Please refer to page 67 for more information on configuring the GPI ports.
Programming events based on GPI activity is done in the Show Control page,
which is discussed on page 48.
2.9 MIDI
The MIDI protocol
is intended for inter-connecting musical devices such as
synthesisers and sequencers. Furthermore, this protocol is also very suitable to
send triggers from one device to another and is often used to synchronise audio,
video and lighting equipment. There is also a large collection of MIDI con-
trol surfaces available; user-interface consoles with knobs, (motorised-)faders,
rotary-encoders, etc.
The ART SSC 2 is fitted with a MIDI input and MIDI output port. It supports
receiving and sending MIDI messages like NoteOn, NoteOff, ControlChange and
2.9.1 MTC
MIDI Timecode (MTC) is the timecode signal which is embedded into MIDI.
The ART SSC 2 supports receiving and transmitting MTC. It is not recom-
mended to combine the use of MTC with ordinary MIDI as MTC consumes the
bandwidth of the MIDI connection.
2.9.2 MMC
MIDI Machine Control (MMC) is part of the MIDI protocol. It defines special
messages for controlling audio equipment such as multi-track recorders. The
ART SSC 2 supports the sending of MMC commands; please refer to page 74.
2.9.3 MSC
MIDI Show Control (MSC) is an extension of the MIDI protocol. It comprises
of commands for synchronising show equipment like lighting, video and audio
devices. The ART SSC 2 supports receiving MSC commands. This support is
hard coded and does not require any Show Control programming.
2.10 SMPTE
SMPTE is timecode signal which can be used to synchronise audio, video, light-
ing and other show equipment. The ART SSC 2 supports receiving SMPTE
that is transferred as an audio signal, also know as LTC timecode.