1. Introduction2
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 General information
1.2 Designations in the operating instructions
................... 5
Chapter 2: Safety
2.1 Intended use
............................................................... 7
2.2 General information
2.3 Fire protection
2.4 Equipment
2.4.1 Emergency equipment
2.4.2 Vehicle tool kit
2.5 Before driving
2.5.1 What to observe before your rst drive
...................... 10
2.5.2 Before each drive
2.6 While driving
2.7 After driving
................................................................ 16
Chapter 3: Chassis
3.1 General information
................................................... 18
3.2 Vehicle identication number (VIN)
3.3 Loading
3.3.1 General information
3.3.2 Denition of masses for van
3.4 Towing xture
3.5 Externally mounted xtures
3.6 Automatic transmission
Chapter 4: Wheels, tyres
4.1 Wheels
4.2 Tyres
......................................................................... 26
4.3 Tyre pressure
............................................................ 27
4.4 Tyre prole depth and age of tyres
.......................... 28
4.5 Wheel rims
................................................................ 29
4.6 Changing a tyre
........................................................ 30
4.7 Fast tyre repair kit
..................................................... 31
Chapter 5: Exterior Structure
5.1 Ventilation
................................................................... 32
5.2 Opening and closing doors and aps
5.3 Entrance step
5.4 Bicycle carrier
5.5 Sun awning
Chapter 6: Interior Structure
6.1 Opening and closing doors, aps and drawers
6.2 Television holder
6.3 Worktop extension for the kitchen
6.4 Tables
6.5 Seating arrangements and sleeping areas
................. 51
6.6 Shower ap in compact bathroom.............................57
6.7 Windows
6.8 Dimming system for driver's cabin
6.9 Thermal curtain for driver's cab
6.10 Skylight
6.11 Seats in the driver's cabin
6.12 Construction of the seats
........................................... 65
6.13 Seatbelts in the van
6.14 Overview of the seating arrangements