Step# 2
-Remove cruise module groument on cover to gain access to switches
-Follow switch settings on page 7 of installation/ operation/ troubleshooting manual
-U se 4000 guIses ger mile or check your vehicle in the technical guide
-Remove metal sheathing from end of cruise cable
-Thread 1- 7/16" nut in the hardware bag onto the cable (approx. 2.67" +or- .1")
use a 7 /16" box end wrench (fig.l)
-Install 2 washers and retainer as shown in figure 1
-Connect the bead chain connector with bead cover to cruise cable from one end and
to the adapter from the other side
-You should have approx. .100" slack in the cable wire
Step# 3
-Install throttle attachment assembly onto TBI assembly. Snap ground down throttle-
bracket adapter into bracket assembly
-Check for desired deflection approx. .100"
-Gently loop excessive cable (no sharp bends) and mount cruise control servo unit on
firewall bulkhead to the right of the wiper motor with use of supplied bracket and screws
10 mm screws
Step# 4
-Locate cruise control harness on drivers side at the engine bulkhead, under the hood
-Root cruise harness and connect. Figure 2.
Step# 5
-Read operation instruction
-Test drive vehicle low speed set (35 MPH), high speed set (55 MPH). Test resume,
accelerate-decelerate, brake disengage and on/ off disengage
-Include customer-operating instructions on rear view mirror or lever
(called; Things you should know about your cruise control)
-Check for proper operations of column area i.e; turn signals, high beams, 4-way flasher,
cancel cam, etc.
FORM # 4360