Locate the range out of kitchen traffic path
and out of drafty locations to prexent poor
air circulation.
Be sure all packaging materials are remox.ed
flom the rang.e before operating it to
prevent rit.e or smoke damag.e should the
packaging material ignite.
Be sure your rang.e is correctly adjusted by
a qualified service teclmician or installer for
the type of gas (naun_al or LP) that is to be
used. Your rang.e can be convermd for use
with either type of gas. See the Installation
of the range section.
WARNING: teseadjnstmentsmnst
be made by a qualified service teclmician
ira accordance with the manuthcturer's
insmtcfions and all codes and requirements
of the authority having jurisdiction. Failure
m follow these instructions could t.esult ira
set-ions ir_jmy or property damag.e. Tile
qualified ag.enQ' performing this work
assumes t.esponsibility for tim conversion.
After prolong.ed use of a rang.e, high floor
mmperaun_es m W t.esuh and many floor
cox.erings will not widastand this kind of use.
Nex.er install flae rang.e ox.er viwl file or
linoleuna that cannot withstand such type
of use. Nex.er install it dit.ecflv ox.er inmrior
kitchen carpeting.
Do not lem.e childr.en alone or unatwnded
where a rang.e is hot or ira operation. Titey
could be seriously burned.
Do not allow anyone to climb, stand or hang
on the ox.en door, storag.e drawer, wamling
drawer or cooktop. Titey could damag.e the
rang.e and even ili) it over, causing severe
personal iDjnr_y.
CAUTION: temsofinterestto
children should not be smt.ed ira cabinets
abox.e a rang.e or on the backsplash of a
range--<:hildt.en climl)ing on the rang_
m reach items could be seriously injured.
appliance as a space heater to heat or
warm the room. Doing so may t.esult
iracarbon monoxide poisoning and
ox.erheafing of rite oven.
Nex,er wear loose fitting or hanging gamaents
while using the appliance. Be carefid when
reaching for items stored ira cabinets over the
rang.e. Flammable mamrial could be ignimd
if broug_tt iracoratact with flame or hot ox.en
sniP, tces and may cause sex.ere l)nrlas.
Do not store flammable mamnals ira an
oven, a rang.e smrag.e drawel, a wanning
drawer or near a cooktop.
Do not store or use combustible mamrials,
gasoline or other flammable vapors and
liquids in file vicinity of this or any oflter
Do not let cooking gTease or other
flammable materials accumulam ira or
near the rang.e.
Do not use water on grease fires. Nex.er pick
up a flaming pan. Turn dte controls off:
Smother a flaming pan on a surface burner
by cox.ering tim pan completely with a
well-fitting lid, cookie sheet or fiat uay.
Use a multi-puq)ose drT chemical or
foam-wi)e fire extinguisher
Flaming grease outside a pan can be put
out by cox.etJng it with baMng soda or;
if available, by using a multi-purpose dry
chemical or foam-type fire extingatishen
Flame ira the oven call be smothered
completely by closing the ox.en door and
turning tim control to off or by using a
nmlti-puq)ose dU chemical or foam-type
fire exfing-uishen
i,et rite burner grates and other surfaces
cool before ranching them or leaving fltem
where childi.en can t.each them.
Never block tim x.ents (air openings) of the
rang.e. Tiaey provide tim air inlet and outlet
that are necessa U for rite rang.e to operate
I)ioperly with conect combustion. 'Air
opening_ are locamd at the rear of tile
cooktop, at rite top and bottom of the oven
door, and at the bottom of the rang.e under
the kick panel or storag.e drawer
Large scratches or impacts to glass doors can
lead to broken or shattet.ed glass.