MSRP: $99.00
Part Number: 25100
UPC Code: 794038-31100-8
Emergency Hard Drive Recovery
Do you have a corrupt hard drive or one that no longer
mounts? DId you accidently delete les on your computer?
Are other utilities failing to recover your data? Data Rescue II
is the best hard drive and le recovery software for the Mac.
Works even when your hard drive fails to mount or boot.
Data Rescue is the most-awarded, most-used drive recovery
software for the Mac.
Data Rescue is even used
by data recovery
specialists, forensic
recovery teams and IT
groups worldwide. Data
Rescue II is hard drive
recovery in a box!
You will need to save your recovered les to either an internal
or external hard drive
(USB or FireWire),
removable media device
(such as a Zip or MO) or
a networked drive.
An optional emergency
bootable CD is available.
Why is Data Rescue II
Focusing on data
recovery, instead of hard drive repair, Data Rescue II will work
in more cases, recover more eectively, and deliver your les
in better condition than other utilities you may have tried in
the past.
Data Rescue II analyzes your entire hard drive looking for your
data, then it meticulously re-assembles your les and stores
them to a dierent location.
Why do I need Data Rescue II?
• If your hard drive won't mount.
• If your hard drive is corrupt and you can't access les
from it.
• If you have deleted les that you need to recover.
Hard drive recovery in a box
• Award-winning software, works when other utilities
have failed.
• Recovers all types of les from your hard drive
• Works if the drive fails to mount or only partially
• Recovers deleted les.
• Recovers digital pictures from your camera media
even after it has been erased or reformatted.
• Recover your whole drive or just the les you need.
• Clone a drive that is about to physically fail and do
the recovery from the clone.
• Leaves the original drive untouched to preserve
• Bootable emergency disc included.
• Recovers pictures, movies and music from Mac and
PC drives, iPods®, cameras, and any type of digital
media card.
• Professional results, yet easy to use.
Data Rescue II is data recovery in a box!
Data Rescue II
w w w . p r o s o f t e n g i n e e r i n g . c o m