
Viewing your saved photos .................40
Setting a photo as Wallpaper or
Contacts image ........................................40
Video camera ................................................. 41
Shooting a quick video .........................41
After you’ve shot your video ...............41
Adjusting the brightness .....................41
Using the advanced settings ..............42
Changing the video image size .........43
Choosing an e ect tone .......................43
Watching your saved videos ...............44
Using Orange photo ..............................44
Your photos and videos ............................. 45
Editing photo album options
menu ..........................................................45
Editing video album options menu .45
Adjusting the volume when
viewing a video .......................................45
Capturing an image from a video .....45
Sending a photo or video from the
album ..........................................................46
Viewing your photos as a
slide show ..................................................46
Setting a photo as Wallpaper .............46
Editing your photos ...............................47
Adding an e ect to a photo ................47
Morphing a photo ..................................47
Spotlighting a photo .............................48
Trimming the length of your video ..48
Merging two videos together ............48
Merging a photo with a video ............49
Adding text to a video ..........................49
Overlaying a photo ................................50
Adding a voice recording .....................50
Adding a soundtrack to your video..50
Changing the speed of your video ...51
Adding a dimming e ect .....................51
Downloads ................................................52
My images .................................................52
My images options menu ....................52
Sending a photo......................................53
Using an image ........................................53
Organising your images .......................53
Deleting an image ..................................53
Moving or copying an image .............54
Editing an image .....................................54
Marking and unmarking images .......54