User Manual: A1
5 Rev.0.3
The A1 microphone functions as an “all-call”, press to talk, single button microphone. It features
LED indicators to signal the state of the line/zone where the page will be broadcasted.
Functioning modes:
Depending on the mode that has been selected internally, the microphone can perform different
i. PTT/LATCH Mode - When the microphone selector is set to OFF, the microphone will
work in PUSH TO TALK (PTT) mode and the button should be pressed in order to make
a page. When set to ON, the first push of the button will fix the microphone to the floor
“granted” to the user to begin. A second push, will then end the transmission.
ii. 0V/5V Mode - Using the operation selector, it is possible to configure the TTL output line
signal, to indicate the use of the audio line in the system. 0V is low level signal and 5V is
high level signal.
Chime ON/OFF - This position indicates if the chime tone is ON or OFF.
iv. TTL/RS-485 Mode – The default functioning mode is TTL. The A1 can also use the RS-
485 protocol to communicate with LDA compatible units. In that case, this option should
be active and the “jumpers” situated in the correct position. This will always be activated
by the technical team because an incorrect configuration could result in the A1 failing to
function correctly.
BUSY=LED Mode - This configures the operating mode when the line is busy. In the
OFF position, the microphone will not send audio or operation signals while the “BUSY
LINE” signal is active. In the ON position, the microphone will only operate over the
corresponding light indicator, sending signals of petition and audio. This mode normally
requires a microphone signal process.