Locatethis appliance away from combustiblematerials such as win- 1. Chamferall exposededgesofdecorativelaminateto preventdam-
dow curtains and combustible wall decorations,agefrom chipping.
2. Radiuscomersof cutout and file to insuresmooth edgesand pre-
Minimum horizontal clearance between the edge of theapplianceand vent corner cracking.
combustible construction extending from the cooking surface to 16" 3. Rough edges, insidecorners which have not been rounded and
(45.72cm) abovethecooking surface is forced fits can contributeto cracking of the countertop laminate.
4. Countertop must be supported within 3" (7.62 cm) of cutout.
1" (2.54 cm) at rear
2" (5.08 cm) atsidesINSTALLATION OF APPLIANCE:
Theinstallationof thisappliancemustconformwithlocalcodesor, in
(Dimensionsapplyto both30"and 36"widemodels) theabsence oflocalcodes,withtheNationalFuel GasCode, ANSI
Z223.1--Latest Edition,or, in Canada, CAN/CGA-B149 Installation
Fig. 1 _".............. [". Code, LatestEdition.
'! _ This appliance,wheninstalled,mustbe electricallygrounded inaccor-
l"cm) 7,__ __,.
_T__ji18" dance withlocal codesor,inthe absenceoflocalcodes,withtheNa-
145.72cm) tionalElectricalCodeANSI/NFPANo.70--Latest Edition,or,in Canada,
currentCSA Standard C22.1Canadian Electrical Code,Part 1.
-- All supply piping,except as noted, should usecommon National Pipe
T-(" "
'\ _ Thread (N.P.T.). Forall pipe connectionsuse an approved pipe joint
(3.811v2"Min.cm) (5.082"cm)'--__"compoundresistantto theactionofLP gas.
CAUTION: WarrantyisvoidonJenn-Airequipmentinstalledotherthan
INSTALLINGCABINETRY OVER YOUR asrecommendedby manufacturer.
JENN-AIR COOKTOP This applianceis designedfor usewiththe appliancegas pressure
A= 30"(76.2 cm) minimumvertical clearancebetween cookingsur- regulatorsuppliedwiththisappliance.Itmustbeinstalledinthegasway
faceandconstructionabovetheappliance.Thisclearancemay beahead ofthegas manifoldentrance.Itispresetforusewithnaturalgas
reducedto not lessthan24 inches(60.96 cm) by protectingtheand mustbe converted,as describedon page 6,for usewithLP gas.
undersideofthecombustiblematerialor metalcabinetabovethe(see Fig. 10 and 11.)
cookingsurfacewith not less than1/4 inch(.635 cm) insulating
mitlboardcoveredwith sheetmetalnotlessthan0.0122 inchthick* This applianceis designedto operate at a pressureof 5 inches of
B = 13"(33.02 cm) maximumdepthofcabinetsinstalledabovecook- watercolumnon naturalgasor,ifconvertedfor usewithLP gas(pro-
paneorbutane),10 inchesofwatercolumn.Makesurethisapplianc
ingtop. _is suppliedwith and adjustedfor the type of gas for whichit is d_
This appliancewas adjusted at the factoryforusewithnatural gas. If,
Fig. 2at any time, this appliance isto beusedwith adifferenttype of gas, all
of theconversion adjustments described on pages 5 through 7 must
_-bemade byaqualifiedservicetechnicianbeforeattemptingto operate
A • B---,- the cooktop on that gas. Naturalgas shouldbesuppliedto theappli-
ance pressureregulatorat a linepressurebetween6 and 14 inchesof
watercolumnor, ifconvertedfor LPgas, between 11 and 14 inches.
I _ I WARNING: Ifthe line pressuresupplyingthe appliance pressure
I regulatorexceeds 14"W.C. (anygas), anexternal regulatormustbe
Avoid use of cabinetsabovecooktop for storagespaceto eliminateinstalled in the gas line ahead of the appliance regulator to reduce
associated potential hazards such as reaching over open flames, thepressureto no more than 14" W.C. Failureto do this can result
in malfunction and damageto the appliance.
PREPARATION OF COUNTERTOP Insurethis applianceisadjustedforthetype ofgas suppliedto it and
Thecountertopcutoutmustbepreparedaccordingtotheillustrationon that thegas supply pressureto the appliancepressureregulatoris
page1 oftheseinstructions, withinthe properpressurerange.
CAUTION: Cutout dimensionsarecritical. Dimensionsmustbe mea- • Ifthisisa 36"widemodel,or ifitisa 30"wide modelandnoother
suredandcut accuratelyto within + 1/16"(.159 cm) to ensure proper applianceisto beinstalledinthecabinetrybelowit, proceedas
fit. instructedunder paragraphI.
•Ifthisisa 30"widemodelanda Jenn-AirModelW3OXXXorW131
*Jenn-AirOver-the-Rangemicrowaveovens(model#M418 and M438) instructedunderparagraphII.
havebeen listedbyUL for useoverGas and ElectricRanges. When•Do notremoveprotectivecapfrompipestubat manifoldentranc,-
properlyinstalledata minimumheight of66 inches(167.64 cm) from untilreadyto joingassupplypipingto appliance.
thefloortothetop ofthe microwave,theclearancetothe cookingsur-
faceatthe centerwillbe 133Ainches(34.93 cm).NOTE: InCanada, gasutilizationcodesprohibit useofstreet elbows.
Use standardpipe elbowsand make modificationsto these instruc-
tionsas necessary.