Aiwa CT-X4 Owner's manual

CD players
Owner's manual

This manual is also suitable for

For your convenience,
the modzl number and Serial
number (you will find them on the rear of your set) in the space
provided b&w. Please refer to them when you contzct youi
Aiwa dealer in case of difficulty.
For assistance
(United States and i3.w-b Rco)
leciric shock 07 irijq.
these safety
be iollavetl in the ii;sta!l2iioii. ure ai:C XX\jiGl~~ tile unit.
~~~as~~e~~s - Co not use attaci~me% sci
recommended TV the
unit mantifacturer as they :lar result :n the risk of Ire: EieCtii’: si;ock
ii? injury to persons.
W&r ml U&&m3 - 30 r!ci use :llis unit near waiei - for
example, neara bat& v!ashbowl. k’ichsn sink, or laur@iuL. in
a wet basement, or near a swimm;ng pool, and
Heat- 30 not use tnis unit near scuiccs of heat, including
:ven!s, sbves, or orher app;~wces that ger;e:ate heai. if al.% shcul3
;‘ct be piaced in temperatures less ihsn 5”: j4i’Fi or greater ihari
swlace ?lace ihe unit on a itat, even Mace.
&~~lssories - Do noi place this urii! on an tinstabic cart. stand,
tripod. bracket. cr table
The unit may ial!, causir!g se:ious injury
to a ci~lo or a11 adult, a;id serious damage to ihe appliance. Use
oil’y with a cart. siand, tripod. aracket, or Me recornmerided by
the manufacturer, or scld wit+ the unit. Any mouniing of the
ap$i~ncesho~;d f&wt~e m;iluf~c:ur& ins:ru;tiws. and should
use a mounting accessory recommended by the mawiacturer.
Po~tabk car% - AII agpl:arce and carI
combination si?ouid be moved wiin care. Qcick
s!ops. excessive force, and uneven surfaces may
cause the appliance a-;d cart combination to
Ya&Eaf$on The unii
shckl:! Se
siiuaieC wlih adequate spas?
around ii so ihat proper heal vzntila;ion Ls assured. A;lovu i 0 c.‘;
clearance EroT the rear and :hs tcp of t::i: unit. aiid 5 cm fro:: tb
each side.
Slots and openings ill the cabinet and rhe back or bot:om are
provided for veniilaiion. ai.d 13 ensare re,iabie 3Deration of the iuili:
an< tc ;‘o?ec: it irsm cve:hsating. these o$:ings must X! bi:
blocked or covered. The opesings should cever be blocked t?y
placing the mt on a bed. sofa. r@ or crher siMlar scrtece. ?Ris
unit should not be placed ma W-in instal’a:ion such es e bockcase
unless proDi3 ventilation is provided.
Objm’: asd Liqdd &try Never push objects of any k!nd :ntc
rh’s cni-: thro-gh the ce’linst srolc as they may to%? dangerccs
voliaqe ooints or short-ciisiiit parts tzar could result in a fire Cr
elect& shock. Never so111 liquid of any kind on the unit.
Pww Sowces - This un;r should be o;ierated cniy from the We
oi power source indicated on tne 7iarking IaM. If
2% no: suie
of the type of power supply io your horse, consult yo::: a@iai!ce
des!er or Iccal dower company. To cperaie unit on battery power. C’
ether swrces. refer to t!Ie operaing instructions.
Gaooirarlirrg or Polarization -This unit is provided with a polarized
alternatino-current line alum (a ~1% havinq one blade wider than
the otherf Tliis piug w/l/ fit :riio the p&r outlet only one waji.
This is a safety feature. if you are unableto insert tne plug fuliy
the outlet, try reversing ize plug. If the p!ug shouid siiil iall to fir.
contact your electriciaii to replace your obsolete outlet. Do nor Meat
ihe safety puroose of the polarized plug.
Pwer-Cord ~~~~e~~~~~ - Powe;-supply cords should be rouied
so Far tney are not likeiy to be walked on or pinched by iiems
placed upon or against them, paying particular attention to cords at
convenience Weptacles. and the paid where they exit from
the product.
~~~~~~~~~~~ - Do net cverioad wail outlets, extension cords.
integral cocvenience receptacles as this car! restlIt in a :isk of
or eleciric shock.
Power lines An outside antenna system should not be located
in the vicinity of overhead power lines or other electric light or power
circu’ts. or where it can fall into such power lines or circuits. Winea
mstalling aii outside antenna sysiem. exirtime care shouid be taken
to jeep from touching such power lines or ci:cuirs as contactw!rh
them might be iatal.
&Mnor &%nna Grounclirrg ^ If an outside antenna or cable
system is connected to tie unit, be sure the anierna or cable system
is qrnunded so as to provide some protection against voltage surges
an; built-up static charges. Section 610 oi [he National Electrical
Code. ANSIINFPG No.70. orovides infcrmaiion with regard :o proper
groundiiic of tne mast and supaornng sxxure. grxnding 3f the
icad-in wire to an anrepna discharge unit, size of aroundinc;
conductors. lacarion of antenna--discharge unit, connectic:, ir,
gxmding electrodes, and requirementsfcrthe g:ounding eleclmk
See ine figure
@EC AR: 250 PART W)
Far a&d
fortiils unit rerei;ier d!irinG a I’giirninC strirrr
3r Wei it is IeR unaitendzd and zcsed for long periods of time,
unplug it from ti;e wall outlei and disconnect ihe antenna iur cabi:
system, This will prevenr dar:‘age to :he unit due ,o Ightning a!?d
poweriine surges.
iplug ihis unit from ine uall out;ei be&e cleaniar;
Do zot use liquid cleaners or aerosol cleaners. txe a damp 19th
for cieaninG.
Unpl;ij tnis unit from the wall out;etand refer ce*!!icing :o qualif~el
swics ?erscnnel under [he ioliowing conditiors.
ti When ihe oobler cord or [;iug is damaged.
2j If liquid has been spilled, or objects h$je ial.en ~cto the unit.
&io Jnif CX-LEM~Q
&nc:e ,on::oi
3j Ii the unii has
exposed to rein 0; waie:
Speakers SX-LEMX
‘f\A an;enrlL
4) if Ihe Jnit does not opeiate normallji bi following Ihe opciarina
Sps&r 1~6s
,A&1 apciyne
instructions Adjust oniy tnose contrcls thal are cohjered by the
cr;e:aling ir:siiucficns as irproper adjustment
orlher Wiiti:s
may result ;n damage and will of% *equire cxtersive ‘&Jork by a
qual:iied technician to resrflre tne &it to inoimal operation.
5) lfrlie MI has Dee; dropped or ihe cab;%: ?as been oamagcd.
5) \&er: ihE ~$1 exi;ibirs a c:siinc; cixge in pe%rmanx - his
a need for sxvice.
Do i!ot atte;-pt to servicath,s t!iiit yo~seli as ose:ing 3’ removing
covers rnzj expose you to danzero& yoliage cr older hazards. peter
all servicing b qualif;ed service perscnne:.
&plasement Pa&- - Where repiacemen; paris are reqxed, 3t:
sure rhe service rechnician lias used :eoiaci;menh pairs spec:i;?~
by the ma::‘acWer cr Izving t!:e same cha;acteristics as I’-? oiginal
part, Unauihorized substitutrons may ies~~ll i? iii?. electric shock
or oihe; hazards.
$afety CLs;ek - Upon ihe complerion of any ser:vice c: re;!alrs tc
this ~u?rt, ask rhe service te;hmcian to perfix” sa,et?
d!~ L:
' ^I "q is
dereWe tnat ihe ..xt IS in p:oper opeiailng ccnd!ric:.
3 Connect the wpplieci antennas.
Connect the FM antenna to ihe FM 75 a terminals anc
the AM antenr:a to the AM LOOP jack.
connectioix are mode.
1 Come12 the speaker cords to the speakes.
Sonneci the copper cores
the + ter;ninals and the silver
cords to the - teimlrais.
Detach the batterv comoartment lid at ?he rear of the remote
conirol and insert two R6 (size AA) batteries vdith correct
2 Connect the speakers to ihe main unit.
Connect the right speaker to the SPEAKERS R terminals
4 Connect the AC power cord to
an AC outlet.
and the left to
SPEAKERS L terminals. The copper
The clock will flash on the display.
cords go to the
t&rminals. For setting tine clock, s&e page 8.
affected by magnetism near the speakers
nnas away from metallic objects: electrical
and cords.
nfl8: Extend fully in aT-shape. If reception is poor,
an optional outdoor anienna to the FM 75 R
terminals. Besureto connect the shield braid of the antenna
e A terminal.
~~~~~~~: Rotate to find best receotion.
*Replace the batteries with n&w ones when the operational
distance beiween the remote contra! and main unit becomes
*Remove the batteries if the unit is not going to be used for
an extended period of time.
@The remote control may not operate if it is used under intense
sunlight or il its line of sight is obstructed.
Staris playback and changes the playbacx side.
41~0 used to enter G-second blank spaces during
cts t!~e fcnction of zxiernal ecjuipmeni connected tc
AUX IN jacks.
CD atnd Tape: stops piayback.
Radio: clears a ;ireset stariori.
Selects EC0 mode and dimmer mcde.
Tune in a oreset station
Opens or closes the tape tray.
Plus in an ootional headphones set with a stereo miri
CD: selects random and repeat playback mode.
Taoe. selects a reverse mode.
plus (03.5 mm, i!b il
1,). Speaker output is canceled.
CD: displays the track number being piayed and
remaining time of play.
Determines the mode
Stores the received siation to oraset
CD: skips to z previous or a succeeding track when
pressed, searches F. track in fast forward or revers:
playback when held down.
Tape: rewinds or fast frxwards the ta3e.
23&o: manualiy tiines uo c; town withi tine band.
Adjusis the volume.
track of
specified number.
Radic: iunes in the station with the specified preset
Selects programmed CD playoack mode.
Selects random or repeat CD playback
e ween stereo or
Fivl reception.
s the track number being played and
Selects timer seiting mode.
Selects sleep-timer setting
Hold down when pressing a numbered buiton to change
its function to that printed above the number.
Selects a reverse mode.
SS and TREBLE selling mode.
Switches !he active iunction among TAPE, TUKER. AUX
and CD.
Connect external equipment using an optional connecting
cable with RCA phono piugs (red p!ug to R jack, white
plug io i jack). Refer also tc the operai;ng instructions
for your equipment.
To switch function to external
input, press AUX.
) jack
toutfhrou~h this jack.
Use an optical cable to connect digitai audio equipment.
Remove the dust cap from the DIGITAL OUT (OPTiCALj
jack. Then connec! an optical caole plug to the DIGiTAL
CU’(OPTICAL! jack.
~~~~~~~ &@ unit on
Press POWR ~STAND~Y~O~~ (POWER on the remote
Alternativeiy, press TAPE, TUNER/BAND, AUX or CD. Playback
will start automatically if a disc or tape is loaded.
Rwniwg the unit t3f
Press POWER &STANDBYiON again.
The tinii goes into srandby.
Turn VOLUME (press VOLUME (+/-j on the remote
from 0 (minimum) to 49 and MAX (maximum).
Volume level setting is retailled during Dower-off standby. Ii
the unit is turned oif vdith the volume set to 36 or higher, ii is
automaticaily turned down to 35 the next time the unit is turned
Press AUX to select the Euncilon of exrernai
press POWE? while the
is 3n
by power ~~~s~~~~~~a~
power economizing mode is off : 14 W
When power economizing mode is on or auto : 0.7 W
WE% pmdsr zYxHm&ing mode Is set to ““ON” %
5 V$hen power shuts off, ali indications of tne display window
including the c;ock are turned off.
@When power turns on by !imer recording (page IT), the
display window brightness is set to “OIMMER 3”, ali
button lamps go off.
*The display window brightens only when the unit is being
operated. When the unit has not been operated for Bseconds,
the brightness switches io the level chosen by the “D&l
MODE” setting. (I; the brightness is set to
“DIM - OFF”. the brightness does not change.)
WE% power ~~~~~~~~~~~ mode k3 z!ito “‘AUTD”’
In addition to the above:
*Ii the tape and CD are stopped and there is 110 audio input
from any connected external equipment for IO minutes,
power shuts off. (When listening to the radio, Ihowever. power
does noi shut off automatically.)
I Press ECO/DlMMER while the unit is turned on.
“ECO WIODE” is displayed.
2 Within 8 seconds, press SET.
The surrent power economizing mode status is displayed.
If power economizing mode is off : “ECD OFH”
:f power economizing mode is auie : “EC0 RUTQ”
Ii power economizing mode is on : “EUI ON”
3 Within 8 seconds, press
to select
the desired power economizing mode.
4 Within 8 seconds, press SET.
“DiM MODE” is displayed.
Within 8 seconds, press SET.
The currently selected brightness is displayed
Within 8 seconds, press
to select
the desired brightness.
Within 8 seconds, press SET.
Hoiddown SHIFTand press CLOCK on the %?mote
When the unit is tune6 off, you can aiso press SET.
to set the time.
Each press changes the time in l-minute steps.
Holding these buttonsdownwil varytnetime in ?G-min!ite
5 cot pressed wiihin 8 seconds. setting
3 canceled.
Press SET.
The time display stops flashing aind the ciocl; starts from
00 seconds.
To diqiay the me while tile pwder is 013
Hold down SHIFT and press CLOCK on the remote contra!.
The time will be displayed for 8 seconds.
Es switch fa the 24-hour $~~~~~~~
Display the time and press
within 8 seco~lds.
With each press. the clock alternates between 12- and 24
hour standard time.
In the 12-hour standard, “Wp/i12:00” indicates midnight and
“PM12:OO” noon.
If me elm% dkplay flashes when the unit is furned
There has been a power interruption. Reset the clock.
-CD OPEN/CLOSE to open the disc
Place a disc with the iabel side up. Then close :he disc
compartment by pressmg &CD OPEN/CLOSE.
fast ~~~~a~~ or revewe)
Release at the desired point.
Ta select 8 treekwith the remote control (
Press the numbered buttons to select a track.
- To select the 25th track, press +iO. +I0 and 5.
- To select the 1 Ith track, press tlo and I.
-&J change Bhe dlsphy in playback mode
Press DISPLAY (hold down SHlFTalid press DWLAY on the
remote control) dliring play.
The display changes in the iollowing order:
1 Track numbe; beirg played ar;d elapsed p!a$ng tine
2 Remaining time of a disc
@Remaining time of play cannot be displayed
play or programmed play.
all tbtie firicks in random
order. In repeat ploy mode it ploys repeatedly all
the tracks or
being played. Yffu CUR se/ecf random und repeaf all
ploy at the same time.
I Press MODE (hold down SHIFT and press
RANDOM/REPEAT on the remote control)
repeatedly to select one of the following nodes:
“G 1”: Repeat 1 playback
“G”: Repeat all playback
“RRI\IDOW: Random playback
G”: Random/Repeat all playback
2 Press
to start play.
-ra cancel ~~~~~~/~~~e~~ p8ay
Press NiODE (hold down SHIFTand press RANDGWREPEAT
on the remote control) repeatedly until “FIRNDOM”,
“$ 1” or “6” disappears.
Direct selection of the tracks with the numbered bilttons
cancels random play mode.
%I repeat 8 se:lscted 8$il of fraeks
Firs! select the tracks with programmned Jlay isse
“Progiamned play” on page 10).
Then select repeat playback.
78 ch
repeatedly in stop mode. The track
number and program number are displayed in succession.
Hold ckw SHIFT and press PROGRAM on the
remote control in stop mode.
“PHIGM” flashes 011 the display.
Press fhe numbered buttons cn the remote
control to program a track.
-To select the 25th track, press tl0, +I0 and 5.
-To select the 11th track, press i-70 and 1.
The selected track number !ights up on the disp!ay.
Repeat step 2 to program other tracks.
The iota! number of seiected tracks and total playing ti;ne
will be displajied.
to start play.
The track number for the curreni track hashes on the
To clear the progmm
in stop mode, “PAGM” disappears from the display
TD add $rackz: to %e ~~~~~a~
Repeat step 2 before starting playback. The tracks are added
to the end of the program.
@Do noi place more than one disc.
0 Do not tilt the unit with a disc loaded.
a The unit may not play CD-R/fRW discs recorded on personal
computers or ceriain kinds of CD-R!RW recorders.
*Do not aitzch adhesive labe! io either side oi
CD-RIRW discs, as doing so may cause malfunction.
e During programmed play, you cannot select a track wiih ihe
numbered buttons. “CZI’? SE” is displayed when you
try to select a track
a if the total playing time of the program exceeds 99 minutes
and 59 seconds, or if a
with a track number exceeding
30 is programmed, the playing iime is displayed as
I/ /,
- _:_ -
* Do noi load an unrecorded CD-RIRW disc. The disc may be
e Do not use irregular-shaped CDs.
~You cannot program more than 30 tracks. “FkiLb” is
f Select the band.
2 Press PRESET (
) repeatedly.
With each press, the station with the succeeding preset
number is tuned in.
You can tune in the desired preset station directly by
pressing the numbered buttons on the remote control.
- To select preset number ? I, press t10 and 1.
- To select preset number 15, press +I0 and 5
repeatedly to select a band
The unit switches lo the radio from any other functior
and alternates between FM and AM.
repeatedly to tune in a station
when a station is tuned in.
“STEREO” is dispiayed
ffv! stereo reception.
a~~~~a~~~a~~~ (B&o sea&)
T;j stop the search manually, press
r Auto sear& may not stop at stations with weak signals
I Tune in the desired station.
2 Press SET to store the station.
Tihe preset ;iumber, beginriing from “1” flashes on the
3 3epeat steps 1 and 2 ‘0 preset other
The next station will not be stored if a tcial of 32 preset
stations have already been stored
(“FULL” is dispiayed.)
*The unit can store a maximum of 20 stations for each bane.
l+pdyjer, ‘;h$ it can &y s\gre 5 total
y 32 presei g;::p\s.
ali power is interrupted for more than approximaiel]y 12 hours,
ali setbngs
in memory after purchase need to be reset.
To clear a pwiet statson
1 Tune in the station by preset tuning.
2 Piess , then press SET within 8 seconds.
Preset station numbers in the band which are hiqher than
the cleared number decrease by one
To Swim to receptloR
Press MODE (hold down
T and press TUNE3 MODE on
the remote cosi:ol)
that “MOW is dispiayed.
%a canal, press MDDE (hold down SHiFT and press it!NEii
DIODE on the remote control) again.
W/her? FM stereo reception is poor, switching to monaura!
ieduces noise.
The default settino of the AM tuning interval is 10 kHz/step. If
you use this oni?% an area where the frequency allocation
system is 9 kfiz/step, change the tuning iniervai.
Hold down TUNER/BAND and oress POWER.
When the AM tuning interval is cnanged, a!l preset stations
are cleared.
Turn BASS.
The bass lever can be adjusted from “-5” to”+5”.
The treble level can be adjusted from “-5” to”+!?
repeatedly so that “TWE” is displayed,
to adjusi the level.
e If the sound becomes distorted with the BASS effect, cancel
the effect.
Q If the sound becomes distorted with the TREBLE effect.
cancel the effect.
TAPE CIPENKLOSE la open the tag tray.
insert the tape.
hs~rt with
the exposed the side facing forward, znci press
OFENKLOSE to close the tape trsy.
4@ select a &?Y%kS% mde
Press MilODt (REV MI?DE 3!: the rsmcie :~i:cl)
83 To play one side oniy, select Z.
*To play from the side facing L;$varc to the oppssite side
once: on!y. Select 3
*To play boiil sides repeatedly, seiec! (3
the -4 indiiatcr 31 the displ
to move tc the next track, or
itq of the torrent track.
ihe P indicator on ine c;ispl
to move to ihe next track, 0’
beginning oi the currect rreck.
The search fxction may not
be able :o detect tracks ulder
tlie Mowing cofiditions:
e Blanks of less then ii seconds between tracks
a %oisy track:
OPEFUCLOSE to o&leg the tape tray.
inseri the retarding “.ape.
!nsert with the exposed side facing forward and the side
to be :ecorded oii first facing upvwc. Press
&TAPE CFENiCLCSE to close the tape hey
Press FL!iICTlCii\i on the remote control to select
the TAPE function.
Press iiiiODE (REV MOE an the remote controt)
to select the reverse mode.
To :ecord on one
oniy. select z.
To record on both sides, select 3.
Press FUNCTION on the remote controi to select
?he source to be recorded.
Preoare the source
To record CD, ioad a disc.
record a radio brcadcast, tune in the desired station.
.Ta record from connected external equioment, press AL%
and prepare the equipment.
When recording a CD, CD playback starts automatically.
When recording input from connected equipmer?t.
manLaiiy staii piayback of the source.
resemg rnWl easiiy
pe to be recorded, load the disc. and piess
SYNCHRO REC. Regardless oftne itnction currently selected,
CD play and tape recording stari simultaneously,
*In CD step mode tape recording starts from the beginning
of 32 track.
When CD playback stops, tape recording slops
*In CD playback mode, the only current track is recorded.
Wnen irie current rraclk playback f
stcos. io srop CD playback. press
AUSE. Press again to resume.
33 record a seleetad saQ of tracks from a G
Program the desired tracks (see “Programmed play”) and then
press SYNCH30 REC.
33 &a@ rrmrdbg with fh@ remote cosltrol
Press REC MODE repeaiedly to dispiay “SYNC REC” or
SYPJC REC: recording CD
WC: recording radio CD or connected external equipment
F?EC/REC PAUSE to start recording.
When selected “REZ:“, press
RECiREC PAUSE again io
start recording.
I Press
TA,PEiREC MUTE during recording or in
recording pause mode
“REC METE” hashes on the display for 4 secows (a
biank space is added) and il’rerl rhe unit erters reocrdina
/REC PAUSE to resume recording
To mm3 a tagss
1 Insert the tape. Set the tape to tha desired point if needed.
2 press AUX
If optional equipment is connected to the AlJX IN jacks, turn
it off.
*Volume or tone adjustment(s) does no; affect recording.
When the taoe reaches its end, the recording stops,
Prepare a tape that is longer than the CD length.
N~hen recording a whole CD, Al Edit Record;ng
takes tire length
of your tape b~to account and rearranges the recording order of
the trucks if necessary, so that no track is cut short at the end
of the side.
(A/: Artificial Iritelligence)
*Recording cannot start from a point halfway in the tape
*Ai Edit Recording cannot be used with discs containing more
than 30 tracks.
Inseti the recording tape.
Press FUNCTION on the remote controi to select
the CD function,
and load the disc.
Hold down SHIFT and press CD EDIT/CHECK on
the remote control in stop mode.
“Al EDIT” and “Al c--00” are displayed.
4 Press the numbered buttons on the remote
control to enter ihe length of the recording tape.
10 to 99 minutes can be specified.
- For a 60.mirniite tape press 6 ai?d 0.
In a few seconds: the unit determines the iracks is be
iecorded for each side.
left for side A appears on the display.
n a;so be used ‘.o speciiy “iape lei?gth.
REC TO siati recorriioy.
When you start recording with the remote co?irol, press
R.EC MODE repeaiedly to dis:j!ay “SYNC: KEC”, then
The iape is rewound to the begiilrinG of the side facig;
upward. “REC MUTE” flashes on the display and the
lead segmen: is played throiigli for 70 secoiids, and
recording starts.
When reccrding on :Be side facira tipward !sida Ai
fiiiishes, recording 011 ihe opposite side (side B) starts.
As you program the CD trucks to record, Frogrammed Edi;
lecording displays the remaining recording time for each side
of the tape, so you con easily select a set of desired tmcks
Iwithin the length of
@Recording cannot start from a point halfway in the tape.
@You cannot program more ihan 30 tracks.
5 You cannot program a track with a i:aclc czmber larger than
1 Insert the recording tape.
2 Press FUNCTION on the remote control to select
the CD function, and load the dLx.
3 Hold down SHIFT and press CD EDIT/CHECK
twice on the remote ccnfrol in stop mode.
“PRGM EDIT” and “W&M C-483” are disp!ayed.
8 Press We numbered buttons on the remote
control to enter the length of the recording tape.
10 to 99 minutes can be specified.
- For a SO-minute lape press 6 and C.
also be used io speciiy tape lerjgth.
5 Press the numbered b~ittorx on the remote
select the first track to 5e recorded on
side A.
-To select me 25th track, press ~13, t10 a~?d 5.
-To select tne I >th track, gress +I0 and 1.
6 Repeat step 5 to select ihe resi 3f ihe tracks 4or
side A.
Yte remainin recotiing limp
v cf site fi, is display$,j ‘~/oL.
canlot seiecr a rrzck with a longer playing tim.e.
7 Hold down SHIFT and press CD EDIT/CHECK on
the remote control
switch to side 6 and select
thp Wks for the side.
L).. u
Press SYNCHRO REC to start recording.
When you start recording with the remote control, press
REC MODE repeatedly to display “SYNC: WC”, then
The tape is rewound to the beginning of the side facing
apward, “REII WTE” flashes on the display and tine
lead segment is played through fo: 10 seco~ids, and
recording starts.
‘&‘hen recording 02 t?e side facing Lipward (side A)
finishes, recording on the ooposite side (side 3) siarts
Recording and CD playback stop simultar;eol;siy.
Pi3 d-E& ihe program
1 Before recording. hoid down SHIFT znd press
CD EDIT/CHECK on the remote coctrol to select side A or
2 Press repeatedly. The rrack Puxber afid
isplayed in sxcessIon.
-&.I change the program of each side
Hold down SHIFT and ?ress CD EDiT
control to select side C or B, a?d press
for the selected side. ihei?, select trac
-- __.... “..” .-.. ““~
__... ------ --1 ..^__.^
the plastic tab of the cassette tape with a screxdrjver
or other oointed tool.
To record on the tape again, cover the tab openings with
adhesive tape, (On type It tapes, rake care not :o cover the
type /I tape detection siot.)
“SLEEP” is displayed.
repeatedly to set the steep
timer diiration.
Wth each press, the timer duration changes in 5-minute
steps between 5 to 240 minutes. if there is no button inout
for 8 secoiids, the current setting is entered automatically.
The unit turns off after the selected time.
To check w remaining time unw %x4 unit turn% OR
Wd down SiilFi and press SLEEP on the remote control.
The remaining time /s displayed for 8 seconds.
To cancel $he sleep timer
Hoid down SIWI’ and press SLEEP on the remote control
repeztedly so that “SLEEQaFF” is displayed.
l-bid down SHIFTand press TIMER on the remoie
cootrol repeatedly so that “6” tights up and
“8 PLW Is displayed.
Withjn 8 seconds, press SET.
to set the Wrier-on time, and
Each press changes the time in l-minute steps.
I-folding these buttons down will vary the time in IO-minute
to selectthe source. and press
@For timer play of a CD.
@For timer p!ay of a tape, select “TAPE”.
@For timer play oi a radio broadcast, select
Yeu will select the band later in step 7.
@For timer play of the equipment connected to the AU
IN jacks, select “AN.
lL!se a SC? and dry cloth if the ~~nit %riaies are extiemely
dir$ use a sofi cicih lightly moistened with miid deteiger?
solution. Do not use strong soivenis such as alcchcl. benzene
Dirty iape heads cause sound deterioraticn. After every 1C
!mrs af use, c&m t’le tap heads with a head cleaning
cassette. Refer
the instruciions of the cleailing sass~tte.
To d%magnstiz~ tlas tiape Aeads
,ise a demagnetizing cassette after every 20 to 30 hours of
i~se. Refer to the instruciiocs of the demagnetizing cassetie.
When a CD becomes dirty, wipe it f:om the center out with a
cleanina cloth After playing a CD, store it in its case.
DO not
keep it ;n hot or humid places.
Care of taoes
Store tapes’in their cases
use. DC not leave tapes neai
magnets, motors, ielevisioi7 sets. or any
of magnetism.
De not expose taoes to direct sunlight, or leave them in a car
parked in direc! sunlight.
@Are the speakers and AC powe: cord connected properly?
“me unit shagt ofk sudd%wly
* Fossibly a short circuit in the speakerte~minais. Disconnenl
the AC power cord from the AC cutlet and reconnect the
speaker cords
*Reselthe unii. (See “Resetting the unit” on ihis page.)
Bam8;a&5 rec%@iean
a Check antenna connection, Adjust ;he antenna to find the
best reception.
‘Move the unit and antenna away from other electric
appliances and cords.
Poor tape sound
0 Check ior oiriy Lieads. Clean them if needed
annot record
is the erasure prevention tab of the iape broker off? If so,
cover ihe detection slot with adhesive tape
*Is the disc correctly ioaded?
a Is the disc dirty?
“Is the lens affected by condensation? If se. wait
approximately one hour and iry again.
Moisture may form on the CD pickup lens wheii:
s The trnii is moved ‘ram a cold spot to a warm
*The heatirlg system has just been turned on
*The unit is used ir, a very humid room
*The unit is cooled Dy an air conditioner
\Wnen Tunis unit has condensation? inside, it may inoi function
normaliy. Should tllis occur. leave the unit ior a few hours.
tien try io operate again.
an unusual condition occurs in the display window or the
cassette deck, reset the unit asfoilows:
i Press POWER to turn off the power.
If the power cannot be turned OH, disconnect the AC power
cord, then p
it in again.
2 Hold down
and press POWER,
Everything stored in memory after purchase is cleared.
FM tuning range
F!vl usable sencitiviiy (IHF)
FM antenna terminal
AM liining range
AM usable sensitivity
AM antenna
Power output
Total harmonic distortion
Track format
Preouency response
I&cording sys$rn
D/A convener
Signal-to-noise ratio
Harmonic distortion
\,f$oyf and fi utter
87.5 MHz to 108 MHz
73.2 dBf
75 ohms (unbalanced)
530 kHi to 1710 kttz (10 kHz step)
531 kHr to 1602 ktiz (9 kHz stepj
350 uV/m
Loop antenna
28 W .I. 28 W (40 HZ ^ 20 kHi, THD
less than 1% 6 ohmsi ,
35 W + 35 W (I kriz, iHD 10 c/o, 6
0.15 “0 (17.5 W IkHz, 6 ohms, DIN
AUX iN: 700 mV
SPEAKERS: 6 ohms or more
PHONES: 32 ohms or more
4 tracks. 2 charinefs sterec
50 Kz - 15000 liz
AC Sias
fiecrdingrplayback x I, erase x 1
Ssmicontlucicr laser (k = 780 nm)
I bit dual
88 38 (1 kHz, 0 dE)
Unmeasurabie il kH:. 0 dB)
Power requirements
120 VAC, 60 Hz
Power consumption
Power consumption in standby mode
With EC0 mode on or AUTO, 0.7 W
Wi:h EC0 mode ofi: 14 W
Crmensions (W x H x D’j
191.5 x 249.0 x 389.0 mm
(7 ‘ic x 9 I/; x 15 $I3 in.)
5.3 kg (11 ibs 12 oi)
Speakers system
2 way. bass reflex (magnetic
Speaker units
Wooier: 120 mm (4 ‘is in.) cone
Tweeier: 25 mm (1 in.) dome
6 ohms
Dimensions (W x H x 0)
155 X250X27i3~liil
(!j ‘1, X 10 X 8 5/s IT.)
2.4 kg (5 IDS 6 CL)
Specifications al-id external appearance are subject to change
without notice.
6: h
Check copyright laws relevant to recordings from discs, radio
or tape 1% ihe country where the unit is to be used.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the
limits for a Class B digital device. pursuanl to Pert 15 of the
FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonabie
prelection against harmful interference in a residan;ia!
Thisequipment generates, uses; arid can radiate radio frequency
energy and, il r?ot installed and used in accordance with the
insiructions. may cause harmful interference tc radio
communications. However, ihere is no guaraniee thar
interference will not cccur in a particular insta’lation. If this
equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or t&vision
reception, which can be determined by lurning ihe equipment
off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct ;he
interference by one or more of the foliowing measures:
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet cn circu;rdifferentfrorn
that to which the receiver is connected.
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for
fviodifications or adjustments to this produci, vghich are
rot expressly approved by the manufacturer, may void the
user’s right or auihori$ to overate this product.
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Aiwa CT-X4 Owner's manual

CD players
Owner's manual
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