7. 7.1 Virtual Speaker Shifter: to enable,
click the circle next to Enable 7.1
Virtual Speaker Shifter. The USB
module is required for this feature to
work. It will simulate a 7.1 speaker
system. The icons on the left are
used to rotate the speaker position
around you. The sliders on the right
can be used to adjust the level of
each speaker separately.
8. Xear SingFX- Key Shifting: this can
help users to change their natural
“key” to match the song´s. To
activate, click the circle next to
Enable Key Shifting. Use the slider to
change the pitch. Press the Home
icon to go back to default.
9. Xear SingFX- Vocal Fading: it can
mask the lead vocal voice from a
song, which is great for karaoke
related applications. To enable, click
the circle next to Enable Vocal Fading
and use the slider to adjust the vocal
fading features. Press the Home icon
to go back to default.