Thank you for your range hood purchase!
We’re trying to reduce the amount of time and money lost from installing units
ansit - so we
this checklist before installing or scheduling an installation.
Pre-Shipment Check
Checking for functionality and damage
Plug the unit into an outlet to see if it powers on
Fan Speed
Go through all fan speeds and check for unusual noise or rattling
Initial Inspection
Check for damage caused during shipment
Check the buttons to make sure they all function
LED Lights
Check that both lights work and are about equal in brightness
* Please let us know if you have any questions or issues. Note that we are not liable for
damage caused by improper installation, or any installation fees. We do not advise any
disassembly in case of any issues due to potential safety risks.
Our contact information:
Phone: 866.721.3888
Hours: 9AM- 5PM CST, Monday thru Friday