I Do nat overload the gene_'alo_ Use the co,reel generator fo_yo_ application The correct generato_;will do
t_ job better and safer at lhe fate br which it is designed.
2 Do not expose to rain or 'wet conditions. Water entering a generator will ins[ea_ the risk of electric sh_K
& Stay ale_t, Watch what you ate ®ing, and use common, sense when operating a generator. Do not u_ a
generator while tired or under the influer_e ofdrugs, alcohol, or medicaSon. A morner_ of inattentba
while opefaling the generater may result in serio_,_s_oaal iqury,
4.When operating a _we_ I®_ outs_@,use an ou_d®orextension cord marked _W-A"or "WL These e×tension
cords a_'eratedfor au_®ot use, and reduce _hedsk of ebcldc shos_k
5.CAUTION! Never run the generator in an encbsed garage o_any other type d enclosed st#JCtufe without
a prope_, babfree veaWatbn shaft Cain Mo_oxide_ an edo_ess, colorless dea@ygas may accumulate
arto cause serious m}Lm!or death
6 Dono_usemefler_ratoritthePo¢_er&_itehd_eno_um_ono_oa Anygenera_ar_qateanne_becont_o_Ieo
with the Power £witeh _sear,serous and mu_ ae teen,re&
7. Make s_re Ihe Power Swit@ is in its "OFF" naaman and dasconnect the spare Dug wire betore making
an, aajustments, enan_ng aeeessohes, or storing the genera_on Such nrevenlwe _et,,/measures _u_
the risk of s_a_lJngme generator aeadeetaJ _,_
8 Maintain ge_qera_erawan care De nat age a (_amageagenera_or Tag damaged generators°Do nat use_
8nrff reoa_re.B.
9. Onb _sualifiedreoair eerson_e! a_ould 3erform generater service. Service or maintenance #edormed by
unouaIified r_ersonnelcould result in injury.
tO use tee nght generator br thejob. Do not at_err,atto brae a sma_ generator _sao _e '¢_or_ofa _arger
indUSTrialgenerater. There are celia aeo_iea_enafor wh_h this genarato_rwas aes good. _tw_l_do the job
ee_terana more sarah at the _ateior which itwas intended. Do nor m_Jw m_sgeeera_or ann oo not usa
rn_agenerator for apurpose for Which _ was no__nteneea.
1 WARNING__tere using _heG_eratoq readand un_tstand theEngine man_acturer'sO#era_, Ma_nter_ca,
_ Pads manaal/_Jse re_dthesafety pr_@s_Ionein this m_a_a_Theseshould _iwa_sbe,lolbwed toreducethe
risk Otpersooa njur/arid dar_ge Ie_u pment
2 8ssu_reisst_lal on meetsallappliance _Jeb/_and locala_ ne_i_a_electricalcodes.HaveiestalIatioo_dar_d
bya qua!tiler _icensedeleo_ridanandbetidingc_easia_
3.Ifthe gene_atorisins_ ledindoors,e_haustfumesm_sl _ pipetJOutoflhebuildingusingeakdree heataesb_ant
piping Pipesandsilencer should notbe madeof any _stainable renderings,nor shouldthey be _sta_ledI_c_ any
_laa_mabl_ma_erias Generatere×haus[_umesmus_be _[_hinle_atiirnit& nc_d ng a_Ioco_codes_ndo_dinanses.
4 _ffl'_e_nera_er s hslalled ould_rs, it musl _ weatherp_gofedandshautdbe sou_@_'_fed.It shouldnO__e em
0uid®Fs withou¢proration to #_eGane_sloFandWiringconduit.
5 Neverilt lheG_serator _s_ogtheengineor a_Iemator_if_is_rugs,Con_}r_ _!lingequipment_ the Rame o_the
Generater__do{e ifting #_eGenerator e_sarethe lotd_;ng aP_sap_r_ng elructareare i_g_:J ®_iI_eo anda_e
ra_ te ilt sash aload.
6 Thesu_'_adlngflOor/groundsudaseshe_d _ love ands_renger_aaghtosafely holdiheweight OfiheGenerator,
t_ihe_lao@roandsadaees r_etIevel,s_rongcressmem_rs _ou_d beplaced anderihe_1 _engthof iheGenerater
Frameatils bw side
7 Fortreat ias_alia_®nthe Geeeralorshould be_unted o_ _hecenterpoietol fhetra[br, ovedhewheels.